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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. As I said..... There are places to buy them on that page^^^ And yes, they are honorad in UT as well.
  2. EDDDDIIIEEEE :dunce: That's funny. :shocked2:
  3. Don...I know it was your opinion and you are entitled to that. There is a way of saying things without name calling like this... No, Mike...it was mostly directed at Don.
  4. How many times have I asked you guys to keep your drama off this site!?? There will be no personal attacks or bashing of companies here on DDR. I am not taking any sides. All you have to say is that you wouldn't recommend the place. This kind of behavior is not tolerated on here and you know that!
  5. I thought it would help people be more prepared nest time they go out in their rail if we started a list of helpfull things to have on a buggy ride just in case you break. ratchet straps: They come in handy if you break a suspenion component. You can usually (on a long travel car), ratchet one wheel all the way up and drive back on three wheels. zip ties: they work great for some small repairs duck tape: you know duck tape works for everything bottled water: I found this out to be handy when you run low in the middle of the dunes Thans Don29Palms tow strap: obvious one here. :dunce: Super Strapp brand tow straps work the best. basic tools: screwdriver, pliers, adj. end wrench, etc. Those soft tool bag seem to work great. I still need to get one of those.
  6. I know, I think of that joke EVERY time corn-on-the-cob comes up in conversation. ok....I'll be bringing corn-all-together. yyyyyyeah
  7. Well if they wouldn't be coming, how would they get it there then? Why do you say this Don? It seems just about everyone who said they were bringing something last potluck showed up with what they said they were. Even if they don't, we ALWAYS have way too much food. I'm not worried about it.
  8. OK, we now have an official Halloween banner I made up. Don, I'll add it to your post in the beginning of this thread. :dunce: I can't wait for some night time fun at comp!
  9. Yeah Anna and woke up to the sound of some crazy shiat...then we figured out that it was hail. That was crazy. I was kinda worried about my trucks out front if it was really bad hail, but then again what was I gonna do if it was? So I just went back to bed.
  10. I'd say it has officially become a tradition. They work out great every time. It seems a bunch of DDR are camping in their normal spots for Halloween, but that doesn't mean they can't cruise over to where we are camping with something to add to the potluck and hang out for some good grubbin and night time fun. Let's do it! Post up what you can bring. I'll bring the corn on the cob and Hawaiian rolls.
  11. until
    What is "Ghost Run" you ask? It's just another name some people use for for Halloween weekend.
  12. Well it helps if you are a huge Mitch Hedburg fan or love watching Fear & Loating in LV . That's all I can add for now.
  13. No prob. What holiday weekend did you go there? Dumont's popular months are October thru April-ish. There usually aren't any people out there in the summer time. BTW, who was it that referred you to the site? Just curious. If you ever have any more questions, feel free to shoot me an e-mail or post it up. No problemo
  14. An all time favorite... "Total control now... tooling along the main drag on a Saturday night in Vegas. Two good old boys in a fire-apple red convertible... stoned, ripped, twisted. Good people."
  15. a good one... "It was time, I felt, for an agonizing reappraisal of the whole scene....You're fired. Awful jackass."
  16. Here's the thread from shortly after we made the south pole..... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...ic=363&st=0
  17. Comp hill hasn't ever moved since I have been there. Everyone started racing up the right side of it instead of up the left side like back in the Day. there is now a hill labeled Banshee Hill. The south pole is behind comp somewhere...ya know...kinda south. j/k You'll have to go search for it and find out for yourself. It's DDR sacred ground. Here's where comp and Banshee Hill are.... picture courtesy of www.duneguide.com
  18. Like he had a choice in the matter. why?
  19. I was just telling you to stop thinking so much. That's all. It really didn't have anything to do with the video.
  20. As I got on the freeway yesterday from the Auto Mall I noticed there was just about no traffic at all. It felt like driving on the freeway at like 3 am. Two people that were in the semi died. Here's the story... Full story with the video from the live report. The only good thing about this is that it happen before rush hour. It could have been way worse.
  21. I remember your story about your Pismo incident . That's why I mentioned it about the soft sand.
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