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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Are you sure your coach will make it close to the second finger without gettin stuck? It gets kinda soft near the finger where we camp on holiday weekends. Otherwise,
  2. I know you were only playin, but if this guy doesn't know you- I thought he might take it the wrong way. Who knows. As the famous saying around camp goes....I'm over it.
  3. Horizon Dr and Horizon Ridge Pkwy The PT's down the street from me, kris. We're meetin up there around 7:30/ 8PM. Get my number from Stacey if you want.
  4. New forum rule: no more than 2 pictures of your Fords in one Month! How many times have you posted that picture now as an attachment?
  5. Yeah that was the only trick I did on that trip. I kept the speeds to a minimum since I thought I was gonna run outta fuel.
  6. Are you working late again, Joe? I doubt I'll be down to keep going at that hour, but we'll see.
  7. I know it did, but I had to rub it in a lil more that she is a$$ hurt about it
  8. You sound as if you might have been the one to cry about it.....
  9. haha, ya like that? I changed the topic title since recently everyone started bitchen at me about it saying VEGAS area and we always meet up in HENDERSON. WAHHHH!!!! Horizon and Horizon Ridge!!!!
  10. Like five grand should do it. Oh wait...did you want a DDR hat too...better make it 8 G's.
  11. ***NEW WEEK**** Damn I had to go back 3 pages to find the TT thread!! It's been a while! Anyone up for some drinks tonight? I was gonna hit up PT's for some grub and drinks. (Yes, change of plans for this evening, guys...no driveway drinking this week-PT's instead for a lil bit)
  12. no sh*t That's what I meant. Didn't you read what happened last weekend with the cake and Steveo's wounded cake eyeball?
  13. yeah, northeast-ish...but still somewhat north end. We had this discussion when we set up the and created the South Pole. "no, north is that way...no it's THAT way "
  14. I'm not sure who picks up the letters (maybe it IS Santa Clause ), but the north pole was put out there because it is kinda the north tip of the dunes. It is at the end of the dunes and makes for a nice destinatation for a dune ride. Many mailboxes on the pole, like ISBB said, have been replaced due to vandalism, but many peeps (including us) go out and keep it up.
  15. Nice vid, triplejadogg I have never heard such a phrase at camp. And a guy that boxes over cake in his eye.
  16. Nah...the DDR sticker will cost you extra!
  17. You guys were invited in. Halloween, you have a spot INSIDE the circle.
  18. I don't remember that. Gotcha though
  19. Like I always tell you....QUIT THINKING SO MUCH!!!
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