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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. yeah..."I got guys." Vinyl guys. "Imma baaaaad boy"
  2. hey, I only planned on cooking up some brats and some corn on the cob. It didn't work. :dunce: I bummed a sh*tload of charcoal off wingnut. It worked almost too good then.
  3. I know the president of this site, he can get ya one.
  4. ohhhhhh, I thought you meant one of those small bags of "light the bag" charcoal with the lighter fluid built in. I had two of those f*ckers over Labor Day at Coral and it didn't last worth a damn. Yeah I guess if you have a large bag, that'll do for a weekend.
  5. Well I guess if the stickers are DDR stickers, they look the other way. I have a big one on my windshield glare strip and a big on one the back window and I pass cops ALL the time...even speeding too. I am usually never messed with.
  6. Looks like they give it a lil bit of a "puffy" look. They look good though. STOCK... Fullbore...
  7. That would be considered the "second" finger dune. At least that's how I have always seen it..the second one you come to when pulling into Dumont. I guess you could look at it the other way around though. That's right about where we camp on the holiday weekends. Our buddies at the McFlurry camp are our neighbors....good people.
  8. Would you like prices for a DDR sponsorship/advertising, Steve?
  9. What do you do for the next night though? I have used a small grill and charcoal before...it lasts for barely one night.
  10. yeah chrome ones! and strrrrrretch it too if possible!
  11. We also like to play charades and pin the tail on the donkey too. Putting stuff in a fire is dangerous!
  12. yep....try 85! I passed more Fords and Dodges this last trip than ever. OK, I didn't hit 85 this last trip, nor do I do it on a regular basis...but it has been known to happen.
  13. I have no idea what you are talking about. We sit around our campfire eating smores and drinking chocolate milk at night. Sometimes we sing hymns on some trips.
  14. I have one on every one of my sand toys. It hasn't been much of an issue since they started charging to get in. I haven't seen them randomly check for them. I am guessing it is only a ticket of you are stopped for something already. I plan on keeping mine current as of the first of the year. I like being legit like that in case I get stopped. Tickets suck.
  15. Have you checked out some of the info I put on this page yet? This page usually answers most questions.... http://dumontduneriders.com/dumont_info.html
  16. Anyone hear about this yet? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061011/ap_on_re_us/plane_nyc_11
  17. I don't ever break the speed limit when towing a trailer.
  18. oh ok, it must have been someone else with a truck like yours then
  19. right, but was it you that pulled over (for something else) just after the switchbacks on the Tecopa road?
  20. YEP, it was gay as hell, but funny! BIG GAY BALLON SOBE BOMB? Like put a SOBE bomb INSIDE it?
  21. Yep, that's the spot. The blower motor went out and we tried replacing the motor but it was the wrong rpm motor. I don't know if the big gay balloon will see the sand again. That thing is a pain in the a$$. Anyone wanna volunteer to take it out and be in charge of it? I'm over it. I have enough crap to bring out as it is.
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