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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Great pics, Mike. I think this trip one one of the best ones yet by far. It was really cool meeting some new faces from DDR, hanging out, and going on some rides with everyone. The potluck was another success like always. Good grub and good times. The movie projector and crowd we had hanging out around the fire Saturday night made for really good time. Not to mention....SOBE bombs, WWF style wrestling, and food fights with the leftovers from the potluck! Watch out for those flying hocky puck/ hamburgers, Rhino King! I can't believe how big the circle got along with the little villages of camps off to the sides as well. I would like to thank everyone who came out and made this trip what it was. I haven't laughed and smiled like I did this last weekend in a while. There is nothing better than a good crowd of good people having a blast together. I hope there are many more to come. Nobody got seriously hurt and nothing got too banged up. I had an accident with some baked beans . Kris and Vegas Jones collided at the top of comp after racing and kris rolled his quad all the way down comp and hurt his ankle a little. Randog's buddy rolled his rail 5 times end over end . We helped a group of kids roll a Rhino back over at the right side of comp. The kid (driver) hurt his leg a little from being pinned under the Rhino, but he was ok. He'll have some explained to do to his dad. Here's my pics I took. (2 pages)
  2. Call nick if you have any problems 702-283-7411 he will be at the gas station at noon!
  3. see ya this afternoon, Mike. Drive safe.
  4. That's too bad, Terry. I don't know if we'll be able to have some beers without you. OK, we'll manage. That sucks you can't make it. I hope you have the car together soon. I'm lookin forward to some buggy runs on Halloween.
  5. We should be able to squeeze you in. If anything, we'll just make the circle bigger. FYI: We like to have a good time at night....music, beers, etc. Just a heads up in case you are one of those "go to bed at 7 o'clock" kinda guys. But yeah...we have room.
  6. Not sure if that will work either, but maybe. We can try it I suppose. Are you camping with us or somewhere else? You never answered me back in that Dumont countdown thread.
  7. I am shooting for sometime around 12/ 1 o'clock.
  8. Good luck, Dan. I hope it works out for you. I'll do whatever I can to help ya out.
  9. Do it dude. Try and make it out for the potluck and a little fun on Sunday as well. I plan on staying as long as I can Sunday afternoon/ early evening. We gotta kick it again It's been a while since we've had a beer!
  10. You know it, Jay. That sucks you can't make it out. You can't even make it out for Sat night on some of Sunday??
  11. oh ok...i see how it is. No thanks to me for offerring mine up....ohhhhhh ookaaaaaay j/k I am pretty far from you anyways, I understand.
  12. I can't wait Nick, do you still need to stop by the shop to use my impact for the sprocket tomorrow AM?
  13. I don't have an HOA...thank God! And the code they warn you with is a Henderson municiple code. Damn Stacey. Sounds like you need to find a different storage facility. That one sounds wayyy too tight. Sorry about your trailer. That really sucks. Good thing for insurance. You can fill your water up at my house if you feel like driving that way. Otherwise, you can check some of the places out that I posted under RV talk. Maybe some of them have a fesh water fullup station. Where did you dump and fill up before? Just hold it together another day or two...the weekend is almost here.
  14. Yeah it's pretty cool. The screen size ends up being about 12 feet wide. We have done it a bunch of times before and it's a lot of fun. Nothing like kicking back in a chair around the fire at Dumont watching some cool sand videos. If we can find someone with an enclosed, we'll show you how it's done.
  15. So we've covered who all's going, what we're all bringing for the potluck BBQ, where we're gonna camp, etc....but what about firewood? Is anyone bringing any firewood? I have little to none. I hope some peeps have some to bring!
  16. Oh God....NO MORE RHINOS!!!!!!!!! If I hear anything else about Rhinos I'm gonna
  17. We are thinking of bringing the projector for movie night this weekend, but we need someone's white enclosed trailer that we can project it on. Does anyone have one that is camping w/ DDR this weekend? We normally use sandduneaddict's, but he is only day-trippin it on Saturday. I have a couple new sand DVD's I picked up at the SSSS and of course the good ol classics...From Dust to Glory, Fear & Loathing in LV, Nitro Circus, etc I have the "projector screen" I can hang from the awning which has worked great in the past, but it was more work than I'd like to mess with. Let me know if anyone will have one out there this weekend!
  18. FYLINRYAN'S backyard! No really. That sounds funny and all, but he has a sewer dump he lets me use. So whenever it's time to get rid of the toyhauler tadpoles...it's "dump sh*t and drink beer time" at Ryan's house.
  19. I've been to that sh*t hole. The creapy old guy in the golf cart (that work there) sits there like 3 feet from you dumping your sh*t and watches you. No thanks. They also lock the dump cover now after hours. So the only way to go there and use the dump is if you get there before like 6PM. That doesn't work for me.
  20. Yeah, but the pics Ross posts are pretty random, so I don't always pay too much attention to them.
  21. No he's camping with the rest of us just before bathroom 6 (between the 1st and 2nd finger) Did you read my post (post #2)?
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