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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts: or maybe some shiney blinking lights or maybe if we all wore DuneBuggy.com hats everyone would know we were their friends :freakin_nuts:
  2. Did I mention I was jealous? Well I'm not..... okay maybe a little. :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts: That sticker matches pretty good, Tony! Sweet sticker! :freakin_nuts:
  3. exactly You can take a sandcar to the desert if you are extremely careful and easy on it, but anyone who has ever sat beind the wheel of a sandcar and slammed gears through the dunes knows that is IN-FRIGGIN-POSSIBLE...no way. :no_no: :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts:
  4. Wow, nice page you have going there. That's awesome! I can appraciate that. It looks like ALOT of work. :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts: Things were pretty hectic for us all weekend, Jon. Too bad we never got to meet up for a beer, but I'm sure there is always next time. :freakin_nuts:
  5. I didn't necessarily mean ideas for this year's booth. I meant next year's booth. We were kinda new to the whole FoDD thing and didn't really know what help was needed. I think the sand in the buckets were a great idea. It attracted many poeple over to the booth. After seeing and experiencing working in the booth, we talked about it afterwards and decided ways to maybe help make it work even better for next year. I'd say keep the buckets of sand. It helped get people to come over with the whole idea of "which is Glamis? which is Dumont?". That was great. I think maybe have more stickers and things such like that to give away that have FoDD on them. Look how fast the DDR stickers went. People love free stuff, especially stickers. You can get small ones made for a cheap enough cost, that would be a great way to get the FoDD organization name known. Another thing that would help, which you added already though, is to have the FoDD banner more noticeable. I understand this wasn't any more possible this year since the booth was shared, but it was definitely hard for some to see from what I have heard. The photos were great. Presentation is everything. Maybe having some pictures blown up or printed as a large poster would help attract people as well. The one thing I noticed was people's eyes and where they were most focused on...the pics and the sand. A signup table making it easier to sign up would probably help too. I know there is a membership app. in the tri-fold flyer, but it seemed kind of a pain for some to quickly and easily sign up. Maybe if a table with chairs was setup with lots of pens was there, it would be more inviting for people to come on in and fill out a membership. Just a thought. These are all ideas from what I noticed at this year's SSSS. As I said earlier, I have never worked a booth before and didn't know what to expect or would be needed. Like you said before, "We have a year to come up with a plan" and I completely agree and am sure together we can help make it better than ever. It's just like the clean-ups at Dumont. Every year it get's bigger and better and more and more people help out and come together. :freakin_nuts:
  6. The road isn't THAT bad. There are a couple small potholes and some "whoops" in the road :freakin_nuts: , but they as long as you aren't towing over 75-80 :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts: then you'll be just fine. I go Tecopa every time and it shaves off quite a bit of time. I tow a big trailer and have no problems. You can even dump in the campground at the Tecopa hotsprings for 5 bucks. The only NASTY grade is Mt Potisi (aka Mt Springs). It isn't that long though, so once you get up over it it's smooth sailing.
  7. I thought we'd start a topic of it's own since there might be some helpful ideas to add for next year and talk about this year's booth at the show. (I didn't want to stray way off topis over in the other thread ) I may have an idea...DDR and FoDD team up next year.... Some of us DDR peeps were already talking about doing a DumontDuneRiders booth for next year for the site. We'd sell DDR shirts, stickers, hats etc at a discounted rate with every new FoDD membership. For example: DDR shirt= $15....OR...$5 with signing up for a FoDD membership which is $24/ year. ($29 total). This helps DDR with exposure for the site which has valuable info for Dumont on it such as Closure threats, etc and helps FoDD too. Maybe if FoDD and DDR teamed up together to chip in on the cost of the booth, we could REALLY represent Dumont next year. Anna and I have many ideas to make the booth better, Vicki. Maybe we can help make it even more successful next year. We'll talk about it more later.
  8. Nope, they are wayyy up in South Jordon, UT! No SSC dealers here either. Josey at SST is a great guy. He put together my car from a SSC rolling chassis. He still makes time for peeps like me to do custom fab work and repairs. I'd buy one of his cars just because that! :shocked2: Larry and Nannette (SSC) have been great to me, but they are pretty far so it makes things hard.
  9. Looks like you had a good time, Gerald! Great pics!
  10. I agree. There didn't seem to be any deals on gear, parts, etc this year. Hell, even the turbo paddle tires for 2 wheelers were 30 bucks. That is an ok price, but I remember last year they were 20 at the same place. Same goes for the gloves I bought. 10 bucks last year....19 bucks this year. Oh well. The only thing I really spent money on this year was a 2" SuperStrapp, a pair of Fox gloves, Dunesafe contribution, buggy raffle, and a few expensive a$$ beers. I usually only go the SSSS every year for a good time. If I see a good deal, I snatch it up. Otherwise, there's always cool stuff to look at every year that I will never be able to afford...so that's always fun. I also like to stop in and say hi to some peeps at the show that I rarely get to see in person too.
  11. Yeah, it's the red car on the current header pic of the forum. There's a few more pics in the gallery here. Some things I like more about my ShortSandCar, but some things I'd do different too. SickSandTravel beefs up parts of the frame and suspension in some areas a little more than SSC. There's always pros and cons to some things though.
  12. It looked like the same setup as his sand cars to me. They are both very nice cars. They would both do great in the desert. It just depends on how much you want to beat it up. They are both very good cars, although I'd have to say the SSC would do better in the desert. I say this not because I own one, but they seem like they are a bit bigger than a Drakart. Unless the car is beefed up like Josey's in the pics, be very carefull. The mini-rails are very light-weight and are pretty much just for the sand. You could wade one up real quick in the desert if you started havin a lil fun if ya know what I mean. :shocked2:
  13. It doesn't have trailing arms. It has rear A-arms.
  14. Did anyone catch Josey's offroad mini-rail from Sick Sand Travel at SSSS? That thing was sweet! I'd love to be able to put down the power of the Busa in a mini such as this one in the desert. He was even representin DDR too.
  15. ^^This is coming from a guy that b*tches about the cost of gas to get to Coral Pink or the Sand Show.
  16. I have never have come across that. Where was this hill? Are you talking about the rock pile that is just off to the right of the main gravel road just as you come to the top of the plateau pulling into the dunes?
  17. Dumont sucks. It's always windy, the dunes are crappy, and it is just downright sh*tty. I wouldn't go there if I were you. Welcome to DDR. And yes, Dumont is windy most of the time, that's why the dunes there are the way they are.
  18. -fat guys shouldn't pretend to play the flute :no_no: -some people think they can charge $629 for a WAGON! -less bling is more attractive to me (BLING...I'm over it ) -Don29Palms REALLY likes Queen blasting as loud as it can go while cruising his Saturn :shocked2: -Hotel towels can be used to wash your truck -fake boobs, flat billers, and DuneBuggy.com hats -2 spicy Italian sausages and 2 cokes= $24!!!!! NOT WORTH IT! -most repeated phone call phrase of the weekend: "Where you at?"
  19. -people slam on their brakes when it gets dusty on the I15 -Steveo thinks he's gonna buy a medium duty, 40ft Sandtek trailer, the "Woody" Monster Manx, a camo SuspensionsUnlimited, +18 SickSandTravel, a way too big WW toyhauler, and god knows what else...BECAUSE HE CAN AFFORD IT! -Loopy had the wounded eyeball this weekend :shocked2: -Zukifreak likes to pulls his a$$ out everywhere -ISBB and Zukifreak are alot of sh*t to squeeze between a bed and a wall. -ISBB and Zukifreak pass out before 10PM on a Saturday
  20. I didn't know that! You shoulda said something, Bobby.
  21. The FoDD was just to the right of CORVA. (Building 12/ same building as Sand Cars Unlimited)
  22. That's crazy, Cole. Where exactly and how did HPD find it?
  23. Wetnwreckless used to work there, but I'm not sure who does now. Ynot knows a guy that works there in service. Maybe shoot him a pm.
  24. Good times! The Show was fun but CROWDED...even more than last year. Other than the over abundancy of: shiney, overpriced Rhinos, ugly DuneBuggy.com hats everywhere, and trendy a$$ flat billers...the show was pretty cool. Another abundancy: big boobs and milfs. :shocked2: Nothin wrong with that though! Here are the pics I took... page one page two page three I thought the show was fun like always, but I noticed alot of repeat cars from last year. There were a few cars that I was really impressed with. This one wasn't practical at all, but I took a liking to this one ... Thanks again for the beer Randog! Workin with the peeps at FoDD and Duners.org on Saturday... duniemonkie and ynot... Thanks again to Vicki (SailAway) and Brian for the good food and good times at the BBQ. It was great hanging out with you guys and gals. Giveaway car...
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