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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. oh yeah, I forgot to add BaBerrrrrrt (sandunesaddict) to the list. Wanna be DD again this year, Bert?
  2. RockyMountain, or if you are going the the Sand Show this weekend, they have killer deals there.
  3. I'll give you a ring sometime Fri night, Jon. :talk030:
  4. Oh yeah, you know it! I just wasn't sure at the time if you heard from him yet. It's always fun partying it up w/ Aaron. You got it, Terry!
  5. Do the same for us. Take some pics at their wedding and wish them our best! Wish we could make it, damn we've missed out on alot lately.
  6. nope, he's self-employed and didn't have any from what I have heard
  7. Does anyone from DDR want to get together sometime over this weekend at the show or after to party with us? So far it's me, duniemonkie, Don29Palms, OriginalPimp, ISBB, and possibly some others. We don't have nearly the group we usually have had at the SSSS, but that doesn't stop us from having fun! We are staying at the Super 8 on Newport Blvd. We usually hit up Patricks Pub (kinda part of the motel) and a place or two on the beach in Huntington or Newport. So, anyone?
  8. I didn't really mean FAT. You'll have to hang out with us to understand the meaning of FAT. We use it all the time. And no, I don't mean P-H-A-T, either. "Fat", it's a way of life, not a physical state. You get it? I'll explain it better when we meet one day.
  9. That's cool , Don. That's really the reason why I started the thread. It makes me happy just thinking of these things too. I figured some days are just flat out sh*tty and stressfull, why not try bring some happiness to DDR for whoever is having that kind of day.
  10. ohhh yeah. I thought we had a similar pic atop the face hill dunes after Bert rolled the rail or no? Ahh either way, good times. I don't want to get too far off topic now. How bout sitting around the campfire listening to the sounds of quads, bikes, rails and generators? Kicking back with good friends (expecially at the dunes) is always a happy thought in my book.
  11. of course! That too. I remember that day. right after sandunesaddict rolled Black Beauty right?
  12. I'd say it's worth what ISBB's advice is worth................2 cents.
  13. Wow, we be a bunch of fat mofos here on DDR! Only 2 hours into this thread since it started and 71 views!!!
  14. Hey Don, I've got a question for you...read your signature!
  15. Hey, I gotta give people sh*t anywhere I can. It's my way of showin the love. I'm not the only one giving people the slap! oh yeah..and Randy..I didn't forget you either...
  16. The dollar amount depends on the shop's labor rate, but the "Alldata" labor guide calls for about 1.5-2.0 hrs labor. Our dealership charges about $95/ hr. I don't know if CA is about the same or any different.
  17. If you don't know, you don't need to know. It's an IN-N-OUT secret. You suck! You don't llike IN-N-OUT!!??? I love it. Speaking of secret menus...how about nacho fries w/ jalepenos from DelTaco. mmmm
  18. ok ok, get over it, we freakin love each other, ok!!?? Is that so hard to deal with, people?? Here are some more of my happy things in life.... -The sound and smell of my old truck every time I fire it up and spin it around the block. Ahh gotta love it! -mom's home cooked meals. mmm -laughing so hard my stomach hurts...like that ---> (this hapens everytime at the dunes- ask Steveo ) -kicking it with good friends at the north pole late at night when nobody is out in the dunes but us -watching duniemonkie torment my cat -wind in my face haulin a$$ through the dunes (ok that one costs a lil money, but it's still awesome)
  19. Hope you can read wiring diagrams...if so here ya go. I'm not supposed to give these out, but so what? click on the images for a bigger picture... wiring diagram... flasher location.... Hope that helps some
  20. I too enjoy a great sunset as well....more specifically: a sunset while on the beach in Cali with duniemonkie while kicking back with ice cream from that one place on Hermosa Beach...well it doesn't get much better than that. PRICELESS.
  21. First check for power at the fuse, next you'll want to check power at the signal switch. More than likely it's a turn signal switch. What model is the car? Does the turn signals light up at all and stay on? How about the 4 way flashers. If you turn them on and figit with the switch and they start to kinda come on, that is a good indication that the switch is bad. That is the most common failure on that year of car.
  22. ^ here's another...DDR potlucks good food, good friends, goooood times
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