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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Paul hit the "browse" button at the bottom of the post screen then click "add this attachment". COME ON!
  2. ahh yes...that is a good one or sitting atop one of the big dunes at Dumont looking over the camp area all by myself with a nice cool breeze in my face. It's so peacefull I can't help but smile whenever I do that.
  3. Wish I could have made it, guys. From the little I heard sounds like you had some good times. Any pics or stories you can share?
  4. I thought I might start this thread for whoever might be having a bad day or just for the simple reason to spread a positive vibe. What are the simple things in life that make you happy? It's usually the things that usually money can't buy that make me the happiest in life. I'll start.... Cruising in my truck with the windows down on a nice day listening to a great song that comes on the radio. B)
  5. It was right where the Detroit Lions logo is now. It was his avatar but he changed it so the pic changed in my post changed as well since it was linked to that. You shoulda been online yesterday to see it. j/k
  6. holy crap! I was a nervous wreck reading that! :mc_smiley:
  7. Beast? That would be me. Wingnut took a pic of me sleeping in the back of my truck over Labor Day weekend. I guess he thinks me sleeping is somehow funny. At least I was in my bed and not around the campfire with firecrackers up my a$$!
  8. ^^ Ohhhh ok. I think it would be alot of fun as long as it didn't turn into a crazy unsafe kinda thing. I bet if we just got everyone from the DDR camp and anyone else from the site to start going out there and just did it, it would start to get big. We have enough peeps on here that go to Dumont that it would be fun even with just with us at first. :mc_smiley: I bet anyone who saw it going on would join right in or at least pull up with their trucks during the afternoon. Let's try and get it started on Halloween maybe.
  9. What kind of drags are you talking about, Joe? Rails, quads, bikes, everything? I haven't been to Glamis, but are you talking about the "drags" you see in all the sand videos where all the crazy shiat is happening? What the heck is it called...Sand Hwy or somethin like that? :mc_smiley:
  10. The guys of V8Rail (Stephan and Thomas) are part of FoDD. :mc_smiley: It sucks insurance is needed for such an event that is intented to raise money for a good cause.
  11. Yeah I somewhat agree. ALL toyhauler are pieces of chit, but I think some are a little more solid than others. My Sandpiper seems a lil more stought than some I have been in. When it comes to the interior of all toyhaulers, they are chinsey as hell. :mc_smiley:
  12. Anna (duniemonkie) and I went to the Everclear concert last night at the Beach at Mandalay Bay. If you ever get a chance to see a show there, DO IT! The water was nice and warm, the palms trees were dancing back and forth in the cool breeze, there were huge fire pits lit around the pool and stage, and the sound was just awesome. The stage is smack dab in the middle of the water too! There were two opening solo guys that were pretty good, but they didn't compare to Everclear. The guys in Everclear put on a great show like always. Anna and I met these two chicks that were next to us durung the show. The one girl and her husband go to Dumont too. We got to chatting with them and found out they work at a powdercoating shop in town. Well as the show neared the end and Everclear came back out for their encore, Art (lead singer) asked the audience if any girls wanted to come up on stage for the last song. Of course Anna was all over it! :mc_smiley: So only in her red/white & blue bikini looking hotter than ever, she said "here hold my stuff" (purse, shoes etc) and ran to the front of the stage with the girl she had met (Chrissie). They both got on stage and were told to go right to the front. They were told they to put their drinks down though. The girls were both dancing around the stage and having a blast. Chrissie's friend (Heather) and I went up to the front get get some pics with my camera phone. It was really cool watching Anna have so much fun. I was just as happy as she was. After the encore, Art (lead singer) shook Anna's hand and said thank you very much, now you can have your beer back. She got to meet the rest of the band and say hi and had a good ol time. The only downfall to the story is, when Anna ran up to the stage she somehow managed to break her toe(s). Two of her toes got either stepped on or smashed, but it didn't stop her from having fun. That's my girl! The quality is kinda crappy, but you can see Anna in the first 2 pics...
  13. I was gonna mention that too since Dumont's square mile area is pretty small and doesn't have too many "named land marks". Either way, it would be fun. Time to start naming some more areas of Dumont! :mc_smiley:
  14. Right on, Dave. Looks like you had a good spot this time. :mc_smiley: You didn't happen to see Jeremy out there did ya?
  15. That sounds good, but think about it. Say we get about 5- 30 gal trash cans together. The first day of night at comp they'd be full of people's trash that would normally be hauled out by those people. I know if there were trash cans over there, people would use them instead of packing their trash out on there own. Then we'd be stuck with bags and bags of trash to have to figure out how to get home. I know I already have a hard enough time getting bags of trash just from camp in the back of my truck along with the bikes,BBQ grill, compressor, etc. If anything, we should just make it a normal thing to go over to comp on the last day of a dune trip and just pickup anything that might be left over. I don't think the trash can just for aluminum cans thing would work either. All the trash would just get thrown in with the cans and vice-versa. :mc_smiley:
  16. Sounds like a great idea and lots of fun, Jim. :mc_smiley:
  17. And does that include the "blue juice" chemical for the tanks as well?
  18. Is that all inclusive? (BEER) :mc_smiley: :shocked2:
  19. Sweet! How conveinant! And your in Henderson too! :eatdrink021: I don't have to keep dumping mine in FLYINRYAN'S sewer drain. :mc_smiley: :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: Just pm me directions and I'll be over with the next load of sh*t I aquire from Dumont. :shocked2:
  20. :eatdrink021: I'm sure I'd be just fine. :shocked2: The question is, what wouldn't I buy? What if radio stations didn't play so many damn commercials? :mc_smiley:
  21. Then I'd probably be fat. What if RICHARDCHEESE said sh*t that made sense? (doo doo brown biotchslappin' :shocked2: :eatdrink021: )
  22. EXACTLY. I don't need to have one to understand that either. Let's get back on topic now. You guys and gals wanna plan a pot luck that Saturday night of Oct 7th for the DDR season kickoff?
  23. I know that, but I figured you were referring to me when you started the phrase with "Oh come on Pete...." Nevermind.
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