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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I have a Sandpiper and love mine. They are very good quality trailers. They might be slightly heavier, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The lighter they are sometimes means cheaper quality construction. Your truck will pull 4,000 pounds about the same as it will pull 5,000 lbs. Just make sure you keep your loaded weight under what your truck is rated for. Usually 1/2 tons are rated to pull between 7,000 and 9,000 lbs. WW makes a nice trailer too, but I have heard quite a few complaints from owners on them. On the other hand I hear they have good customer svc, but these people might not know this unless they had a problem with their trailers to begin with. I'd say they are both pretty comparable trailers, you should be happy with either one. Those prices seem way high for a 18 footer though! Do your homework and shop around before you buy one. You can usually get an almost new toyhauler (used) for THOUSANDS less.
  2. The little quads for kids under 8 can't even make it out of camp (at Coral Pink) so no I haven't seen any in the the dunes.
  3. Gerald, I beleive you. All I was saying was that I always see kids unders 8 riding and they haven't done anything about it.
  4. I've never heard of or seen them crack down on kids under 8 when I've been there. There's always little ones riding around in camps definitely under the age of 8.
  5. They require kids under the age 16 (I think it is) to take a course at the ranger station prior to being able to ride.
  6. yeah but they aren't allowed in the dunes at all. They don't allow you to burn them even if you plan on cleaning up the nails.
  7. Good luck even getting them into the dunes. The rangers stop you if you have pallets or ANY wood with nails. Palets are a HUGE no no. Thay are not allowed. They WILL tcket you too. Bert and I almost got a ticket for a 2x4 with ONE nail in it. They are very anal about that stuff. I don't blame them though.
  8. Is that like a best pair of Dickies?
  9. I myself have never been into NASCAR at all. Maybe if it was way cheaper, I might have taken an interest by now. I just can't see spending a LOT of money to sit around for a few hours to watch some sh*t go around in a circle. If I wanted to do that, I'd just flush the tiolet for a few hours.
  10. I understood throw one once a month but you lost me on the rest. What was that there, son?
  11. haha Can we say, "DEE DEE DEEEEEE!!!" ??? Hey guys.....click here
  12. Who's upset? Dang you read way too far into these posts, Stacey. Did you even see the laughing smilies? I don't know about you, but I don't laugh when I'm upset.
  13. Did you two even read the past few posts?
  14. Well if I suck, then what's YOUR story? We were the pioneers, if you will, of TT about 3 years ago. I have only missed about maybe 5 during those years. How many have you missed out on? Who sucks now? ^^That's alot of hangovers. Like I said, I'm over it. Responsibilities suck.
  15. Well call me what you all want, but I'm trying to get alot of sh*t handled lately is all. It's also alot cheaper staying home and having a few drinks with some friends rather than dealing with crappy service at a bar only to spend a$$ loads of money. You can have it. I'm over it.
  16. WTF does that mean? I don't talk in smiley only language.
  17. I'm done with TT. I have been to busy at work to come stumbling in any more. I don't know about everyone else though.
  18. I don't have a YFZ450, but my Raptor isn't too bad with riding pants on. I found out this past weekend that with shorts on it's hot as hell on the legs though.
  19. Got ya covered Nick. Oh and thanks JJ, but I couldn't wait. This CD kicks asssssssssssssssssssssssss!
  20. Spend the extra cash. Piece of Mind= priceless Do you want to deal with that sh*t again on future dune trips or do you want to get there and back with your truck and trailer connected? Seems like $1000-1500 isn't that much to fork out for a "bullet proof" trans. Do it.
  21. Going to pick mine up on lunch! Any other Audioslave fans on DDR? Audioslave videos---->click me
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