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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. talk to RAGDOLLMX, he might be able to do something for you on a new one at the Yamaha on W Sahara. He gets us a DDR discount
  2. Sounds like this is your best option... unless you can find a used Rhino at a cheaper price.
  3. really!??? That's awesome news. Where's the details?
  4. Oh yeah, you know me! Those are two things I am good at: taking pics and having fun!
  5. ok, I'm in! I plan on leaving Sat AM coming back on Monday. I'm all about roughin it this weekend. Cooler, bike, tent, and mini charcoal grill. Coral Pink, here I come.
  6. These were the people I was referring to... Abbott and Pike. Tacomama (remember her? lol) told me about how Steve (Abbott) was going out there on Thursdays when they started that whole thing got started. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=1171
  7. I didn't know you were trying to find directions. If that link doesn't help, PM me and I can give you some more descriptive directions.
  8. All I know is that some people go out there and beat up their quads on street tires. You don't necessarily have to have street tires, but your knobbie tires will get pretty trashed if you run it hard. You may take some valuable hours off your trans as well. lol
  9. I knew you were in Colorado Jay...and I knew you were talkin to cmyfirepole. Come on, let's all get on the same page here. I was just making a funny.
  10. Maybe they aren't available in advance anymore (other than at the show) since the show is only a couple weeks away. That's my only guess.
  11. Damn, Jay..you're good. You somehow managed to swipe my chair out from under me when you were in Colorado! You are a trained folding chair bandit for sure. That or you have DDR midgets working undercover for you and they are the ones that stole it. I know.... ..... :smoker:
  12. Ross, is one of thse chairs a blue and silver Eddie Bauer one?
  13. So you're the folding camp chair bandit!
  14. drama? Have you MET us, Stacey? Nobody's panties are in a twist...calm down.
  15. oh... oops, the quote button must have got clicked on accident in the other thread before I posted here.
  16. Just go to ASA's website. That is where the details are.
  17. I don't think so. You'd have to contact the guy, Sean, that puts the race on.
  18. Dave, I meant getting to camp is a tight squeeze with a trailer. Wish I could make it.
  19. der, read the banner But yes, there will be. I am not too sure exactly what the specific differences within the classes will be though other than bore size. I am still waiting to hear from Sean as to the specific classes and if he wants them on the banner also. He doesn't reply very often so i just posted up what I already had made to announce BW4.
  20. Thanks Craig. I have been trying to learn some programs and force myself to get creative since I don't want to pay others for my ideas.
  21. yep Thanks, Rob. The guy, Sean, that puts together Banshee Wars asked me to make a banner up for him after he saw the Dumont Nioght Drags banner I made.
  22. no biggie, I just wasn't sure if you wanted it moved or not
  23. was this meant for the classifieds section? or no?
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