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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. This has been discussed before in "Other Dunes & Riding Spots". In my opinion the meadow IS the prime spot. It will be extremely crowded this weekend. Labor Day and Memorial Day are the most crowded weekends. If you plan on going, get there BEFORE friday night. Otherwise, it is a tight squeeze getting in.
  2. Oh my God! I was just asking if someone picked it up at the drags. My a$$ isn't red nor do I give that much of a damn if I actually get it back. You guys sounded like you thought I misplaced it at Coral for some reason. I was just stating when I lost it so I could possibly get it back. If not- I'm over it.
  3. dunefreak


    Well when I first met Nick, that was one of the first questions I ever asked him. I was like "ok, wtf does ISBB mean?" He said "I shot big bird". I was like "okay, you're wierd as f*ck just like us, let's have a beer!"
  4. dunefreak


    That's fuggin right. another possible meaning of "ISBB": I sweat big buckets
  5. Guys let me spell it out for you: I LOST IT AT THE NIGHT DRAGS which was AFTER Coral. Yes funny...ha ha..we burned alot of trash at Coral, but that has nothing to do with my chair that is MIA.
  6. Neither do I. I just wanted to let people know about this fakester.
  7. I don't see too much of a problem with the skull graphics. And no... pictures that depic nudity or indecency are not allowed, Terry. If the graphics are seen as offensive to anybody, we can take them off.
  8. NOTE: this is NOT a DumontDuneRiders produced event. This is the same weekend as the DDR season kickoff at Dumont (Oct 6th-8th). It should be a good time! I would like to remind anyone participating or watching BW4 to PLEASE pick up any trash and keep the place clean. There was an issue with Four Stroke Wars at Glamis recently that caused some problems because of alot of trash left behind. :fart: That's not a good way to keep the dunes open. Pack it in, pack even more out! Anyone running in BW4?
  9. I didn't lose it at Coral, but feel free to knock yourself out and look for it up there, Craig! :fart:
  10. I agree, but you have to spend money on SOME nice things. In this case, I had a Target gift card I got from work and bought it with that instead of my hard earned money. :fart:
  11. I know superdave does. I think he plays in Pahrump somewhere.
  12. I thought that might be the guy. If that's him, he's been doing it for more like over 8 years now! When I used to work on the west side (W Tropicana and Jones) I saw him at the Tropicana exit at I15 in the mornings. The last time I saw him he had NO legs though. You sure its him? :fart:
  13. Hey Joe, why don't you tell him how you feel? :fart: We might make a last minute trip sometime this weekend. Not sure when or for how long, but it might happen. What day(s) are you going?
  14. I heard today on the radio that there is a guy in a wheelchair with one leg and a dog that sits on the corner of the Flamingo/ I15 off ramp. A guy he knows called in to the station and described how he knew the guy. The "homeless" guy has a condo he pays $1300/ month for and drives a brand new Cadillac. He collects $300-400 PER DAY just by pan-handling. He gambles on the weekends and stands on the street corners during the week. If you do the math he makes anywhere from $79,200- 105,000 a year! CASH/ TAKE HOME! :fart: Many others started calling into the station conferming the guy's true self. A tow truck driver stated that he saw the guy getting out of his brand new red Cadi on his crutches, grabbing the wheelchair out of the back and his dog and get into another vehicle that brought him to the street corner to stand and collect cash all day long. People like this make me sick. Not because I'm jealous in any way, but that some people sometimes put more effort into ripping people off or making money off others than it takes to get a real job. So beware, don't give this guy any money because you feel sorry for this "homeless" person.
  15. yeah and those are pieces of sh*t..that's why I splurged on a nice one...and now it's gone :fart:
  16. Hey I gave you the link to purchase tickets. The winner doesn't need not be present to win the car.
  17. If you can't make it over a razor now on a quad, you DEFINITELY won't make it over in a rail. It's takes more balls to go over a sharp razor in a car then a quad. If you don't know where to but tickets, how are you gonna win it? :fart: You get the tickets at the show, or you can go to asasand.com and see how to get tickets before hand.
  18. I wouldn't want my engine to fall out though! I'll stick with my SSC and maybe be a turbo on my it. Tatum's are badass and all, BUT....
  19. My trailer's not wide enough. Don't worry about it because I'll just rent a car hauler/ trailer for when I tow it to my house after I win it.
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