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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. That's bada$$, Kenny. Hope I can make it there someday.
  2. So I'm trying to decide what to do with this Tatum when I win it at the Sand Show. Hmmm, maybe I'll sell it to pay for the taxes on it, pay some debt off and then pay for a giant DDR party at Dumont. But I think I'd have to go out and have some fun in it first. Who else is entering to win my car? What would you do if you won it?
  3. I hear a while back from Ken (KensColors) that sand dunes actually make noise. I found an article by National Geographic about it. It's kinda interesting so thought I'd share it. The friction between the difference in the grains of sand causes a low frequency boom noise. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...sand_dunes.html "Age-Old Mystery Records of the sound are centuries old. Hunt has a book, Tales of Travel, published in 1923, which mentions that explorer Marco Polo knew about it. The tribes of the Sahara in Africa are said to have thought God was speaking to them through the sand. "
  4. My SnapOn tool guy told me that Raptoroy told him Dan is walking around but with a walker. He is recovering "ok". He has some numbness in one of his legs. I don't know for sure about any other details... this is all info that has been passed down to me. My friend Brice (sandseeker) knows Dan pretty well and he told me all Dan's friends are helping out anyway they can at the shop and they all plan to hold a benefit of some kind for him in the near future.
  5. That older guy's name is Don. Don and his wife, Ellen, stay at Dumont from October through April-ish. They are a retired couple that take care of Dumont by picking up trash, cleaning the bathrooms, helping with emergency situations, etc. They are real nice people.
  6. Man that REALLY sucks, Vic. Sorry to hear that. f*ckin thieves...I can't stand them. I hope you get some leads and retreive your bike back soon.
  7. Yup, Windows Movie Maker. It's extremely easy to use and has some cool features to throw clips together and add music and subtitiles, etc. A far as stepping it up after Movie Maker, I'd have to ask thumper (my buddy Steve) what program he uses. The movies he makes are badass.
  8. Sometime during the night drags I lost my blue, Eddie Bauer folding camp chair. I just cleaned out my garage this afternoon and noticed it was missing. I wouldn't give a damn other than it was the only chair I had with no SOBE bomb holes in it yet and it was like 35 bucks. Did anyone end up with it from the night of the drags on the 12th of Aug? Also: I ended up with a silver folding chair from that trip. Is anyone missing that one?
  9. The ITP sand stars are good paddles. I haven't had any personal experience with them, but I have heard good things about them. I run Skat Trak Xtreme Haulers and love em. It is mostly personal prefrence, but those paddles (SandStars) are pretty decent from what I've heard.
  10. ^^ effen Jay Hey ash, what are you going to China for if you don't mind me asking? Business? That will be cool to see some pics when you get em. Definitely post em up. No upclose cameltoes this time though!
  11. But cdavego told me about the adapter. It's out there somewhere.
  12. ....... I am guessing this is what I need? Think I need a Sirius tuner as well with this thing? Anyone? http://www.soundgate.com/index.php?request...referrer=1&
  13. I would but there is already the factory radio and satellite antenea in the truck that I would like to utilize for a cleaner look. Besides I've found the fm modulator way isn't as good of quality sound as a hard wire antenea. Oh and thanks Jackie, I'll look into that site.
  14. Which is exactly why I want it in my truck! I have XM in the truck and Sirius on my Dish at home. I think Sirius is way better!
  15. I have XM in my Silverado and was told (by cdavego) that there is an adapter so you can hook up Sirius satellite radio instead of XM with the factory radio. Anyone know of such an adapter? I can't find anything on it. Sirius Satellite
  16. Probably around the same time next year unless we all get a wild hair and decide to do a mid-season one sometime.
  17. Too much going on, Craig and broke as a joke. Sorry, I can't make it. Have fun and be safe.
  18. Hey, if we DO do anything tonight to celebrate stuff and party, we all need to buy Nick ALOT of drinks. We owe him for all the help with the numerous hours he's spend working on keeping DDR bug-free lately. He got yelled at the other day at work by his boss for working on DDR when he was asked to do something. For the one thousand, seven hundred and fifty-fifth time, thanks dude. You da man. I can't thank you enough for your help.
  19. I have a wounded wallet, but I think that would be fun if they have time tonight!
  20. Have a good safe trip ash!
  21. Duning year-round is great, but during the summer months you just don't get the great camp atmosphere of hanging w/ everyone.
  22. I should be able to make it, Don. Like I said before I have to work that Saturday, but if anything I'll try and get it off or at least come out Sat afternoon and leave from work. That would be a good weekend to meet up and make sure things are in order for the season. Let's do it!
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