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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. That sucks dude. I wish there weren't people like that out there.
  2. Hell...why not even earlier? :headbang: Like 3 PM? We'll have the place all to ourselves!
  3. I understood the "ok" part, but....... what's with all the smileys? They don't make any sense...just like you Kenny!
  4. Well as some of you may or may not know, dunesister is my sis and Justken is my brother in law. I haven't seen them in a couple years. They are coming to town to visit from Oregon this Friday for a week. I was thinking we could get as many DDR peeps together and I can introduce you all to them and have a little DDR get-together. Maybe Saturday at Hot-Rod Grill/ upstairs where the bar, pool tables, couches and stuff are? Any suggestions from everyone? Please let me know who all from the Vegas/ Henderson area is interested. I'd like to show em a good time. I'll post the exact time and place as soon as we figure that out for sure.
  5. I looked this up under a search because we've talked about this before. Maybe these topics will help. I myself have Verizon and get pretty good reception, depending on the area at Dumont and I have a POS Samsung flip phone. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...c=1202&hl=phone http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...owtopic=766&hl= http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...owtopic=445&hl=
  6. Just stare directly at the black cross in the middle. trippy
  7. Good times last night, Nick, Bert and Ashley. The beer was delish and the laughs were fun. Especially when Bert imitated this kid....
  8. I know things will work out eventually, but if we can help the poor guy out I'd like to help. We are all in much better situations that he is right now and I'm sure he would appreciate anything we did for him. Every little bit helps. (And btw, in my case I DID have armz, but that was only one of many times I was hurt. I don't have him anymore though- he went from apprentice to tech on his own already.)
  9. I think we can drag some lights out along with the tree sometime during the dune season to do some night racing, but I thought it would be an annual event as far as a "big" production like this last weekend's. Doesn't matter much to me though, I'm always down to go have some fun in the sand...as long as I can afford to. Oh and Ken...I didn't ever mention any thanks to specific names because so many peeps helped out, but thanks for also helping, especially with the extra generator for the band. Hey Roy. I hope everything works out ok for Dan and he recovers quickly. I myself have never met the guy. I tried helping any way I could shortly after his crash. I was working the light and ran over as soon as he looped the bike out. That is as much as I have ever met him. Either way, whether he be a best friend or some guy out at the dunes, he is a friend of mine if he is a fellow rider out there having fun. I hope I can somehow help him out. If we have to set up a "donation from DDR" account or whatever, say it and I can try and make it happen. I know how hard it is to rely on physical mobility and health for a living. I have been injured in the past (not even as bad as Dan) and thought my job was in jeopardy at the time, but somehow managed to deal with it. I couldn't imagine dealing with such a bad injury like Dan's and worrying about work too. Please set up a thread maybe or give us suggestions as to what all of us at DDR can do for him. I wasn't sure when you mentioned earlier about his shop and what they do if you just meant come support his shop or what. Some of us may not need any work done or parts, but still would like to help. Let us know how exactly we can help the guy out.
  10. yeah...stretch it. That makes it a race quad.
  11. Well the way I ran them was this: As soon as everyone lined up, I gave em a yellow for ready , waited just a second or so, then a green for go. I'll have to get a timer wired up so the intervals in time are exactly the same everytime. Trust me that was a very LAST minute wire job, but way better than having a tree with just all 3 lights on when you plug it in. That's how it was when Kens Colors said hey check out what I've got. I'd also like to wire up a long wire for the switch so the operator doesn't have to sit up on the hill. Maybe in the near future for big weekend trips we can to that for comp at night.
  12. You know I'll be there celebrating with ya, bro!
  13. why doesn't live music and hill shooting go together? Seems to me like it added even more fun to the whole event for the spectators.
  14. Thanks you guys very much. We raised the whole $130 almost exactly (give or take a few bucks in Paypal fees) for Chuck. I will wire him the cash. I really appreciate everyone chipping in. Everyone's efforts here at DDR help make fun things like the Night Drags happen.
  15. I'd like to get you the full 130 though Chuck. I really appreciate you stepping up and volunteering to get the lights. You dragged them out there and had to deal with giving them the "story" about the broken jack too. You did more than enough already. There's no reason all the peeps that were kicking back enjoying the fun can't raise another 20 bucks. If they don't I'll add it in, bud.
  16. I only said that earlier to be funny. I wasn't trying to get any recognition, but thanks Aaron. It's still good to hear when you work your a$$ off at something. I had alot of fun. It was a great time and was nice gettin together with the DDR "family". We couldn't have done it without the cool peeps that helped chip in from DDR and also the guys from Planet Sand & YFZTech with some sweet bikes that raced the hill. Chris (aka Armz) and his band did a great job too setting up and putting on a great show for everyone. It took a bunch of work to get all that sh*t out there and sound good. Hopefully everyone enjoyed it. They usually play shows at clubs and bars and get paid and get free bars tabs. For DDR, they did it for free. They are some nice guys.
  17. We are almost there, guys. A couple more donations and we'll have enough to cover the cost. We are curerently at about $100. Thanks to all that have contributed so far! Once we get just a little more to send Chuck's way, I'll take the link down. :DDR_rocks!:
  18. :DDR_rocks!: Aww come on! I don't know who the fastest one on the hill was, but I bet I RAN (with my legs/not bike ) the fastest all over the friggin place gettin sh*t setup.
  19. Do we need to set up another sh*t talk thread? :DDR_rocks!:
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