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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Really? I didn't know that. That sucks, Jim. I know how you must feel. I had to put Dusty down after 17 long years together. She was a great dog.
  2. I too will be leaving about that time as well, just won't be able to leave from your shop (too far outta the way). We can maybe meet up at the Shell station on Blue Diamond if timing permits. Hell, if the weather stays decent like it has been recently, I'm leaving as early as I can after work on Saturday (eraly afternoon).
  3. Like my Tahoe that one time you were screaming like a lil girl, Aaron!???
  4. holy shiat!! ALL OTHER PICS HERE Dude I can't believe how badass that thing is! Lookin really good, Ryan. You know you need to call me as soon as that thing gets in town on the trailer right?
  5. No it was duniemonkie, BUT... I did however also laugh my a$$ off while she was doing it and kinda helped out because it was just too damn funny!
  6. Don't have a dog, but I've got a ka ka ka kitt-ty. :headbang: Her name if "f*ckin kiiiii- ttay"! Sorry no pics, they are at home. :shoot:
  7. Now that's funny! :shoot: Sucks we can't make it, Dawn and Ross. When we got the invitation we were like nooooooooo, not that weekend! :headbang:
  8. If you can get to Banshee Hill, you can get to Comp Hill with no problem. I do think they can get to Banshee Hill with a 2WD though. Like you said, air down. An added piece of advice- don't lift! :headbang: And don't venture away from the whoops. The whoops are your friend in a 2WD- they are hard packed unlike the sand surrounding them.
  9. I didn't mean just you. And there you go again with the "sorry" thing. wtf? :headbang:
  10. Effen Randy! :headbang:
  11. One more thing that would be nice is a decent size stereo we could crank up to add some :headbang: . Anyone have a set of speakers, receiver, and maybe cd player or XM/Sirius setup they could bring out? I have too much sh*t I'm bringing out and don't have the time or energy to worry about that too. Anyone wanna step up and handle it?
  12. damn .bmp format :headbang: here's a lil clearer pic, Ed That kit looks sweet. Where did you find that? (link?)
  13. Then you would not be confused with vending machine HH buttons. :headbang: What if we had no sand?
  14. You guys are just as bad as 1bad4fiddyinlv with the stupid truck sh*t talk. :headbang:
  15. Dude, we've got you covered. No prob. We'll have plenty of big 4WD's out there.
  16. Then we would REALLY see some a$$ crack! What if every member on DDR posted? :headbang:
  17. sounds like a spammer, but not I'm positive. Don't wanna delete his a$$ quite yet until I know for sure. :headbang:
  18. Not really, Dave. There are alot of people coming out for this.
  19. Dumont Night Drags Come join the fun with everyone at Dumont when we light the hill up and have some fun!
  20. Alright! WOO HOO! Somebody else is on the same page as me and Steveo! Thanks, GWH. BTW, he didn't steal it. We say alot of stupid funny sh*t from that guy to keap his sole alive. RIP Mitch! He was a great comedian! Anyways, back on topic and all... If we were as smart as we thought we were when we were 18, we'd all be some pretty smart stupid a$$es. What if wingnut always wore capri pants. :gayboy:
  21. All that and it's still a 1/4 ton. Why not step up to a fullsize then?
  22. Thanks, that will help. We should have acouple generators that we can plug them into. We (people that are helping setup) should be getting there about 6/7 ish and will start cleaning up the hill and setting up around that time. Any help is much appreciated.
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