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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Perhaps.... that would be somethin else! What if everyone always used the word "PERHAPS" in every sentence?
  2. Sam, we should have plenty of those kinds of lights, glow sticks, blinking sh*t, etc. We're bringing out everything from our group that we all have.
  3. If that happened there would be ice water served in hell. What if Steveo's Ford didn't overheat?
  4. If you won the lottery, hopefully you'd buy a new generator that wasn't so damn loud! What if sincity blondie asked a "what if" question that was actually a little different than the rest?
  5. If you don't have to pay anything to get one, how are they getting any tax money from you then? Or is it just a way to collect/ regulate the tax dollars on the new bke sales?
  6. If money wasn't the object to obtaining nice things, I'd own alot more sh*t. What if weekends were 5 days, and weekdays were 2??
  7. Well, crd450 may be also bringing one out. He is still waiting to hear from Sam (1BADFYZ) who is bringing a setup as well. Also, if trickyls2racer goes, he told me he has 3 setups of his own of which he may bring. If all else fails, I'll try to get a setup lined up so we have plenty of light.
  8. If that's the case, then what's the point of the sticker in the first place? hmm I'm lost on this subject.
  9. I'd live life to the fullest whether there were 22 days left or not. (see my signature, ) What if you could make everyday go the way you wanted it to?
  10. TALK ABOUT A USELESS TRUCK! and still run a 4.3L?.....no thanks I don't care how much gear you run, that will still be a friggin dog.
  11. I see you took my advice when you asked me earlier today about those. I think wingnut or sincityblondie might have em. I know I don't.
  12. you are supposed to answer the what if question in the previous thread I guess, but whatever. If you came riding through camp with your baby elephant hanging, you'll probabaly get smacked or
  13. actually he used "there" correctly Ken!
  14. Way to NOT keep this dumb a$$ game going right, Kenny! My Chevy isn't broke down- your FORD is remember? How long before you have to trade that new one in when it breaks! Anyways, to try and save this lame a$$ game, here it goes.... If we had wings instead of arms, Kenny wouldn't need to keep trading in Fords to get around. He would just fly around like the fairy he is! What if Rhinos were cool and not crazy expensive?
  15. No actually I won't be any better off though. I HAD 4 lights: 2 Trail techs and 2 sand blasted stockers. Now I took off all those broken a$$ lights from the tumble the Raptor took at Coral and I'll be adding just 2 Trail tech Torch frame-mount 50watters. They should do the job just fine though. that's fuggin right! How come, Don? Rail is broken? Are you taken out the Banshee?
  16. Looks like fun. Just be carefull, especially in this town.
  17. I hear ya. I listened to that online radio last night for a while after you told me about it. Some good, some bad. Lots of decent new stuff, AND some good old stuff like The Doors & Hendrix that I was suprised to hear. At least there's no assrock on that channel.
  18. cheer up, dude! We were just commenting on XM & Sirius- a similar topic.
  19. I have XM (it's OK), but I have Sirius on my Dish at home and I think it's way better than XM. :mischevious:
  20. Then we would be sky diving going UP instead of down. What if all the rock in the world was sand and all the sand in the world was rock? :mischevious:
  21. Flares would look cool and work well, but they wouldn't last very long. :mischevious:
  22. no, I haven't taken anything you've said that serious. It's just annoying- that's all. :mischevious:
  23. You're gettin on my nerves, kid. You say one thing, then contradict yourself in another sentence. uggh This "old" body doesn't have the energy to even listen to you anymore. :mischevious: I'm over it.
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