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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I myself prefer comp, but then again I'm not gonna be doing any serious dragging against anyone with my Craptor. Either works for me. I say we leave it up to the majority of the peeps that will be racing.
  2. Question: will this be at comp hill or at Banshee Hill?
  3. OK who all is going this Saturday morning? I am wondering who all is cruising with me and who else in Vegas is gonna meet up at the gas station in teh morning. So far in my truck it's ISBB and who else? JoeDuner, SandYFZ??? Let me know. Tickets for the round-trip to Dumont in the DMAX BUS are $20. No seriously though, I'm not paying for gas by myself if I've got 2 or 3 others cruising too. Everyone can chip in. Here is the meet-up time and place for Sat AM for anyone leaving Vegas or Henderson. PLACE: Shell gas station on Rainbow & BlueDiamond (160) TIME: 4:00 AM
  4. hell yeah mofo! That sucks you can't make it on the 12th, 80grit. I really think we should keep it to the full moon weekends though. Hell, who says we can't do both weekends (12th AND the 19th).
  5. I was kinda thinking the same thing. Mostly because permits, large gatherings of people being a no no, etc. Liability is the biggest reason why I was thinking of maybe not putting it up there too.
  6. Full mon date: Aug 9th, Sept 7th, and Oct 7th (which is already Banshee Wars weekend) I think we should shoot for the Aug 12th date & then on Sept 9th. (Both are Saturdays) The Aug 12th date could be a kinda test run and see how everything goes so then the second one will be all dialed in and we'll know what else to do the second time around to make it even better.
  7. Nope. As much as you wish I did, nope. It's called a mailing list you subscribe to with each band and to check up on bands' website yourlocalscene.com etc. This is how I know when they are coming and when albums come out. Here is the e-mail I recieved from Transplants.....
  8. Good idea. The next full moon is Aug 9th on my calendar. The weekend after (the night of the 12th) might be a good date.
  9. yes as a matter of fact I am comfortable going there from a link I click in an e-mail. and I know you're just messing with me as I am just also messing with you too, effer. It's all good.
  10. That's what my thoughts were. Let's just go have some nighttime fun at Dumont!
  11. I did...and it IS. Unfortunately, most bands use myspace for their band webpage. It is the only damn place they posted the songs from the album. Why are you offended, "mr.myspace"? I'm not the one with a myspace page.
  12. We need an official date before I post it up. After we nail that down and get all the needed stuff together like lights, I'll make a web banner and post it up. A bin? What do you mean by that? If you mean dumpster? If so...I don't think that is a good idea. Maybe a flat bed trailer or someone's truck to help haul bags away, but I really don't think there will be that much trash.
  13. Holy crap do they tow that with a regular truck? I wouldn't want to tow it with much less than a medium duty. 11,000 dry and a GVWR of 24,000!! But as for the trailer, that thing is way nice. Santek builts very nice custom units. I wonder what they are trying to get for it.
  14. That would be really cool, Ed. As for the trash, I think everone would help keep it clean. Doesn't seem like it would be that big of a deal. Hell even if all the peeps from DDR that go help clean up, that's a lot of help right there. I don't ever see that much trash getting tossed on the ground by people at Dumont anyways though. Like crd450 said, you can't let the litterbugs prevent a fun event from happening.
  15. Hell yeah. I just got an e-mail form The Transplants. They just put out a new album! They are one of my favorite bands. For those that don't know who they are, Tim Armstrong from Rancid, the drummer from Blink182, and many other talented people make up the Transplants. Check out the few songs they have posted up so far on the myyyyyyspace link that was in my e-mail.... http://www.myspace.com/thelordz I don't really like the last 2 songs on that player- they sound nothing like their other stuff, but I'll still have to check out the rest of the album.
  16. save target as didn't work for me....?.....hmmm
  17. sorry the site on the link kinda sucks in my opinion. He didn't even put his number on the site anywhere! Here is his number directly at the shop. Tell him DDR sent you and he will hook you up. Matt @ S&M...702-565-4193
  18. They are all over the Sand Sports Super Show if you can wait till September. Otherwise call Matt @ S&M Motorsports. He is on the Supporting Vendor list. He can find you one or might even have one.
  19. What kind of lights do you have? Are they enough to light up the hill? The only thing about renting some is the liability factor. Bringing them out to the desert and chancing them getting damaged is not something I myself would want to worry about. Those things are expensive! Maybe they have like a $20 insurance policy or something.
  20. I think it would be pretty sweet! I'd help make it happen anyway I could. If someone has a hook-up on getting lights, me and a few others could probably drag em out there. I could also post it up on the home page, etc to help get the word out and make it a good turnout.
  21. That's exactly what you said about the sh*thole Emergency Room Lounge on Decatur and look how nasty that place was! I'll stick with PT's or HR Grill. and Nick....I know the area is cleaning up a bit out that way. I've been there a few times recently, but I'll still pass.
  22. Yeah I read that one too. I didn't know your car was pictured in there. Josey will probably be even more busy now!
  23. Dude, that's messed up. Sandcardude...whatup w/ dat?
  24. Did you say Trop & Boulder????????? :no_no:
  25. Just got my new Sand Sports Mag and saw the write-up on Yoshi (SinisterSandSports) in it. Congrats, dude.
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