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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I'll mark my calendar, Jackie. Hopefully I can make it.
  2. That's exactly why I don't remember!
  3. Didn't you see the map? Or are you just kidding?
  4. Oh hellll no. There was still Sunset Station, Timbers, Adobe Gilas (in sunset), Hooters (in Sunset), PT's on Silverado, etc. The new places just made things much more convenient. Oh yeah, and there was a bunch of garage drinking that went down at budsponge's old place in Whitney Ranch. Oh boy...those were the good ol days. You never did met "Daniel." He was a different person all together. Daniel: it was the name we gave Doug went he drank ALOT of Jack Daniels. "Daniel" came out. You may have caught a glipse of him at times drinking late night w/ Doug since you've met him.
  5. I'd like to make an appearnace & hang out out with you guys. I just have a bunch of plans up in the air for the weekend so I can't say I'l be there for just yet. I hope I can make it. Sounds like good times!
  6. nope, not in 99. It wasn't built until just a couple years ago.
  7. Yeah I remember that like it was yesterday. Damn, those were some rough times before PT's was built.
  8. YEP! Damn, you went outta your way to take that pic didn't you Gerald? :freakin_nuts: Did you get crazymexeddie to fly you overhead in a helicopter? :freakin_nuts:
  9. I called you a foo, not a fool! Now that's just rude on your part! :freakin_nuts: And Gerald, at Horizon & Horizon there's no "...tucky" about it.
  10. Dude you edited that post like 3 times! Make up your mind again!! lol
  11. Yeah but earlier you said PT's on Horizon. Now you say Eastern. Make up yo mind foo! :freakin_nuts:
  12. Good luck finding 3 Special edition YZ's at one dealer! I'm getting mine FIRST! Yeah right, I wish. We'll see though. :freakin_nuts:
  13. Well since me- being the damn ring leader- can't make it till later, you guys better all decide on a friggin place soon. I have heard everything from Hod Rod Grill, to PT's on Horizon, to PT's on Eastern. COME ON! Get yer shiat together people! It's like you can't function on your own w/o the prez to lead you sometimes. :freakin_nuts: j/k :freakin_nuts:
  14. I said I might make it, just not till later.
  15. Well I just found I might not make TT till later if at all. I have somewhere I have to be tonight. :freakin_nuts: I'll call you all after it's over and hopefully can swing by wherever everyone is.
  16. :freakin_nuts: I like my farm machine. (Raptor)
  17. I think they are putting new frames on the ones that are recalled. Pauly looked into this because he found out about the recall right after he bought his. He was like WTF!!?? They are suppose to put a stop-sell on the bikes that are recalled that haven't sold yet. Fortunatley, like I said, his isn't in the recall. fffffew
  18. Yeah I've heard of that. There were a bunch from the first production bikes involved in that recall. PaulyPaul just bought his a couple weeks ago and his isn't in the recall so all the 450's built from now on should be fine.
  19. Usually only like 8, but around the 4th they stay open till usually like midnight I believe.
  20. I found it humorous! :headbang:
  21. Oh hell no! We did that for my buddy a few years ago for a bachler party. Okay not 400 lbs, but a black chick that was skinny, rather, and pretty buckled up. We'll see what tomorrow brings though. Keep in touch, my nizzle. :fro:
  22. I meant 450 2 WHEELEER, Paul. I've said the same thing, but you know you'd have a new Honda 450 2 wheeler in a heartbeat if you could. :headbang: Gotta have MORE POWER. :headbang: And you say you're "as fast as any 450 thru the dunes"? What if YOU were on a 450? That ol guy in Tony's group on the Honda 450 was barely hanging with us and we were on old 250 pingers! I think it would be sick on 450 with even more under the seat. Who knows. I'll still probably be riding my ol YZ250 five years from now.
  23. Second thought, PaulyPaul just bought a new zuki450 and he loves it. He rides fast like the rest of us in our group and the last trip out to D he seemed to have NO problem with it at all. It's almost a size of it's own between the other 450's and the Raptor. The longer suspension helps a bunch in the ruff. He did mention you shift it alot, kinda like a 2 stroke. This is probably because it's geared for track. I bet if you changed out the sprocket(s), it would be great for the dunes. I guess you'd just have to ride the two and see for yourself, Jon. It's all personal preference.
  24. oh nothing..just stating a point about the quad exactly my point. The bigger quads are a lil more plush over the bumps. I'm sticking with a Raptor as far as quads go...unless they start makin em bigger. The Raptor is just more stable as fast speeds for me.
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