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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Thank ISBB for that! :headbang: :shocked2: j/k Nick
  2. Here's the video of the red car that rolled. :shocked2:
  3. Here it is. The quality is a lil crappy, but I had to reduce the file size for broadband. :shocked2: Joe Fab's nitrous fire
  4. Sweet! Yeah...one of these days I'll have one. Gotta love power! :shocked2:
  5. I got video of that. :shocked2: Just give me a few to get it up.
  6. yeah, and don't forget the XM and whip with all those pretty lights!
  7. I know you were. :shocked2: geeeeeeeeeeez :headbang:
  8. Yep it was a sight to see! Kinda scary too. :shocked2:
  9. Hey what's wrong with that!? You don't want to help me out? It's not like you have to go out of your way or anything. Just pick up the stickers next time you roll out to Dumont and I'll grab them from you when I see you out there. Fine then, :headbang: :shocked2: , I'll ask your dad to help me out then!
  10. no way! Cool. Next order of DDR stickers, I'll have you be the DDR sticker delivery boy and bring them out to Dumont or something whenever I see you next. Jesse lives pretty damn far from me. :shocked2:
  11. I had tons of fun at the challenge. Despite the track being a bit short, I thought it was still fun to watch those high dollar cars getting used. :headbang: I'm used to seeing those kinds of cars, but at the bottom of comp hill or in a magazine or show. It was nice to see how well they performed on the track. Hanging out with friends and meeting new ones was cool too. We were able to meet Aaron (TrickyLS2racer) and Tim (limodriver) finally in person. Thanks for the beers, guys! It was cool (literally) hanging out in your air conditioned stacker trailer. :shocked2: I also got the chance to chat with Brian from KingSandCars for a while as well. I found out he is KingSandCars (the screen name) here on DDR. It's a small world in the sport of sand. He knew a ton of people I knew and vice-versa. Great chatting w/ ya Brian. I got a ton of video this weekend. I'll get some editted together and post up a video clip this week. ISBB got most of the rail that cartwheeled too. :headbang: He dipped the camera down just a lil bit half way through the roll and was like "oh sh*t!!! ........oh wait that's right- I'm filming this!" He got it for the most part though.
  12. haha, that was funny shiat Here are the pics I took from the Challenge...click me
  13. If you're gonna do some longer races the 4 stroke might be a better idea. Mostly for mileage and power. I absolutely love my YZ250, but am feeling the need for more power and am considering the 450. Yamaha doesn't make the WR250 anymore, unless you were referring to the older ones. My buddy had one and loved the gearing of the WR. I had great top speed. I am always running out of gear on my YZ, but it gets up there pretty fast. :shocked2:
  14. Yep, that's him! Jesse be the DDR vinyl guy. He's a great guy.
  15. Yesterday was pretty cool. There are alot of high dollar, gorgeous rails out there getting beat up! lol I'll post some pics up after today's challenge.
  16. holy sh*t! wow, that is some serious upper and mid body strength right there! Talent too!
  17. That really sucks, JJ, but I must say this has nothing to do with Coral Pink. sorry, i had to go there- topic police
  18. Nope. The pay station building/trailer wasn't even there.
  19. Change of plans for WW tonight, people. We aren't going to the Pt's on Eastern, but Horizon instead. See ya there if anyone plans on coming out.
  20. They don't come in black & white though, do they? It does look purdy sweet
  21. Gerald try e-mailing it to me in a zip file. Pete@DumontDuneRiders.com
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