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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Right. I know for a fact I'll never go over 15,000 lbs. I MAY be 13,500, but not much more if any over that.
  2. Well, today I went down to the DMV to get the written test for the license endorsement out of the way. Guess what? I don't need it! The lady informed me that the only way that the endorsement is required is if the UNLADEN (empty) weight of the trailer was more than 10K lbs. I said, "but what if my trailer weighs let's say 9,000 lbs and I put 3500 lbs of stuff into it? Doesn't that require me to get the endoresemnt to tow it?" She said, nope. They don't care what trailer weighs with cargo, just the unladen wieght. I said, OK! :huh: I guess I'm good to go then. She said, "yep...don't worry about it! On the other hand if you attach a boat or another trailer to the back of your toyhauler, you'll need the endorsemnt." It doesn't make much sense since loaded up is actually over 10K lbs, but I guess when it comes down to a ticket or liability- I'm in the clear! So I guess that answers the mystery to this topic.
  3. Hot? WTF? That was nasty! Poor thing!
  4. uhhh....going to the dunes duh? You didn't see the thread about us going to Dumont last Sunday? :huh:
  5. There IS! You missed the last dune therapy session last Sunday morning!
  6. Like I said.....I'll probably just cruise down to PT's for a few. :huh:
  7. WTF does that have to do w/ anything?
  8. I know. I was just thinking about that. Maybe my "buy one get one free" phone isn't the best for reception. I just didn't want to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on 2 phones though.
  9. Here ya go daburgh, read this thread. Maybe it will help. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...p?showtopic=445
  10. I previously had Cingular and was really happy with their svc, but I got no service whatsoever at Dumont. I needed an additional line added to my plan and decided to switch to w/ Verizon due to the good deal on minutes and mostly because of their service at Dumont. I personally like Cingular better in town. There were way less (almost none) dropped calls. Verizon works good at the dunes, but I do get occasional dead zones and dropped calls here in town. They aren't too bad- I doubt I'll switch back to Cingular, mostly cause the svc at Dumont Verizon gets. On the other hand, Cingular might work at Dumont soon too. When we were driving to Dumont on Sunday AM, we saw them putting up a new cel phone tower along HWY127. I started a thread a while back simiar to this, let me see if I can find it.
  11. I'll probably just cruise down to PT's for a few. What great one might that be? The only one who can usually commit to a place and just do it!
  12. I won't be doing or attending a TT this week. Duniemonkie & I will be packing and getting ready for CA. We are leaving early Fri AM and I don't want to be hungover on the road. I may, however, do a wasted Wednesday tomorrow!
  13. We'll have to go out and you effed up on your b-day, Dan! I know you've never been drunk, you're not 21 yet. That woud be illegal!
  14. Well, from the 2 little pics....here's my opinion. Those headlights look pretty cool and the motor looks like every other 4 stroke quad I have seen. You got any pics of the bike as a whole?
  15. I agree. It was a couple of good runs. We need to do it more often. I'll hit you up next early AM trip like this last one, Aaron. It was almost too easy. The drive was nothing with having some good laughs along the way. It didn't feel as long as normal. Well, maybe that's cause we were on the limiter the whole way! Either way...good times! We should do another trip sometime in early July, guys and gals.
  16. Do it! We should be leaving early Fri AM. Let me know if you end up going. It's gonna be a blast. We're looking forward to throwin some back w/ OGP and TrickyLS2racer too.
  17. I was just happy the Raptor was able to hit the sand after it's flight off the cliff at Coral! I still need to get a bumper and some lights, but it was good to go for the trip on Sunday and that's all that mattered! Pauly's new 450 posing w/ the Raptor. SandYFZ's bike looking bitchen as usual. I still can't beleive how good that thing dunes after all the hill shooter mods he's done to it! It was good to ride w/ you again, Aaron! Gotta love them fast rides just like the ol days w/ the 426!
  18. Here it is! (Ashley's dad owns a tow company. There was no street sign on the road that everyone had to turn on, so they did this to let everyone know where the reception was. He even had the amber flashing lights going on the truck too! BeBerrrrrrrrrrrrt )
  19. Yeah...wwwwwhatever! It did feel good though. We should try that more often! I felt great all day after that trip. I didn't even feel tired enough to have to take a nap. Riding the dunes at 6 AM is great!
  20. You won't get stuck. When we were there over Memorial Day weekend, the meadow was like asphalt. The only places it gets soft is near the opening to the trail leading out of the meadow. You should be just fine.
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