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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. That might have been where I saw it. If it was here, then chances are sanddunesaddicct was the tech that worked on it. Nice truck
  2. Hey I've seen that truck around town! :redhat:
  3. Yep, I guess I was right....... :fro: :redhat:
  4. Anyone have any more pics of wrecked trucks or is this thread dead? :redhat:
  5. Where have you been Stacey? That post was from Feb 28th! :redhat: :fro: I guess you never read that one.
  6. I was actually gonna say..."come on with all the videos!!!", but hey whatever. It's the off season. I'm over it....for now. :redhat: NWS stuff? eh?
  7. Crusty Videos were da shizzle! :fro: That's where it all started. (for me at least) :redhat:
  8. :redhat: That was the gayest link ever posted on DDR....well except for those two fruits with the dirtbikes and the whips and sh*t.
  9. Sweet! But I almost puked after hearing that music on the first clip.
  10. <-------------what this thread has become
  11. Damn crooks. That's why their in business though. They wouldn't buy it for 1400 and sell it for 1400.
  12. <----me, the smartass turning the pot upside down
  13. come out with us and then go into work late
  14. I am waiting to see if some parts come through for my Raptor. It's looking pretty good for me. If all goes well, PaulyPaul and I will both be out around probably 6/7AM on Sunday. I'm crossing my fingers.
  15. no sh*t! :shocked2: :shocked2: DCT...how about you? Are you in for tonight?
  16. right on, Stacey! Just show up about 8-ish. Yep! I'm jealous!
  17. Don't expect Ynot- he's on his way to St Anthony!
  18. Yeah like that! :shocked2: I seem to remember you saying this like.........................ummmm.........................a millions times before. :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:
  19. :shocked2: :shocked2: I'd hate for that missle (the bottle) to hit me in the face though after throwing it on the ground and it takes off.
  20. You have seemed to know how till now. What happened? de de deeee :shocked2: :shocked2: wwwwwwwwwwhatever You're 12 posts in...you're no longer a newbie! :shocked2: Just messin w/ ya! Just so you know...to reply w/o quotes just hit the button at the bottom of the posts......
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