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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Why did you quote me? :shocked2: But yeah....nothing like last Thurs!
  2. I already can w/ my YZ. :shocked2: Well, Pauly & I are usually neck & neck me:............... PaulyPaul:..... ISBB: :shocked2:
  3. Vicki, let us know what you think everyone can do as soon as you find out some more info. Should we all e-mail them or what? I'm not good w/ politics.
  4. ^^^^^HOLY CRAP!!!! :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: Who's this guy!!!!?????? Remember him??
  5. no, WTF does that have to do with this? Why did you quote me saying "riiiight! " ????? Thanks, Nick but no.
  6. Yeah that would be a bit much to rattle-can! Let me ask one of my buddies tomorrow.
  7. No, Dave it is asphalt still. Most of the guys running out there I believe are running "street" tires on the quads, but Abbott told Christina that if we came out we could still run with knobbies. I don't see that working so well though. Who knows. Maybe I have to go see for myself, but I just don't see the fun in it- going around and around is just not my thing.
  8. Right on, Jon! Looks like you got yourself a sweet lil project toy. That should be a blast putting that together and tearing up the desert once it's done.
  9. A couple of different possiblilites. You already heard when we talked on the phone earlier tonight though. I'll have to see and think on this one for a bit though.
  10. all good- thanks for sharing that article w/ us. That just means the kite tube literally kicks a$$.
  11. Yep...it might be on the market real soon!
  12. haha I didn't even know you were going until now. I have a bunch of stuff to do later tonight. I can't make it. Sorry.
  13. Damn that sucks! BUT 15 to 60 feet off the water though???? Come on! The highest we got that thing was like maybe 20 feet. David L ripped his kite tube a couple weekends ago. I still want to go on it! It's usually no fun unless there is some danger or risk involved. You just got to be careful with whatever you do.
  14. Good luck. You'll have one sweet ride if you end up getting it.
  15. Tacomama told me about this. Abbott wanted her to ask us if any of us wanted to go out there and mess around w/ him on quads. I said I'd pass.
  16. Hmm. I was gonna say just rattle-can it, but maybe a place like a one-day paint place could to it pretty cheap and a lil better quality than spray paint. I can ask a couple friends of mine that do paint work on cars etc. I'll get back to you if I find someone.
  17. Scott, did you pick that rail up yet?
  18. What part do you need painted? The wood deck? Or the whole trailer?
  19. Thanks, but that place is rediculously overpriced.
  20. Your truck isn't any bigger than mine- just TALLER. It's actully smaller. Hell it's only a 3/4 ton at that. j/k I doubt they are much different in weight at all. If it is, that sucks for you. Get it weighed at the Pilot truck stop the next time you up to Coral and find out.
  21. Not necessarily, I just want a newer bike and was considering the 450. Yeah I saw it, JJ. Too much for an 04 IMO. You know me, I only pay half price for toys.
  22. It is quieter than the DMax, but I wouldn't say WAY quieter. Either way- Craig you'll need some tunes.
  23. Yeah the NEW Cummins. The older ones were LOUD! Just look at Berrrrrrrrrrrt's.
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