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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Sweet car. You haven't had that car out at Dumont yet? I swear I've seen it before. Wish I could go, but I gotta work and I am going to sanddunesaddict's wedding. Have fun and be safe! BTW, welcome to DDR. :mc_smiley:
  2. Right on Dave! You'll have to get some test time on it when we go out for an early azz AM ride at Dumont soon. :mc_smiley:
  3. Yeah right. Liek that's gonnas happen. But sure... you can be part of it. First you can fund the cost of a new friggin computer for me so it doesn't take 10 times longer to make a video because of my pos comp freezing up all the time. Damn computers...I hate em.
  4. Yeah I think so, Stacey. I didn't remember who was with me that time, but yep..I think it was kikifreak. :mc_smiley:
  5. No, they didn't Joe. You just posted it under Sandtrail TECH rather than Sandrail STUFF. They moved it over.... click here. They have a new section for non-tech stuff. Read this.
  6. Thanks, but that---Didn't you read who did the movie....DDR Productions b*tch! :fro: :laughoff:
  7. Oh I know. I hear ya. I am curious how much EVERYTHING weighs as well. One of these days I'll get it down on the scale. And yeah, that truck stop on Blue Diamond does have scale for 7 bucks. I weighed my other toyhauler on it and I was about 700 lbs UNDER what I thought it was. They give you the printout and all, including separated axle weights too. It might not be until October that I'll be completely loaded up to do that with my new toyhauler though. Just curious. If you were involved in an accident and your toyhauler was demolished....how the heck would THEY know if your trailer was overloaded or not? Do they scrape everything up off the road and throw it on a scale? :mc_smiley: I've always wondered that.
  8. Nick, don't worry about my weight. I'm sure it is under if even if the trailer weighs more than they say it does. Are you saying my trailer weighs more than 15,500 lbs loaded??? :mc_smiley: I think not. I'll get it weighed soon and prove you wrong. Do you have an endorsement to drive your Sonoma after you have a big lunch? Sorry I couldn't resist. j/k dude
  9. Why are you talking about this, Nick? My truck/trailer combo is by far not overweight. The topic at hand was would you be at more risk of not being covered by your insurance if you didn't have the ENDORSEMENT.
  10. It's a big maybe either way. I am gonna get the endorsement regardless. If there is any extra risk involved with not having the endorsement- I don't want it. This is why I was thinking of looking into it.
  11. No, the license would only cover you from an extra ticket. I'm not overloaded, so how would that matter in case of an accident? It would just be an extra ticket. You'd face the same charges (if at fault) no matter what license you have. Now if I had 20K lbs behind me and got into an accident, I would be in some serious sh*t if at fault in case of an accident. As far as liability, I am under the GVW for my truck's intended towing capacity.
  12. That's what I was wondering too.
  13. It's over 10K loaded though and thats all that matters. I just like being legal if I get pulled over doing mach 2. It would be one less ticket the cop could give me.
  14. Nick, my buddy Russ does appraisels. I think you met him at Havasu right? I can get you his number if you want.
  15. Damn, sorry to hear that, Harley. Like dnchevyman said though- I'm sure you'll find some decent riding places soon. I'm sure it won't compare to Dumont, but they should have some sweet trails back east where you are. Hope you can make it back someday though. In the meantime, stay positive.
  16. Sweet a$$ bike, Cole! I'm jealous!
  17. Right on Pauly! Break her in good. Go Pauly...go Pauly!
  18. What mods? A DDR sticker! Congrats Craig! Nice rig.
  19. Thanks! It was really soft. It always is there. I actually pulled a badass wheelie off a roller, but Tim was the only one to catch it. He was right behind me. I was hella excited. My car doesn't usually wheelie. Not enough traction and mid engine don't work together very well to pull the wheels.
  20. Qualified driver? You mean someone who already has the endorsement, right? Because we'd have major problems on the road if I wasn't qulified to tow the TajMahal by now. :freakin_nuts: If NV is the same as CA, then like ISBB said- passing the written test grants you a permit. Then you come back w/ the permit to take the driving skills test. I'll have to go down one of these days and find out.
  21. Why? I already have one......HAYABUSA!!!
  22. :freakin_nuts: Man some people have got a lot of time and money. That's freakin funny.
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