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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Right on Aaron. You're entering that gorgeous car!!? That's cool though- I like to see cars get USED! Give me a call sometime that weekend. We'll have a or two. Hey I can give you that DDR sticker I've been meaning to get to ya too. I'll get in touch w/ ya before that weekend.
  2. dunefreak


    That's some funny shiat. Hot garbage! Effen OGP!
  3. dunefreak


    Dude you're killen me!
  4. dunefreak


    Dude f*ckin breathe!! I wasn't asking about how you hate your job. The question was more directed at- Anything strange happen to you today? From the sounds of it- you been having a pretty normal day!
  5. dunefreak


    Here's mine..... Me and Armz just went to Carl's Jr. I ordered a combo meal. It came exactly to $6.66, today on 6-6-06!!!!!!!!! Coincidence? I think not! Then....if that wasn't ironic enough........I asked the lil mexican lad for some ketchup. He grabbed a handful of packets. I sit down and throw them out on the table and guess what!!?? 6 packets of ketchup!!!!! Good thing I'm not superstitious. I'd be "freakin out man".
  6. Blazin...Hazen!! B) Damn the 80's sucked!!!
  7. Whatup Wrench- long time no see!
  8. Click here for: "Awesome homeboy" and if that wasn't enough!! check out the second video!!!
  9. ^^ Poor guy just wanted to know if anyone had a hookup and look what you guys got into. :fro: Bill- I put the Banks cat-back system on my truck. I was very impressed with the quality and fit. Travis at Custom Shop will give you DDR price and he can probably ship it to you too. Give him a ring...702-436-6777. He got me my exhaust for a good price and I'm very happy w/ it.
  10. JJ, WTF are you doing? Crazy red text guy!
  11. WHAT!!?? Why? That was half the reason we were going Don! To hang w/ numero uno of the tres hermanos!
  12. Hey Randog! I got it! Sell your stiff riding truck and go with an old Cadi w/ a big ol big block and hook up your toyhauler to it. It doesn't get much more of a smoother ride than that! Here....this will be how you'll roll if you can't picture it....
  13. Oh good!!!!...I can now sleep much better at night. I've been looking EVERYWHERE for it.....ok not really. I was over it at Coral. :fro: :huh:
  14. This is true. She's one-of-a-kind. The bike, not so much- a dime a dozen.
  15. That's great JJ, but he's referring to the rear end of his 1 ton. I don't think his truck will tow so well with no leafs.
  16. Randy I think it will ride about the same w/ the bags- stiff. They aren't very progressive, but pretty stiff even at 10psi. I have em on my 1/2 ton.
  17. No pics? I bet those dunes were smooooth. How many others were out there?
  18. You didn't say you have a fish tape though. :huh: Just a fishing pole and a 6' drill bit. :fro: and no the sun isn't getting to me- I've been indoors in the cool AC all day. and the hangover is gone.
  19. You didn't say you did though. All you said was that you had some 6' drill bit or some sh*t. If you have one, hook the guy up then. :fro:
  20. Steveo might have one. I'll ask him for you unless he see's this post first. I think I remember seeing one in his garage. He does home security so I'd imagine he'd have one anyways.
  21. Well like you said....all weekends this month are shot because something is already going on every weekend. Therefore the only way I'd be able to go would be on a SUNDAY. Maybe the Sunday after sanddunesaddict's wedding. How else would I be able to go then? So :fro: you too. Yep... 3 flat tires (debeaded) a bent front bumper/ grab bar 2 busted Trail Tech lights frames is a lil bent up front, but fixable left front wheel is bent pretty bad- see pic & left side factory headlight is broken off That's all I can see so far until I rip into it to get it fixed
  22. Last night's show was da shizzle! :fro: Good times- those guys are great. Slighty Stoopid Mike (daknuckler)- it was cool meeting up w/ you and hanging out at the show
  23. Old? ..................uh....ok
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