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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Is this a 4 seater WITH a full size cooler rack? Are you gonna have one of these for yourself next season Trav? Those late night runs to comp will be hilarious then! You know...those trips to comp to hang out around the fires that the DDR midgets made. :headbang: :headbang:
  2. Anna & I are planning on going! We are probably gonna stay w/ Originalpimp at his place that weekend. Should be a good time. I'll have to figure out when are gonna stay till though- Anna has to work on Sunday. :headbang:
  3. Damn how did I forget about the kangaroo (or wallaby) that crossed the road in front of Ken!?? That convoy up to Coral was fun. That cruise into Kanab Thurs night was hilarious w/ those 2 rabbits. Hopefully their ears are still intact. I haven't checked the rear diff under my truck yet. :headbang: That sucks all those things went wrong for you Ken. Good times were had even still though! :headbang: It was great hanging with you and the rest of the group once again. What a great bunch of peeps.
  4. here's my pics...damn this took a long time to post gassing up in Washington City.... We HAD to stop here.... Originalpimp...sportin the pimp hat left to right: sanddunesaddict, PaulyPaul, FMFLover, justntime, and me Dunes and camp area... The DDR Potluck... One of DuneSmurf's potluck contributions... lvnalolife... potluck was held indoors this time because the wind Saturday... One of the random dogs that got tagged! me, duniemonkie, squrlee, and dnchavyman in the background Pauly's girl Angela (FMFLover) after a few too many Jello shots.... THE DUNE GOAT!! :headbang: This really was a goat that some guy brought out... Cruising w/ the other Busa Mini's :headbang: fixing one that broke a CV sanddunesaddict trying out the turbo single seater TomPro car... Us in our usually jump spot at Coral... More dune pics... A pic that Don29Palms can use against OGP Pauly being...Pauly Lil Charlie (lvnalolife's lil bro-in-law) GOOOOOOOD TIMES!!!
  5. :headbang: some more: -random dogs that come into our camp get tagged w/ a DDR coin sticker. -Taco doesn't ask for Bologna- she just takes it and tells you afterwards -Food tastes better when it spins in a circle (pizza oven) -KensColors needs a Yamaha :headbang: -wingnut hates Social D -blinged out Volkswagon rail suck a$$ & -Rhinos really can dune at Coral (well...kinda)
  6. I know I know...but I meant FRIDAY I actually REALLY could barely stand up at the end of the night. derrr :headbang:
  7. Good times....don't forget that crazy freakin laugh of Jesse. I almost pissed my pants because of that focker. OGP even heard him from in his toyhauler and woke up laughing HIS a$$ off. GOOD GOOD TIMES!!!!!
  8. Well of course she was riding- she didn't run off the cliff. :headbang: But yeah- she was on the Raptor. I'll post pics of the poor thing tonight or tomorrow- whenever I have some time. :headbang:
  9. until
    All info for this event here.
  10. It wasn't going that fast...it was more like a fast walking pace speed. Still friggin hilarious though. He forgot to throw it in park. :headbang:
  11. Yep Pauly got them for that much at Lee's Liquor too.
  12. oh no sh*t!? That was you guys! Those Rhinos were doing pretty good! :headbang: One of them that had two guys w/ helmets on in front of me got some good air on the winding trail that goes from the left side over to the right side of the dunes. I think it was racinjason who was with me. We were like "holy crap! YEAYAHHH!!!" :headbang: Then we sailed it off the same lil jump in my car.
  13. I wasn't really that waaasted Sat night like I was on Friday. I think a half of a big bottle of Gilby's got killed Fri night. I bout couldn't stand up on my own that night. :headbang: Don't get me wrong- Sat night I was drunk too, just not as much as Fri. Maybe I hide it well sometimes :headbang: ..........NOT!
  14. :headbang: Yeah that was nasty! :headbang: Good times hangin w/ya again Jay! Must do it again next time. I was perdy waaasted Fri night!
  15. How about when wingnut passed out in the chair around the fire? We threw a pack of firecrackers under his chair when he was asleep. He woke up real quick like this and kicked his legs out. He didn't even get up! :headbang: Man that was some funny azz shiat. Hey DuneSmurf, your run in with the trailer (literally) , has to be the biggest der of the weekend other than OriginalPimp. He moved his truck and toyhauler out of camp and when he stopped he forgot to throw it into park. :headbang: He gets out of the truck and the truck and trailer start rolling away at about 5 mph. Tacomama said, hey look at Tim's truck! :headbang: I looked over and there wasn't anyone in the truck and then I saw Tim running after it. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
  16. I have found that a mount on the swingarm isn't the best place because the suspension beats the crap outta the flag and usually breaks. :headbang: My buddy and I fabbed up a mount out of some angle iron and put the mount on the left side of the bike where the seat ends and rear fender begins. It's been on there for about 8 years now and works great. I'll post pics up when I get home.
  17. Thanks everyone ...but how bout your weekend reports?? :headbang:
  18. Holy Crap Dave! :headbang: That's a bummer. At leat you'll have the summer to rebuild it or get another bike before next Dumont season. That's if the race car doesn't suck you dry.
  19. haha :headbang: gas, he said he was going out for a lil desert ride w/ his kid.
  20. wow, what a blast! I had a bunch of fun this last weekend. Weather was nice (except for Saturday- windy as hell), riding was great, and the night time parties were fun! Sunday night got a lil rediculous! :headbang: Wingnut you know what I'm talking about. Something about running out of firewood and we'll just call it "improvising". :headbang: Thanks to everyone to came out and helped with the potluck Sat night. We all definitley had waaaaayyy too much food! :headbang: :headbang: Thanks to all for the calls I got to check on Anna's condition. We didn't end up going to the hospital. Her mom (nurse) came over to check her out and she's "ok". She took the next two days off work to recover. :headbang: She will be okay though. What a scary moment! :headbang: For those that weren't there, she took a little flight off a 30 ft rock ledge/ cliff into a bunch of rocks on the Raptor. She grabbed on to a tree branch on the way down (like a monkey of course), but couldn't hold on and fell hard on her head and hurt her tailbone, hand, and shoulder/ neck area. They called life-flight but they called it off when they heard she was okay. They brought an ambulance to our camp to check her over. It was the last ride of the day when we were getting loaded up to go when this happened. She was extremely lucky. The rangers told us that where she went off was or was near called "dead man's hole". They call it this because people have died in the same spot in the past. Other than that- no other injuries to report and it was a great weekend! I'll post pics when I get home from work tonight or tomorrow. We have ALOT, including some video too!
  21. DUDE YOUR AN A$$HOLE! :no_no:
  22. I wish I could take my buggy out to the desert, but I know it would get the crap kicked out of it and come back with ALOT of powdercoat chips. If money wasn't an object, I'd be out there in a heartbeat with it! Well...no, if money wasn''t an object I'd have a desert car or maybe a dual-sport!
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