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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. yep I was gonna add this smiley for whenever (if ever) drama arises....
  2. Damn! :no_no: Friggin WWF style biatch!
  3. Dude who friggin cares!!!?? I just meant it was cool that it was at the pump on desert tires and it was a nice car. I didn't ask about anybody's input on Playtech cars! Geez! Have a beer on your lunch break.
  4. Dude you're an a$$hole! He had a very nice car! This thread wasn't intended to slam Playtech!
  5. I cruised up to the Speedy Mart a few minutes ago for a 12pk and I saw this dude rolling through on desert tires. That's what I'm talkin about! I chatted with the guy for a bit. He said he has been on here (DDR) before and his name was Brian. Cool guy. (Nice to meet you again, Brian, if you read this) Anyone know him? He had a nice rail. It was a 4 seater Playtech with what I beleive was an LS1. Real nice car
  6. Last night on Monster Garage Jesse James blew up the crop-circle tractor contraption they made AT DUMONT! Me and Steveo were like, hey...WTF? That's our camp! They were right in the spot along the finger where we usually camp at Dumont! One thing I want to know is...How in the hell did they get the permits to do that? We can't shoot off a bottle rocket at the dunes, but Jesse James can shoot a 200 foot flame/ fireball!!?? And then....blow the damn thing up too!? I don't ever want to get harrassed for fireworks or Sobe bombs again! That was pretty sweet though! Anyone else catch it?
  7. what's that? pints of milk? You're too young to be drinkin beer!
  8. I'm w/ her on this one as well. Yamaha! Sorry Wingnut!.... j/k Sweet a$$ bike, Cole!! Congrats!
  9. The Custom Shop does a bunch of that with Rhinos. They can help you out. (702) 436-6777
  10. oh... ok, but you told me it wasn't looking like you were gonna able to go because of finances, but maybe I'm crazy.
  11. You already weren't going anyways. That's not the reason your not going to Coral!
  12. no............. IT'S NOT
  13. pretty soon........pretty soon! Here's me on Thursday--->
  14. Hey Anna had the same idea!! Let's get crazy and corrupt Utah!
  15. Ba Berrrrrrrt loves ranch. He eats it with a spoon out of a five gallon bucket at times. Sometimes he has a side of chicken to go with it.
  16. Jackie, we will have a bunch of big wood.....big stumps that is. At least 10 big pieces. It's lookin like it's gonna be some perfect weather this weekend!
  17. Sorry, make it burgers, JJ. Ross has the dogs covered. I have a bunch of ketchup, mustard, and relish, but no mayo, pickles, onions, etc if you wanna bring those then cool. And Heath bars would be great too!
  18. Heathy? Like Heath Bars? mmm I like those! j/k Right on, Ross. Healthy stuff is good too. Stuff like salad, veggie tray, fruit, or whatever.
  19. Stacey they might have actually appreciated them or the case might have been like how I said before how I would appreciate the gesture. Looks like next time you might want to see their reaction is with the beef jerky.
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