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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Sounds good, Dave. How bout you bring 6, I'll bring 6. Let's just scratch the steaks. We'll just stick to burgers, dogs, and chicken breasts. Just don't forget some marinade. I'll probably do a Mesquite Lime marinade. You get another kind so we'll have a lil variety. As far as burgers & dogs go. Wingnut, you pick up about a dozen burgers, Lvnalolife you pickup about a dozen dogs. You can't ever have too much FOOD. If we do, then we'll have a potluck the next night as well. :headbang:
  2. Whatchoo talkin bout? I'm not cranky one bit. I got off early and have done jack sh*t all day! I'm happier than a pig in sh*t! :headbang: And Stacey, yeah that sounds good.
  3. Wish I could make it, Vicki. Sounds like it will be a great show! Take some pics if you can and don't forget to plug DDR too! :headbang:
  4. OK, I guess I have to be the friggin camp counselor then and just tell everyone what to bring like always! :headbang: Let's have someone bring some marinated chicken breasts, a small pack of burgers, couple packs of hot dogs, and maybe some steaks then. Screw it! I'll bring some marinated chicken breasts and some chips and stuff. Wingnut, pick up a pack of burgers and some buns and whatever else. lvnalolife, you bring some dogs and buns and whatever else. Justintime, Bring some more dogs and buns or maybe a veggie tray or something. sanddunesaddict, you bring the cookies. Those are your specialty. Sin City Blondie, you bring some tater salad and mac salad. cdavego & DuneSmurf, how bout a few steaks and some marinade or shicken breasts? Doesn't matter. These are all suggestions because everyone always justs asks me, "uhhhh What should I bring?" Well..there ya go people. It looks like these are the people going so far... Me duniemonkie originalpimp tacomama sanddunesaddict wingnut lvnalolife and his family Justintime & family cdavego and family sincity blondie paulypaul steveo ....anyone else?
  5. Just try not and pass out so early this time!!
  6. Thanks for all that info, JJ, but I was just wondering anyone has been to the one on Sunset and Pecos & if they had any.
  7. no sh*t! I meant food jackass! If beer was a potluck item, then that means we do a potluck everywhere we go together!
  8. Who else wants to have one for Memorial Day weekend? If so, what should we do? Burgers & dogs? Chicken breasts? Brats? Steaks? All of the above?? Let me know because I am probably going shopping on Sunday. I'll need to know what to pickup to contribute.
  9. If anyone was wondering, fires are allowed next weekend as long as it is in a container of some sort. Sanddunesaddict called today and confirmed. I'll be bringing the metal fire-drum for our camp.
  10. okaaaaaaaaay.......... You know we will be tomorrow night at Steveo's! G&T's!!!
  11. around 4? Party doesn't start till 8 ish tomorrow...... Wait... I get it now. You are talking off topic.
  12. Thanks you guys! Gerald, I can't run anything less than that in my 2 smoke. It starts pinging and running hot. Gotta love 2 strokes.
  13. Hey Vegas people... Has anyone been to the Rebel gas station on Sunset & Pecos and seen if they have any 100 octane in stock lately. I know sometimes they have it, and sometimes they are out. I need to pick up 5 gallons for the 2 wheeler for Coral Pink next weekend. I'm gonna cruise over there today or tomorrow and would like to save a trip over there if they are out of it.
  14. Just come out, Craig! Steveo has a couch and a spare bed in his spare room too. He'll let ya crash there. Hell, I might even crash there if I get to wasted.
  15. Looks pretty sweet, GirlWithHorns! One of these days you'll need to post up a pic of the truck with the toyhauler hooked up to it so we can see the final outcome. Who did the work for you? Looks nice!
  16. yeah right! There's about 1/2 an ounce left in the second bottle from Havasu....and well...the first bottle is history. I'll be picking up a new bottle along w/ some tonic and limes though. I think that will be my drink of choice for the night Saturday.
  17. I beleive the time will be about 8 ish I'm guessing. I'll confirm it w/ Steveo by tonight or tomorrow though- whenever I talk w/ him next. Anyone that's coming: bring any decent riding DVD's that are decent for the big projector if you have any. I think we have worn out all the Trav Pastrana Nitro Circus videos by now. Oh yeah.....and bring some beer/ drinks of course. We'll have a bunch, but bring some of whatever you are drinkin.
  18. I'd love to but I have done enough trips for a while. After Coral Pink I'm gonna take a couple months off from traveling and spending a$$-loads of cash.
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