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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. A little more than 2 weeks to go! It's gonna be hard for me, but I'm gonna swing it! Got the registration renewal notice for my DMax yesterday...$630 OUCH!
  2. Holy crap! That's f*cken awesome! The video was cool too as well as the good tune!
  3. I answer your PM's Terry! I just haven't replied to your last one YET. I did get your fax though. I just need some time to look things over and make some decisions..that's all. Thanks!
  4. ^^ Effen Don! Yeah I still have it and had to write down ALLLLL the numbers. That took forever! There was like 200 freakin numbers in there- goddamn! I wish I coulda got a phone at the Verizon booth in the mall, but no I had to call and do it over the phone! gay!
  5. no way! The biggest reason peple don't run carbs anymore is because the flooding effect you get when wheeling, climbing steep hills, and in the rough they tend to load up. Not to mention FI is way more reliable and can make better smoother power than a carb. I'd stay FI for sure, Scott. Just my .02 Also...shop around and drive some cars in the dunes before you take the pludge as well.
  6. So I think it was Friday or Saturday (can't remember ) at Havasu I loaded up everything to get on the boat and grabbed everything EXCEPT the most important thing (other than the beer). I forgot I left my cel phone in my pocket when I walked through waist high water getting in the boat.. derrr So needless to say it's destroyed. I have the insurance and will probably get my new phone in the mail tomorrow. So if I anyone has tried to reach me and I haven't called you back, that's why. Just wanted to let all you peeps know.
  7. until
    Extreme Motorsports Expo website
  8. Let's do it! :headbang: Sounds a lil chilly though and imagine how tired you'd be after getting back. Hell Dumont alone wears me out! :shocked2:
  9. I saw the mini motoX at the Orleans one of the last times they were in town. What a blast. I also agree, they are almost more fun to watch than Supercross. McGrath was dominating the race when I saw it last...but maybe he's losing it in his old age.
  10. METZ!!! He pulled that off like it was nothin!!! That was a sweeeeet backflip!!!
  11. I hope he makes it! I am gonna try and check it out one way or another. If not- it will be all over every dirt bike video ever made from this point on though.
  12. I think I DID rack him in his melon (on accident) in all the chaos!
  13. Bada$$ show like always!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: I'm hurtin today...but no boken arms!
  14. He still has that GSXR1000, Chris. ??? He's had it for a long time now. Yes he's wrecked it God knows how many times, but he still has it. It's all black now. How about that one party I had when his buddy thought he was gonna be cool and pull a wheelie all the way down the street w/ his girl on the back and he dumped her right off! Dumbass! Then his pos leaked oil all down my gutter, the came the cops because someone called em , then I had to fill out a police report and then by that time buzz was killed. :huh: moron! Most these guys have laid their bikes down more than once trying these stupid stunts. To me it's a waste of some nice bikes.
  15. dunefreak


    careful Kenny...you could shoot yer eye out!!!
  16. dunefreak


    Terry it sounds like you are talking from previous experience.
  17. :shocked2: Hell if someone wants it for that much......SOLD!
  18. That first video reminds me of every time I drive to Dumont when I don't have my toyhualer! j/k That guy almost ran over at least 3 people in that video! That second video is hilarious! I like what the cop says at the end. "This would be a lot more fun if they had a better vehicle" Great Impala commercial! :shocked2:
  19. :shocked2: My buddy, Wiley, is into that crap. I've always wondered what those guys get out of that sh*t. ??? No offense at all, Ragdoll MX, but.....Looks pretty . I just don't get it! It must be a thrill for some poeple ....but not for me. I like RIDING.
  20. dunefreak


    why would it get deleted? :shocked2:
  21. :shocked2: You're a jackass, Kenny! :fro: 18.900 CHOP IT! 17,995...CHOP IT!!!..............FIFTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!! GET IT OUTTA HERE!!! I know some of you are like...WTF!!!???
  22. oh yeah...me too. Seems as though that site needs a lil work I guess.
  23. Not the Pres Day or New Years pics....EASTER The Easter link brings you here
  24. oh sh*t I missed that! Which thumbnails you mean, Don? The link I posted was the one you click on from the home page for Easter 06 on the left side of the screen.
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