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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. you know it Should be good :finger2: times! I'm still debating on whether or not to take the car. It's kinda hard to manuever in between camps there when it's crowded and I don't have a diff or reverse. I still might though- driving the mini Busa at Coral is a blast! I know I'll regret not bringing it once I get up there!
  2. oh I know! :finger2: I wasn't gettin serious. It takes alot to get me worked up! I just like talkin crap too!
  3. :finger2: yep...damn hippies- go shower after hugging all those trees! (or weeds in this case)
  4. "Man, my gran momma gave me that chain!" "He gonna go cry in the car" :finger2:
  5. I know, Vicki- I was referring to the video where they were talking about the endangered weed.
  6. Wanna go then b*tch!?? I'll usually step up no matter someone's size, but I'd like to see you step up to this dude! That goes for you too BaBerrrrrrrrrt! Just cause you and ISBB are big ol ogers doesn't mean your a bunch of tough guys! j/k :finger2:
  7. Closing the dunes for a stupid weed!!! I wish these people would find something better to do, like go duning!!!!! Let's get em all in a long travel rail and take em around the dunes and then see if they want to close the dunes for some little plant or lizard! Eco-douchebags! :finger2:
  8. dunefreak


    So I am not sure how many of you peeps have seen the movie, Friday, but I saw Deebo from the movie Saturday night. Deebo (Tommy 'Tiny' Lister) was the huge black guy who "got knocked the eff out" by Craig (IceCube) in the end of the movie. So anyways we were at the Sh*thole Saloon (Cheyenne Saloon) Saturday night checking out GDB, a very good band. Spike TV was there filming for a movie or something. They had the camera in his face filming him posing like a bad a$$ with a mean a$$ look on his face. As they had the camera on him w/ the light and all I ran up to grab a pic w/ my camera phone. All of a sudden a fight breaks out in the next area over! He darts over to stop the fight shoving me into a railing along w/ a few other people! He grabbed this 300+ pound guy by his shirt and hurled his a$$ outta there! Deebo is one big a$$ dude! I then started to realize the fight was all staged as the camera guys were all over it. :finger2: They did it one more time the same way filming it a lil better the second time around. Just thought I'd share that with everybody. At first I thought it was just some big 'ol black dude that looked just like Deebo. Everybody was screaming "DEEBO!!! YOU GOT KNOCKED THE fk OUT!!!!" I thought everyone was just messing w/ the guy, but it really was him!!! That's the last place on earth I'd expect to see such a dude too, well being famous and all. Deebo... (He has been in many other films other than Friday and Next Friday too.)
  9. Nope, count me out. My buddies from LA are coming back into town for his BDay and to play a show at E String again! I'll be getting to the show early and staying late. :finger2: Have fun w/o me and take plenty of pics!
  10. You know I'll try JJ! It's gonna be hard though with these new giant a$$ toyhauler we have now! :finger2: Try and get there early Friday- the meadow starts getting crowded Fri late afternoon/ early evening making it impossible to get in w/ a big trailer.
  11. yep, I was passed out on the couch all day after getting home from the ride. -_- That is why I didn't answer when you were at Rhino King's house- I was out cold! -_- :finger2:
  12. Anyone else going up to Coral this Mem Day weekend? :finger2: BTW: Mem Day weekend is May 27th/28th. I am going to try and get up there on Thurs afternoon. We camp in the meadow.
  13. ohh okay. Must be a rhino thing ......... to you too :finger2:
  14. Cranky? I wasn't cranky. didn't you see the :finger2: & smileys???? And no, I wasn't looking for sympathy. I was just asking what was so sassy and gay about squinting from the sun? Geez
  15. yep, but I actually didn't feel that bad..............considering!
  16. What's sassy and :mc_smiley: about squinting from the horrible sun beams beating on my head when I was hungover!? At least I was out there riding! You're just jealous fool! :headbang:
  17. :headbang: yep, a different color light for every task! That was funny that night! :mc_smiley:
  18. Some more pics from Easter I just found in the camera.... when the weather was gettin crappy on Friday.... When it got real nasty and started to rain hard was when we started :mc_smiley: in the toyhauler.....This pic is from inside the t/h where it was nice and cozy and dry. :mc_smiley:
  19. dunefreak


    :mc_smiley: sweet!
  20. Good ride this AM even with the hangover! :headbang: I still can't beleive duniemonkie was able to get me out of bed at 7:30 AM after we were out until almost 3AM! :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley: That was funny today when Ken got slimed! (He was shaking the Slime tire sealer bottle and the cap flew off!)
  21. Yep, we sure do. We get some pretty messed up vehicles towed in to us like this from time to time. One time we got a 99 ish Tahoe that had been t-boned about 85 mph. The body was ripped off the frame in some spots, both occupants in the Tahoe and one in the other car had died. :mc_smiley: It was pretty nasty to look at. Knowing someone has died in an accident makes it pretty creapy to look at the aftermath. :mc_smiley:
  22. :mc_smiley: of course we can! It's just some good ol :headbang: :mc_smiley:
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