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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Who would like to camp together for Easter weekend? I would like to camp somewhere near where we camped on the cleanup weekend or somewhere in the area. Any thoughts? Tres Hermanos, you camping w/ us that trip or out in BFE in your normal spot. I'd like it if as many DDR peeps could get at least in the same area or same camp as it might be the last trip where we can all dune together until next season, so lets make it a good one! Let me know your input, all. :skeet: BTW, any and all DDR regulars or newbies are welcome at camp like always. :2gunsfiring:
  2. shmuck, smuck, schmuck.....whatever. UH OH!!! Watch out, it's the spelling police for words that don't even exist in the dictionary! :2gunsfiring: :skeet: Friggin, Don! Hey, how do you spell "their"? We haven't EVER heard that one from you!
  3. sorry.........shmuck!!! :2gunsfiring:
  4. ^^ I knew it, all I had to do was mention the wounded dolphins and you damn smucks got off topic w/ this one again! ahh who am I kidding...good times. So yeah..... good season everyone! :2gunsfiring: :skeet:
  5. gotta be faster! :skeet: :2gunsfiring:
  6. just hit the quote button next to each person you want to qoute, then hit add reply at the bottom. There, that was your tip of the day! ........................Pervert, don't take it like that either! I know what you were thinkin dirty mind girl! :2gunsfiring: :skeet:
  7. Glad you found my signature link on GD for DDR when you did, Nick. :2gunsfiring: Without you it would have been a huge pain and tedious learning experience for me to get DDR up to where it is today w/ the whole invision software crap, gallery, and what not. I'm glad not only because the help w/ the site, but we've had some fun a$$ times at the dunes and everything else too. Glad to meet you when I did. Hell...w/o ever meeting you we wouldn't have ever found these things either!! :skeet:
  8. wwwwwwwwhatever! "schedule!" What your nap schedule?? We'll pick you up, Tues-Thursday at about 7ish every night. :2gunsfiring: :skeet:
  9. Damn, nice bike dreamrr. :2gunsfiring:
  10. ORIGINALPIMP called me the other day to inform me he's hittin up Vegas again! :angry: We'll probably be doing a tipsy tuesday, a wasted wednesday, and hopefully we can talk him into a Thirsty Thursday too if his liver can handle it! Ok maybe not that much drinking, but at least go out for a few drinks and some food at PT's or wherever. Anyone else wanna welcome him back to town and go out w/ us and a few others?
  11. Yeah I hear ya wingnut. I'm glad we were all here for ya through the rough times. I haven't known you or many peeps from DDR for very long, but I can say this- it feels like I have known a lot of you for a lifetime. You are all very cool, fun people indeed. It's great to meet people that share the same reason to live- DUMONT! :huh: This season has been a blast for me. I think I have made over 20 trips to Dumont this season. It has been one of greatest seasons ever. I am really glad I started this site as I have met some awesome poeple and have made some really good friends from it as well. The best part about meeting everyone on here is that I usually always have someone to meet up w/ at the dunes for a trip if my normal group can't make it out. There's always a big group of someone from DDR willing to let me hang out and camp with them like tres hermanos, ynot, stalteri920, and others. You guys and gals rock. Don't forget- even though the season is drawing to a close, DDR is up year round! :headbang: This season has been a very memorable one for sure. Thanks to all for the good times. Keep in touch here on DDR to meet up at Dumont for some of those early morning summer rides at Dumont before the late morning/ afternoon heat comes out. :headbang: Those are always fun! Let's not forget Easter and the weeks to come. There are still a couple cool weather trips left. :angry:
  12. ahhh...oh yeah!!! Buckin the 1/4 ton!!! :angry:
  13. NHRA may be on hold for me. I might need the time and money to get my rail back together. More than likely I won't be going guys. Sorry, no house on wheels for everybody that planned on kicking back w/ the group. :angry:
  14. What the heck are you guys talking about? You passed who when doing what? :angry:
  15. Dude, don't get me wrong...I understand and respect these people that are doing it for a cause and all. What bothers me the most is that that they caused such a dangerous situation on the road. Some oncoming traffic didn't even slow down for people trying to get around. The fact that these people were paople that save lives puzzles me. You think of all people they would look out for such dangerous situations. Some of the vehicles left some room or moved over for us, but some just flat out refused us space trying to get by SAFELY. They could have at least driven half on the shoulder, half in the road and it could have been much safer. We could clearly see them from a distance with the signs and flashing lights- they didn't need the whole road to warn us of the runners.
  16. The ride to the Tecopa turnoff (which would probably take about 15minutes) took us a good 45 minutes! Every few hundred yards or 1/4 mile or so we had to slow down to about 5-10 miles an hour for what seemed like forever to get around these fools. :angry:
  17. Leaving Dumont on Saturday wingnut, ISBB, & I had to deal with these damn fools hogging the road. Seems as though there was some fundraiser/ marathon thing that some poeple were doing right in the middle of the damn highway! Each runner had a vehicle to follow them from right in the middle of the lane. They couldn't even get over into the shoulder so people like us w/ big ol trailers and motorhomes could pass when there was oncoming traffic. It was pretty dangerous. There were a couple spots along the highway where groups were gathering chearing these people on. Some of these fools were right in the damn road too! I let em all check out my new Banks exhaust in there face! Black diesel smoke galore!!! We had to put up w/ these people all the way from the gravel road out of the Dumont exit until the Tecopa turnoff! It was the longest damn ride home ever! :smiley: A semi almost hit my damn toyhualer because one of these fools didn't get over too! uggh here's wingnut trying to get around...
  18. Man that really sucks, Joe. Good to hear that she is somewhat ok. Hopefully she is completely healed up and feeling better real soon.
  19. YEP!! Easter weekend! (April 15th and 16th weekend) Hope we can kick it together again, gerald. Good times! :smiley:
  20. That's friggin funny! Funny, but still a damn good point. Pack all your gray or black water out. Some gray water is nasty too. :smiley:
  21. She took me out to the House of Blues to see Carlos Mencia!!! It was a blast- funnny as hell! My girl rocks. We had alot of fun. I was tired as hell when I got home and was worried I'd be too exhausted to have a good time, but then when she handed me the tickets I was wide awake with excitement. A few Gin & tonics and couple beers later I was wide awake laughing my a$$ off. Good show! I was able to snap a pic (w/ the crappy quality camera phone )before the show of Carlos signing some stuff for us.
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