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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. missing spindles???? huh??
  2. OK, lets get some on MLK weekend. The only one I have is at the north pole on that one DDR ride, but the pic sucks- there's a big beam of light right through the pic.
  3. Thanks. Yeah, for sure- hopefully I can get some more shots of other members soon, or even some video too!
  4. Cool. Go ahead and post it or just put it and the rest on CD and give it to me tomarrow.
  5. That first one is a mighty fine snapshot you got there, Bert.
  6. So is anyone back yet from the meeting? How did it go? Any news?
  7. Thanks guys, but Don, WTF is this?------->
  8. Here's a little slideshow I put together w/ some pics I have.... ck it out.. click here
  9. Oh sh*t!! The dunes definitely aren't safe now!!!
  10. That rail takes those whoops extremely nice! The song goes perfect with that video too- "got the life"- that's for sure. I'm jealous.
  11. I might be going Friday late afternoon/ early evening if you wanna roll out w/ me. It all depends on if my sandrail is fixed and ready by then though. It may even just be a day trip that weekend on Saturday for me, we'll see how things pan out for me. Either way, hit me up if you want.
  12. Well, Terry, it doesn't look like I will be able to make the meeting. If it was a bit later I could probably make it, but I won't be getting in till late tonight and waking up around 5 AM is outta the question. Keep us posted about any news relating to FODD or ways we can help in the future though.
  13. How split is it? Are we talking like split open, or just some cracking in the caulking? Can you get some pics up so I can get a better understanding? I think the caulking on my roof is kinda separated a little.
  14. hayabusa_on_steroids.wmv Who wants to go on fast dune ride??
  15. I forgot about that! Ahh, those were some goods times.
  16. I figured we had to do something to it just in case it showed up on the next Sand Addiction video or something!
  17. shutup, Don. Wees jus messin w/ ya
  18. Oh Don, ok here ya go.................... and you might need one of these............. Don rocks
  19. Yeah like I said on the phone w/ ya, I should have it. I ordered it first thing last Tues AM. They said about a week. Even if I don't get it coated by then, I'll still just put it on for the weekend. I'll see about getting off Friday earlier than usual so maybe we can roll out together before it gets dark, hopefully.
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