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About dunesister

  • Birthday 10/10/1973

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  • Sand Toys
    none.... :( Guess I'll just have to borrow my bro's! :-)
  • Location
    Sweet Home, OR
  • Gender
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  • Hobbies
    ...just seeing how my lil' bro is doin'! :)

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  1. AH HA!!! Pete! You are back! Did you see?!?!? :B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  2. OMG!!! I too got to meet Travis Pastrana! He is here for the Oregon Trail Rally, which starts tomorrow in Portland before driving on to Hood River Oregon, which is a flippin' AWESOME town! I had initially just went up to meet him and get an autographed poster, which was cool enough, but then I won this raffle thingy that they had! Notice the hat in my hand. That was my prize. I had him, Ken Block and Dave Mirra sign the hat and it's now on my wall with 3 signed posters from Travis, Ken and Dave! What an awesome bunch of guys man! I mean, Pete will tell you that I'm pretty damn goofy :clown: , but they were all so nice and congratulated 'ME' on winning the hat! WTF?!? Totally Awesome!
  3. Oh shoot! I can't wait til Pete is back and sees that! :angry2:
  4. Ok Badger fans! http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/Big+a$$+Badgers/ ...click "Big A$$ Badgers" when you get there....stupid link! Doh!
  5. Ok Ok...I put this on here before and only the girls liked it...dudes...its TOTALLY funny! Take a look again...especially when you are bored...then you will think its the greatest thing EVER!!!! :chkn: :dance: :afro:
  6. I want to know "HOW LONG" is the longest that someone has watched it?!?!?!? I'm quite gullible....I'm in for 5 minutes! :fro_smokin: ...friggin ridiculous!
  7. Senseless...I am so sorry for your friends loss (...and yours). I too had a friend that lost a 19 year old. It is so hard to lose a child. They will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  8. Yap! Found out we are not Vegas divas , like we thought, but are really just plain 'ole Oregon hillbilly hippies man! This town is just too fast for us! So we are out! dnchevyman, it was GREAT to see ya last night and we wish you ALL the best in the world! Peace out!
  9. Where the heck is dnchevyman going to? Leaving town? Where to? This will be me, dunesister, and justken's last TT also....I'm sure we will be back for a visit some day. :eatdrink021:
  10. ...so what up home skillets? :chev_bowtie: :chev_bowtie:
  11. God Dang it!!! ...and right before Christmas! That is friggin' awful! Ken drives all day...I'll tell him to keep and eye out too Karma WILL get them in the A$$ one way or another...always does! :dance:
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