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  • Name
    Jason Daniels
  • Sand Toys
    trx 450, ktm300, raptor660,warrior350, rhino, 4seat longtravel car
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Lead super.

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  1. white rhino w/ mier plastics,aluminum cage ,aluminum front bumper,aluminum shock towers front and back, aluminum +6 long travel, suspension seats, black bead locks, rear shock tower comes up through the bed 5-6 inches. there is a 5,000.00 dollar reward to the one that can take me to the people that took it or 1,500.00 dollar reward to who can lead me to the finding of my rhino. O-YA , ALL THE ALUMINUM PARTS ON IT ARE ONE OFFS WE MADE ALL OF THESE PARTS IN HOUSE AND THEY ARE ONE OF A KINDS. I HOPE TO FIND MY RHINO AND THE LOW LIFE FAGS WHO TOOK IT !!!!!! CALL ME WITH ANY INFO 327-6966
  2. take it to Pure Evil Racing off of Craig and ? over by abotts shop they have a dyno and know what they are doing.
  3. dune freak is right i have spoken to both sides of the fence. Cali. is cool with a Utah sticker and Utah is cool with a cali. sticker . i went to sand hallow and my sister got a ticket because her bike didn't have a cali. res. sticker and i did. and I have a Honda 450 that is reg. in Utah and Ive been pulled over at dumont and they were cool with the Utah reg. sticker.
  4. I have a 2.5 subie and i go through 5 to 10 gallons a day.
  5. Bro who is buildingyour boat anchors for you first of all.second who told you to do heat cycles for 10 hours.Having a built banshee is like having a full time dune job,they are the most tempramental bikes but when there on there on. I use to be into these money pits real deep and know alot of the ins and outs of these motors if you need some advise or a helping hand on a cheap rebuild let me know. Subie1
  6. Man I had a great time out there this weekend , my car ran great and met some ddr peeps as well. the little flat for that could didn't let me down at the hill until the old gas tank cracked in 5 spots ,I guess the top of comp won the battle after all. Never fear the old red and white will be ready for Halloween and put the pound down on comp.
  7. I'm going to be out there , my wife gave me gas money so i can go. see u guys out there . I'm leaving sat morning and stay-n till Sunday.
  8. sounds like fun, I think its a great idea.Ill be there fo shizel my nizel!!!!!!!!
  9. Fully appreciate the offer but my wife and her friends are doing girls get together for the weekend at the montecarlo. so ive got the kids ,so thanks anyway wont be making this trip.
  10. wieght is 1447lbs its rear engine and 12ft wheel base and 480hp dynoed power. I talked to a guy at funco and he said that I might try a sand blaster 33 w/the pro cut ,but thats an expensive mistake if they dont work right. heres a picture of the car it might help.
  11. the 16.50 that im running has the giant scoopes and im not turning the boost down i have not even been able to to run the second stage on the boost control yet so theres no turning it down its got to go up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! didnt your dad ever tell you faster is better.and i dont mean only the chicks. :sophie: :sophie:
  13. yosh ive had a 2.0 on 22lbs of boost and it was like a banshee on crack , when it blew up i went to a semi built 2.5 intercooled with a nitrous intercooler fogger in a4 seater now i have a built 2.5 close deck sleeved cranck rods pistons headsported and intercooled on 15lbs of boost and it is to much for the two seater i have now. but either one of the set ups will be more than enough for one of your cars. if you have any ? fill free to hit me up ive been running these motors for 4 years now and have put them together except my built 2.5 that i have now
  14. It will take some time to set up . to much in the front will push the back down and to much in the back will push the front down so you have to find that perfect center point then start to adjust the bypass, softer or harder depending on if she,s bucking or bottoming out to fast.
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