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Everything posted by SandTitan

  1. I fly an Italian flag. :porn: and the only nazi flag I've ever seen is red w/ a white circle and a big 'ol iron cross... don't believe I've ever seen one at Dumont though I know I'm a bit of a on these boards, but thought I'd put my :argue: in here.
  2. I'll be there, hopefully i'll even have my quad!
  3. My condolences on your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
  4. My older bro actually brought his water truck out there a couple times and sold water. Doesn't anymore though, guess he'd rather ride than work, lol.
  5. This was my first time duning and over-all it was great! It was a little windy when we arrived on Friday, but after that it was perfect! I only got to ride my new quad for a total of about 45 minutes unfortunately, because of some minor problems, but that should all be fixed by halloween! Should be able to make the meet and greet there also, can't wait!
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