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Everything posted by chris1223

  1. Yea and watch just as it charges the batteries during the day, it will drain them at night. The charge controller also contains a diode pack to only allow the flow go one way.
  2. Life behind the iron curtain hands-on How we lived in East Germany? Experience a journey into the recent German past close-up! See information for visitors and historical data for one time Jet! The worksheets which aimed at people and schools are new. We guide you through all areas of daily life of the DDR and its citizens. Let surprise, what has everything to offer our exhibition in Dresden Nobel suburb Radebeul. Cultural events and historic atmosphere we kidnap you a defunct world where you enjoy forgotten and past life. This differs so much from the present life you will quite certainly not soon forget the ostalgischen impressions. The philosophy of "DDR Museum journey time" is to present things their partial political background already taught shown and discussed. It is not already often existing representations of DDR and its repressive mechanisms. It is not the time named as "Ostalgie" of yesterday's focus but ordinary daily life with its commodities, equipment and its organization. Residence, fashion, children, shopping, vacation and leisure, the large topic mobility are topics. The real estate as the former home of "VEB Kraftwerksanlage construction" is built socialist industrial-style. Almost ideal rounded the outwardly has almost completely received architecture a Socialist Industriebaues and complements the largest museum exhibition to life in the GDR. Overall the chance to make public an exhibition that receives life and the sensitivities in the GDR of the posterity as lively and as showcases Museum is thus. The development concept to the download. (ISDN 3.12 MB) The development concept to the download. (DSL 4.02 MB) To the open the PDF file will require Acrobat Reader. (Warning: long loading time! 4.02 MB) Here a link to the Acrobat Reader download.
  3. I actually live by this guy too - He does some weird "art", but there is a large enough buffer that I just do care – I just drive by it everyday and laugh….. Unfortunately there is much more to this story then what is being presented. He was asked since March to clean up his yard. His complaint is hardly valid in regards to his “tools” – Would you leave your tools outside in the weather in a pile of dirt? The county feels that he in violation of the zoning laws, and if he wanted to have a scrap yard he should move it to a section of town that allows that type of use. Would you be happy if someone that was right next door to you was allowed to do anything they want? What about if he was able to stack so much stuff, that it was a haven for rodents that visited your property? There comes a point when you have to look at your surroundings and think “Would I like if someone stacked all this chit next to me?” I asked the attorney in my office about this because he represented a guy that had way more stuff then this - It’s a losing battle. When the county comes up to abate these types of properties there is no accountability for the items that are dumped with the exception of vehicles with a VIN.
  4. I bought one of these for the night drags a couple of years a go - It was so quiet after it locked up with about three hours of total run time. It was such a great unit its sitting in my garage cause after I did the charge back on my card the company didnt want to come get it - they did however ask me to drive it back to california - fugg that..
  5. They have plenty of desert on the Cali side of the fence also -but- it is much more cost effective to be on the Nevada side. The distribution will be same as the dam - the highest bidder will get it. Nextlight will not say who is getting the power - understandably<sp?> so, but most people don’t know that Nevada was not the high bidder on the dam power and it went to Cali and others for 50 years. The unfortunate thing for the off-road community is that more people are for the solar project - There quote is "Why spare the land for a bunch of people tearing up the desert" which is not the fact, but instead is the general uneducated thinking of the general public. I don’t know if the BLM and Nextlight will be having any more meetings in regards to this project - but if there are people may want to go and see the way they are heading. There is quite a bit of arguments from both sides, and VERBAL promises of coexistence between both parties - but really I don’t see how that would work (I hope it would) - It seems like it more telling people what they want to hear
  6. Thats not how it works - Courses can not just be anywhere - A ton of money needs to be spent and a ton of time to get the maybe for a course. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it...
  7. Too add to this type of story - This happens in Grocery stores all of the time - They love the jacket on network cable, so when your at the register and it goes array just thank a mouse that was running across your food to get to the cable that little f&* just chewed up....
  8. I believe it finished BITD V2R and McCacren had in in Primm...
  9. SNORE is 4 wheels and a steering wheel only - Look up the WORCS site - they have great stuf from amature to pro
  10. My loss really - I was thinkin the whole time that I wish you people were there - Rides are just not fast paced without you or bert or ISBB leading.... I just didnt think you guys would be interested....
  11. It was pretty nice out there this morning - Nice breeze and of course no one out there(There was a car out there for about an hour)
  12. Cole - There is a kewl build that Klaus did on Race-Dezert - Check it out, It has some good ideas...
  13. Cole - There is a kewl build that Klaus did on Race-Dezert - Check it out, It has some good ideas...
  14. Call your card company - It is NOT legal to charge someone for an online transaction until SHIPMENT is made. When I say shipment - They must have proof of tracking. On the other hand if they check for authorization of funds on your card, card companies will show that as a charge then it will timeout if the actual charge is not made also...
  15. Tomorrow night will be Meet'nGreet on Freemont (Thursday) with some other kewl items.... Friday will be tech from 8am till 6pm all the way down Freemont, not the shortened version of last year Saturday will be the race - Main pit will be at the Moapa plaza, and there will also be spectator areas (2) - or you can volunteer for a C\P or R\C and get real close.... Justr check out snoreracing.net under events and Mint 400
  16. yea...... and get a spell checker toooooooo.....
  17. I agree - I have three trucks, all of them done by three different places. The ranger is the the oldest tint job, and by far it is the best - It was done by these guys... The other two where done by the "Best" in the whole wide world and they are so good that I dont want to go back to have them fixed.....
  18. Jealousy will get you nowhere....
  19. If people need firewood, I have a grip split in my backyard....
  20. I bet if you talk to Jamie Fagen, she could point you in the right direction...
  21. That was pretty kewl - Especially when they go to the happiest place on earth....
  22. Sweet - I will be there by proxy - Thanks pimpshack for stepping up and making yourself available for me to exercise that option!
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