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Everything posted by itszackyadigg

  1. New truck, we are deffintly loving it! Were takin it out to dumont this weekend for its first time!
  2. ya 2 more days! 50 sum hours! its to far away it needs to hurry up!! but The Alaskan has it bad, 3 days... whew
  3. meto i can sleep, but its like all i tihnk about is riding at dumont this week and i think of how its gonna be, and where im gonna ride haha gooddddd is killin me!
  4. i aslo just remembered i made a video of my beagle he was whiled that night, like he is now he keeps barkin and putting his butt in the air haha well heres the video!!
  5. well i cant yet but i can ride and have tons of fun leaving thursday hopefully around 3 ! meeting danny and them out at banshee hill sat morning so hope to see you guys there to!
  6. hahahah exactly what my dog does but once in a while, he'll sleep out of the blankets, thats when hes to lazy to get his fat but up thats interesting i guess its in the beagle genes?
  7. oo boy, thats a bit costy for me haha heck i think ill just stick with my bike for cruisin, till i get enough money to pump it up a bit and stick to my dads quad (if i can) for a little bit of racing
  8. hahaha one day when i get my own truck and some money to have some work done on it i will but its a f350 dually, idk if will be good for racing haha made for hauling and power!
  9. well we just got a new truck and this bike may be going to my brother when we upgrade sooo, ya we cant even afford the 700 lol
  10. haha my beagle is like that accept he HAS to be under the blankets, with his head stickin out, on a pilllow haha
  11. yeaa i figured i'd get that quad power kit thing, it'd add 10-15% horsepower to my bike and its only $137 or i should just save up for an exhaust and a slip on. which shall i do??
  12. thats what i do! but i wanna look cooler racin from the bottom up and then coming down :beer_bang: haha bob, thats the best ive heard
  13. Is it worth it? Does anyone have one on there bike? And how much more power does it feel like it gives you?
  14. Im with you there elduner, i'm so excited!! anyone know what I can do to a trx400ex 2005 model to make it keep up with some 450's, but wont cost to much?
  15. ya its gonna be awesome haha ya man
  16. ya haha michelle bout a 12 foot haunted house and some skeleton dude or Death dude riding in a carriage with horses in front
  17. haha ya man! Dumont is the place to be! and its perfect to take naps at you lay in your trailer/tent/car w/e you sleep in close your eyes, kick back and listen to the noises going all around you
  18. ya it was me and my cousin went to a friends camp and we got lost comin back took us almost an hour to find our camp!! but this year our friends have some walk-through blow up haunted house ahahaha loorddd.. this trips gonna be interesting
  19. Last Halloween weekend was terrible! you couldnt see like 15-20 feet infront of you!!
  20. i bet it does it looks sick i think ive seen Aaron's and Danny's bike out there before. from what I remember, Danny's hauls bootay up comp haha but I dont recall seing Aaron's go up comp.
  21. Ya man, it better go fast see you sat!! anyone here leaving thursday? haha nice nice lovin the pumpkin bike!!
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