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Everything posted by ItsWeeks

  1. I would do what ken said and if you can put a few thousand more towards your purchase and get at least a busa car or find a project car and put it together like I did with mine. If you get a beam car it will probably be fun for a while then your gonna want to go to bigger or long travel. Or use the money as a down payment on an xp900. couple options, first car is a friends just a couple ideas. Good Luck http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/rvs/3394666957.html another http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/rvs/3412989430.html
  2. I have a 2006 trx450er with title in hand. The bike is far from stock only about 5 hours on new 500cc motor with head ported and polished by lmr with +1 crf valves, 3mm stroker crank, fresh clutch. During rebuild tranny gone thru and 2nd and 3rd gear were replaced with small signs of wear. Ordered brand new cases thru honda while building the complete new motor. Only the head and parts of the tranny were used from original 450 motor. The motor runs on pump gas. The bike has long travel front suspension with motowoz shocks, +2 jd performance steering stem with high rise bars, ac nerf bars, full hmf exhaust, k&n filter, desert tank. Also comes with some spare parts original stock tires/wheels, full set itp baja wheels with itp fronts and maxxis rears in great shape and full set of itp paddles. Sure I am forgetting something. Bike is fast tons of torque, built to be fast thru the dunes and the occasional hill shoot. Asking $4800, the engine alone was a $3500 build. Call or text Jason 702-809-8669
  3. Be there this sunday till tuesday, the rest of the clan is going Saturday to Saturday lucky punks..
  4. Done!!! Did anybody post this on the glamis dunes website or any other forums??
  5. You may need more then a pet smart cage if she has such a gift for destruction
  6. I have a female mal and she is pretty big for a female then a red sable shepherd he is prob 90lb. Both are about four. I love them, gotta keep them busy. Did your dogs do Schutzhund work?
  7. I have one. Great working breed. Most police departments use them amongst the shepherds of course and the military. Typically have a high drive, I say they are like shepherds on crack. Some call them maligators
  8. Looks like a great time, nice photos. Looks like were heading out sunday the 18th till tuesday the 20th meeting some of our group who are doing a week out there starting sat the 17th. Maybe see some of you guys out there??
  9. Um, if an m4 is a common weapon in a trailer at the dunes I'm gonna start bringing all my tactical gear. Because my pistol just isn't gonna cut it. I would like to think that any gun owner knows the where abouts of their firearms at all times especially their long guns.
  10. Never seen a snake but did see tracks from a sidewinder on the dunes a few years ago.
  11. I heard that blm and the dog made a huge bust out there this weekend. Need to confirm with some LEO contacts, but I think they are doing a good job managing and keeping the trash outta Dumont.
  12. Nice... When the time comes I wouldn't mind having a complete 2 stroke collection, collect like old muscle cars lol
  13. I regret selling my lt250r I had all tricked out just because now it would be fun to just have and ride occasionally.
  14. Nothing like a good sunset to end a good day of riding and lead into a great night ride session...
  15. Well I have sunday-tuesday off, but my lady is buggin to go as well and she is off monday, tuesday... Unfortunately we didn't go today because my moms car decided to throw a timing belt. So today was tear motor apart and get head off to see damage... Def would have rather been duning...
  16. Ok cool where did you camp at? I was gonna start looking into oasis. Do you know if they have hook ups?
  17. Dunefreak how is up there for sandrails?? I plan on taking my rail and an rzr and if I can fit my quad then it too.
  18. Thankyou!!! Those helped a bunch!!
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