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Everything posted by ltr450

  1. Southpole :kitty: :smoker: three word game or this or that
  2. ltr450

    Hands Free

    Is this only a law in califrona or all over. That you can't drive and talk on your cell phone. Starting july 1 :smoker:
  3. I'm a plumbing contractor for most of these insurance co. Your deductible should be around $55.00. A plumber get's paid only $100.00 to install your heater. So we bill the insurance co. Out $45.00. So $100.00 dallors is not a lot for money to install a water heater. That's why they are trying to find things that are not up too code. Because the COD rate is hire than the insurance rate. The plumbing contractors are just trying to make some more $ on a service call. You can ask for a cash out only. I think a cash out for a 40 gallon is $500.00 and a50 is $600.00. good luck :argue:
  4. Golden retriever pug or english bull dog
  6. Love Boat powerhouse or wingnut :dance:
  7. :poke: Want's too get roasted buy sandsoulja. but hasn't got what she is looking for :beer_bang:
  8. look's bad a$$. Can they make one for my LTR :beer_bang:
  9. Congrats on the new baby boy. I got 4 boys, and on girls :beer_bang:
  10. both smell like a$$ "cigs" Glamis or dumont :beer_bang:
  11. "This is my first time drinking, ever" Fuggin classic! Left, Left, Left right Left!
  12. WTF>>> why would any one let a 12yr, old boy.Try too find his way back to camp from the dunes on such big weekend. It,s hard enough for adults to find there camp. Muchless a young kid
  13. Great looking rail. Looks like the big boy version of this.
  14. ltr450

    DDR Store

    just need to add some hats
  15. It sounds like your a young kid. Just full of guestions and advise, which is a great thing. I wish my 16yr old, was more attentive about one certain thing, exsept for girls. If your going to buy this thing, with your hard earnd money and your parents arn't going too buy it for you. Take the advise that the other guys are trying to tell you. Because your asking for advise, tells us that your not sure about this thing.and for 8 thousand dollars too buy a terd is a lot of money. You can find nice stock rhinos for that price, and down the road put a little money into it. Not only are you happyer but you will get your moneys worth and that's what it's all about.
  16. Those little car kick a$$ and look like a lot of fun.... :freakin_nuts:
  17. OK cheap china built knock off's,you get what you pay for.. Just try to sale that peace of crap in a year.
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