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Dune Food
Everything posted by motoxman30
this is y i dont confront cuz u think im a punk a$$ along with everyone else who is gonna care wut a 20 year old has to say he has no experience...lets grab some fireworks and fire em at their camp tonight and yes i did give the cones back i just temporarily repossesed em but i kept the stakes they wont be needing em...i could use em anyways to weld together my dirtbike stand
u shoulda done it u woulda still been bigger people if they didnt catch u its like 007 tryin to sneak up there without being caught mission accomplished lets go home boys u come back to camp and ur like oooo wut a rush...woo baby...we gotta tell the rest of the camp
now ive been havin alot of problems with my bike there has been alot of money put into it by the guy before me and it just seems to be a problem couple of questions first...my rear sprocket went from a 52 tooth to practically nothing and the chain stretched out a few inches does anyone know where i can get a stock chain and sprocket set also the rub plate on the swing arm is gettin torn up and i need another one of those...price and location?? and the final thing that has really been buggin me is the oil i know a couple people with 450s who say the transmission oil and the crankcase oil are different they say my motor should have already blown up i read the manual and it gives a list of different things and it says u can put HP4 in both ive been runnin the same oil and not a problem am i right or wrong?
thats good to hear give him anything he wants...ice cream, video games, the works just messin strong kid and strong family he aint gonna give up when hes got parents to take him riding almost every other week sorry bout the confusion in our camp we get confused about which dunes are the little ones they say they goin to the little dunes and i show up at the wrong one
but u didnt show after ur jump how does ur back end come up when the motors in the back?? u got some good air too good runnin buggy but MAN i was soo close to gettin in the pic my white bike is right on the other side of my dads ricochet buggy with the purple flames and u cant really see barney on the front but that was my childhood stuffed animal that dude in the yellow buggy thats my boss...keeps me workin
i know wut happened but hes back on his feet and ready to ride again ...makes u question life he was doin wut he loves ive had an experience just like that cousin went in for a heart transplant...gotta have confidence that they WILL come through and the dunes im talking about u cant camp in ur talking about the little dunes off the road and those are MORE dangerous than the big ones people can haul @$$ because its just up and down...no major drop offs im talking about the ones back in the corner on the south end of the big dunes they are smaller and no one goes there sure people will get hurt there and there will be crashes its not a matter of if ur gonna crash its when not many people go there and u can always keep a birds eye view from up top u can walk to any dune over there if u need to see ur kid im assuming that the rest of u thought i was talkin bout the dunes off the road thats like a 5 mile trip that im not willin to make to ride those dunes
hahahaha im not that young...old enoguh to make my own decisions but young enough to beat ur a$$ up comp OOOOOO hahaha just messin btw it was a suggestion...just throwin it out there for someone to catch
wait did they have little blue sticks that picked up the trash?? and were they also throwin rocks at each other with em?
how bout we settle this rope off wut is our camp to keep people from gettin in make a lil drawbridge and moat to let people out and back in...hahaha jkjk but here it is rope off ur campwithin 10-15 feet of ur rig no half assin it cause thats how people get lost... ill be ridin along the caution tape and itll suddenly disappear and then im in the camp...this isnt where i parked my car ...if ur gonna do it then do it right and make it all the way around with maybe 1-2 entrances/exits as for the dunes....if u want your kids to play on it grab a six pack and a friend and sit on top of the dune with a flag...everyone will see u unless they are wasted ...and if that be the case the caution tape would just be the finish line at the end of the race for them or even temporarily block them off and then bring em back down when ur done but if u dont feel like bringin em back down then make sure their out of the way of fellow duners. ive tried runnin over a cone...the cone did more runnin over of me than i did to it. but like i said...the little dunes are probably the best place to learn thats where i started and check it out those turns helped i could zigzag my 90 all the way up comp hill
that cant be true the pickups wont fit in through those little dunes...i know ive tried didnt turn out to good...and the buggies are a lil big so u cant get much speed. and theres plenty of razor backs...i go over there all the time just cuz i like spinnin the back end around and throwin up sand...theres jumps and little burms and switchbacks...but theyre always changing...there was one time i went there and there was a jump we always went off of....next trip out it had rocks on it it all depends on when u go try it out one more time...i should be there on my white honda 450 so seek me out and ill show u the basics :mischevious: its always good to get back to the basics but every time ive gone it hasnt been to crowded and the only buggys that were there kinda just cruised through and went towards the big dunes.
y would he hit a buggy...thats not very nice did he go up and smack it hith his hand?? i mean if he was pissed he shoulde slashed the tires cuz hittin the buggy would probably hurt his hand HAHAHAHA just messin...thats wierd...when i go there theres usually only like 5 people there mustve been the timing and to answer ur question on drinkin....ummm this may be shocking but im not old enoguh to drink + it doesnt really work for me...i stick to the cream soda and root beer :mischevious: switched over to a crf 450....no lights...of course i could strap one too it but my buddy did that and it messed his fender up i used to take a yfz 450 through the dunes and over the backside of comp last time i went for a night ride the moon was full...me and my dad....didnt even need the lights it was so bright...popped over comp hill and sat in the valley no one there and not a sound then my dad brings up tremors...WOAH!!! on the whole ride back im tryin to stay right behind him in case the worm comes up and gets me or mr jeepers creepers decides to have me for dinner :chug: too rough these days to be ridin those quads... im gettin old and my back is startin to get a lil crunchy i still wanna be ridin when im 50 so i got the 24 inches of travel
hahaha string cheese thats perfect but yeah...u learn alot more there...id have to say its a little harder to ride in the small stuff i have a dirtbike and it requires more work in maneuvering and throwing ur but around when ur in the big dunes theres like no shifting required...stick it in 3rd or 4th and u dont have to touch it we would just sit up on top of the dune at the little dunes and watch as my dad would teach my little bro he ate it cause he got a lil cocky but learned after that...we got it on video too...hahaha but yeah its perfect...not many people go there so ur kids wont get run over no need to rope off dunes out there
i dont want to start a war here but if ur concerned for ur kids y not park in a more secluded area? sure u can teach ur kids how to ride on those little fingers but wut are they gonna do run up and down it all day? u cant teach on that kind of stuff...u have to take them to a better place to practice turning and flipping over the dunes. we have NEVER roped off a dune i got a 9 year old bro that learned so quickly hes riding a 450 its because my dad spent time with him...watched him and showed him the basics alot of u may be asking where u can teach without a crowd. there is a little area as far south as u can go for the kids to practice on they are little dunes and its PERFECT for anyone...no crowd thats where u learn everything...anyone can go up a hill and turn around like on the dunes u have roped off in my opinion, the little dunes give u more experience with turns and everything u need to know think of this as an alternative to ropin off the dunes spread out a little ive been to the top of comp hill and looked at all the camps and they are all clustered together then theres a spot towards the edge where NO ONE parks sure ud have to drive another quarter mile but thats the cost u pay for the safety. u wouldnt have to worry about ropin off ur camp or peope driving through....ur kids could even make a track on the flats. and if u want them to learn in the dunes take em over to the little ones on the south side small price for a little more security i also think that this cluster of people is causin more people to get lost and go through camps to find their way...theres open circles and i try to take my time findin my way but my clutch cant handle much more stoppin and goin. on another note...this is to CaptNkllm i know weve been arguing over this but its ur choice to do wut u want...i cant stop u and id also like to compliment on ur buggy i was ridin my dirtbike around lookin for my dad and ur buggy looks similar we see u and we're like DAYUMN that thing is nice ...i never thought id actually see someone from ddr out there
i wasnt there but i been hearin it alot there were two buggys my dads and some other dude in a red funco both from our camp sunday night last ride of the trip red buggy goes up speeds across the top makes a sharp turn to go down catches an edge its all over i heard 4-5 rolls down the hill everyones tellin my dad to go up there and help out he gets in his buggy and takes up he goes down the little starting spot and the left side arms snapped due to a bad weld AHAHAHAHAH TALK ABOUT IRONIC both within 2 minutes of each other alot of u are probably thinkin how could u laugh when the red buggy just rolled 4-5 times the people in it were fine...just a little shooken up probably like 1-2 gs busted on it...not as bad as ud think and it makes a good story around the camp fire if anyone saw this let me know i wanna get the whole story
umm did u read the topic title it said ropin off the dunes i could care less if u rope off ur camp within 10-15 feet but if u decide u need another hundred yards that grinds my gears and u gotta park ur trailers in a circle...its not like glamis where u park off the road in a line...it dont work like that. and o yeah people dont ride through camps on purpose so dont be an and do that $H!+ i feel embarassed whenever i ride through someones camp but every now and then ill get lost at night we see people ridin through our camp every now and then...they dont go blastin trough just cruise so we just turn our heads and say o well...it could happen to anyone or they come through thinkin its their friends camp...no harm no foul...they arent kickin up dust anyone who ropes off dunes for their kids to climb on is just careless and should have had an abortion...u should be watching ur kids...that is ur job until they are old enough to take care of themselves...u are depdending on a thin piece of plastic to keep riders from having ur little kids injured or killed u watch ur kids and show them the ropes u wont have problems but it seems to me that u think ropin off the dunes gives u the opportunity to chill with friends without payin any attention to ur kids get some common sense...think before u say
id like to say that it may be easy for u to load up ur chit but it takes us an hour and a half to load our stuff up ill get u a pic of the setup we have...4 quads a dirtbike and a buggy...one trailer one truck + the leos were too busy tryin to dig themselves outta the hole they got into at the little dunes and we been campin at this spot for as long as i can remember even before people started ropin them off its like comin into someones house and markin off stuff that isnt theres limiting our riding area dumont is already small enough and pretty soon everyones gonna be claiming dunes to themselves and barefoot bob tell me how it is wrong we took them down...took a ride on the dune...the trailers were at least 100 feet away no harm done + we were nice enough to give them there cones back. i will say that we actually kept the stakes so that i can use em for my welding class :freakin_nuts: at least i was resourceful
now i dont know about u but im gettin sick and tired of all these dunes being roped off everyones putting up cones and ive almost run into em but id have to admit its gettin a little better we camped at d13 right next to that little dune over that hill at c13 theres 3 rigs they took up more space than our group that had 25 rigs roped off most of the dune and put metal stakes underneath the cone me and my cousin are gettin tired of goin all the way around and not being able to ride on this dune so at night we went up and took all of it down until they pulled a spotlight on us and we ran away with the cones back to our camp...kept all of it the next morning they have three more cones up there along with more caution tape :angry2: legally they cant block off the dunes like that so technically i FOUND the cones lying in the dunes the next night we went out on a ride in a wierd vehicle along the long finger goin out to the entrance of comp hill...we leaned out and grabbed all the caution tape and ripped it off :rant_on: later that night me and my cousin went back on top of the c13 hill and took all the cones down and threw em down the hill and brought their original cones back and threw em down the hill that grinds my gears tho we shoulda kept the cones cuz they aint gonna stop the metal stakes from goin through someones head + its not their dunes hopefully none of u will disagree with what we did i mean i did give them their cones back but how many of u believe that we should be able to rope off whatever dunes we want??
it dont matter what type of goggles u get...if u get blasted hard enough sand will always get through ive had my smiths for 6 years...yeah i know time for new ones...and its got a HUUUGGGEEE SCRATCH across the center but i been tryin out other peoples goggles as well i just bought some oneals a couple months ago...should be arriving any day now but every now and then when i hit a jump theres some hidden sand in my goggles that float up into my eyes i look into em and i cant find it theres one person i know that never gets sand in his eyes when hes drivin his buggy its a full on helmet with visor and cloth goin down the neck with an air hose attachment :kart: truth is...all of em will let in sand but some work better than others so do some lookin around...check out the reviews go into a cycle store and try some on and sometimes the most expensive ones arent the best :rant_on: DO NOT GET THE SMITHS!!!
Hater Families at the Rockpile
motoxman30 replied to Duneraider's topic in Dumont Regulations, Safety & BLM
AHAHAHAHAHAHA im like wheres he goin with this?? and then i read the end AHAHAHAHAHAHA :porn: damn kids hopefully its only a phase for them otherwise these dunes wont last long theres gonna be wars goin on and the dunes will be for cover pshh...markin their territory -
hahahahahaha thats a tip all on it own ima have to try that me and my friend walked up to the fire one night with a hanfull of firecrackers sat down...snuck em in the fire and walked away...we were so slick :boyyy: :afro: i never laughed so hard in my life i damn near pissed myself :boyyy: there were people divin....dogs barkin...babies cryin o baby
like i said u dont know wtf ur talkin bout until u try it ur loss im not gainin anything outta this its not advice...its a camping tip and if u dont wanna use it then dont :no_no:
hahaha i know i know everyone says teens have road rage and drive crazy thats true for most u gotta meet me to believe it im probably one of the most relaxed and chilled person u will meet but now that i recall i actually have muttered Piece o $h!+ under my breath :kart: but i dont let my driving get affected Unbelieveable??? Believe it
Now im gonna get alot of replies back sayin that wont work cuz i do this around the fire and people are always sayin dont be stupid chadd stop it. and then when they try it they look at me with that stupid look on their face dont disagree unless uve tried it when ur sittin around the fire and ur just not feelin the warmth on ur back take a shovel and get a few red coals out of the fire stick it under ur seat and itll keep u warm if ur chair is too low then dont do it if ur chair is a plastic lawn chair...theres no way for the heat to get to u and dont put too many coals underneath...5-10 should do it depending on how big they are dont deny it until u try it people tell me the dogs are gonna burn their nose when they get near trust me...if ur dog isnt mentally challenged u wont have problems if they dont get near the fire they wont get near the coals i am not responsible for stupidity such as chairs catchin on fire or holes in the chair its never happened to me but some of u may decide u want the whole fire underneath u