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Everything posted by motoxman30

  1. any dumont dunerider that cares about global warming should sell their sh*t now sure it has an effect on the atmosphere wut that effect is?? no one knows for sure because nothing has happened everyone says yeah globabl warming is happening now REALLY?!?!? well wheres the heat?? its been so damn cold here last year it was too hot wheres the proof?? sure the average temperature differs but who wants the same weather every year? we'll run out of gas before we notice anything
  2. first of all id like to say u come onto this site asking questions for answers u wont get it seems like ur complainin to all of us sayin we need to keep all our ddr members under control he runs u off the road and u speed ur a$$ up to catch him cmon...u gotta learn to be a more responsible person yelling and screamin wont get u anywhere im a teen and when someone cuts me off or gets to close to me i dont get pissed i just chill and continue on my merry way i never use my horn unless theres someone walkin accross the crosswalk i wanna see em jump think of it this way u lived itll be a good story in the future :no_no:
  3. yeah they shut down most of the dunes but that was before i was born like 20 years ago i dont think theyve shut down any more since then but all the best dunes are in the closed area so as far as i know all the areas that were opened when i went there are still open
  4. i donno i havent been there in 2 years i wana start goin out there again tho but last time there werent any and yeah a good washll get rid of any possibility of rust
  5. ull be sittin by the campfire and tell that story in the future ull even have a good laugh it will be legendary good to hear everyones ok
  6. pismo is an awesome place to go u dont need big dunes u need those dunes that are small enoguh to cut the turns and slide the back end around...those were the first dunes ive ever been to it was pourin rain and the wind was howlin but we were only there for a day so we went ridin anyways comp hill is small but theres another hil where u can race flat out 5th 6th gear in my opinion its an awesome place its in town so u can just take ur truck to the mexican restaraunt at night and dont worry bout rust people say theyre bikes get all rusted but ask em if they drove theyre vehicles through the water ive been out there a bunch of times no rust on the bikes
  7. yfzs are best all around bike....good for track...good for trails and dunes. everyones sayin get the kawi or another 450 and sayin u have to put parts on em like a sprocket pshhhh back when i rode quads i had a stock yfz with paddles and my dad had a yfz with yoshimura pipe and filter with paddles....we were racin up comp hill...like 5 other people out there racin and we took em up a few times....it mightve been my weight being 150 but i smoked all of them...stock bike with only paddles. now im ridin a crf 450 dirtbike. i got back on the yfz after ridin my dirtbike for a few trips...WOAH...it was sooo small i could feel every bump. hahahahha but yeah...buy a yfz used the power is perfect...ive never gotten stuck very little shifting unless ur aggressive
  8. we have 2 yfz and one honda 450 the yfz are awesome bikes...they sit lower to the ground...suspensions good and u could ride around with no paddles the only downside is the seat is rough and the throttle is a little hard to push...other than that its an awesome quad the honda when i got on it seemed a little smaller and felt a little touchy good bike too but id prefer the yamaha...they were first and better the kawasakis are funky...the batterys in the wirdest spot
  9. well im not surprised...i mean he is the president of skyski theres a lake i go to where everyones crazy bout skyskiin theres a guy out there who does backflips and all that crazy stuff...i think he said he was sponsored but yeah hes an old dude too but he knows how to ride that ski im just gettin into it i still like the wakeboard a little more
  10. hahahahaha OMG who has the time to label all of those?? whatever...it dont even matter the names if im gonna go to a bowl ill be like hey ill be over in that bowl over there and point to it
  11. hahahaha well look at it this way if u screw up your legs u can still ride the sky ski those things are sooo fun pssshh forget the air chair sky skiings where its at
  12. well theres two places it could be...one is in the back on the flat dirt goin out to the north pole....and the other is in front of the superbowl...they normally dont do it on small weekends like mlk.
  13. i dont see the problem there if u got a flag goin over to the jump its all good u have spotters :shout: and thats better than the flag ur just stayin in one area and u got a few people watchin u..to me that sounds reasonable to the rangers...i dont know wut theyd say its probably more dangerous with a flag doin that stuff supermans and nac nacs ...u hit the flag and lose ur balance...well its a long fall + with u doin that stuf everyone would form a circle around u just to watch and i dont know how u could get better than that but yeah ride over with a flag take it off then when u leave put it back on makes sense
  14. i dont get it? :2gunsfiring: if its a bumper sticker, the sticker probably came from america unless it was made in china someone please explain it to me without gettin all up in my face
  15. the road hasnt been finished soon itll be like a road with concrete...eventually im all for paying its gotten us a bunch of stuff bathrooms, the rangers and medics have new vehicles to ride around in, the road, and theres more to come. with the growing crowd these fees keep the blm fighting environmentalists...the blm gets money if the dunes are open...if there are no more fees wuts the point in fighting for it?
  16. ur havin problems with ur generator too? we were askin the same question about people to come to the house ours runs then turns off after a while and it ran good when we started it up for the season we checked everything and we couldnt find the problem piece of $h!+ generators so we brought our honda out INDESTRUCTABLE and it ran good the whole weekend wut do u expect...the generators were made in the USA
  17. last year we went to glamis for new years me and my dad stayed an extra day after everyone left and there was NO ONE there we had the dunes to ourselves this year we learned the whole group is goin to glamis after new years i like dumont waaayyy better cuz i get sick when im ridin at glamis get there then go down to mexico/algodones one of those days :beer_bang: border hoppin
  18. there was one trip we went out where it rained sooo hard that there was a 50 foot wide by around 2 foot deep river runnin through the back dunes...over night too. thats y whenever u see those hard rock in the dunes or hard spots..thats where the water ran through. the moat was there till the end of the season. i dont know if any of u were there but it was unbelieveable
  19. id have to say i dont classify trucks on the maker ford has a bunch of problems but look at some of the trucks they have made i wouldve never gotten a toyota but they came out with the tundra and WHOA but nice truck tho it feels good to drive home in something big like that i had been savin up for a dirtbike for a year...just bought it like 2 months ago worked my @$$ off id come home it would be in my room HEY BABY how was ur day?? lol feels good
  20. yeah we,ve got one too it was very well done but i heard some guy took over the business some say the owners downfall was that he tried to put together complete buggies rather than just the frame. too bad it happens tho
  21. thats a stupid question guys should always piss in the sand no worry about aim hahahaha it drys up anyways...i even piss on my front lawn but we would dump our gray water on the dirt road to keep the dust down...we were behind some guy who did that too and it just soaked in right there....but it doesnt seem that dust will be a problem much longer.
  22. anyone know what happened to ricochet motorsports out there? it seemed like the business was doin good but then the guy went back to a plumbing contractor has the business reopened under someone new?
  23. wtf is wrong with u?? we go out to the dunes to ride not to watch wannabes attempt at making it into playboy same goes for people who go out there to just get wasted go to a bar if ur gonna do that in fact...go to a stripper bar...get ur fix of both
  24. me becoming president id make both sides happy....reopen all the dunes move all endangered animals to another place create national parks to be preserved so those environmentalists could go hiking there but like i said before...they wont use that opportunity to go hiking...theyll sit on their @$$ at home signin more petitions.
  25. ive been researching this whole closure of the kelso dunes and WOW its over 100,000 acres of riding and it closed down in 1973 u wanna know the reason? some weed that grows up and down the desert they mustve been drinkin when they thought this up i looked at some pictures of kelso dunes today...its being overrun with these weeds pretty soon u wont even be able to see the dunes...itll just be a forest of green. PROTECT A WEED OR PROTECT THE DUNES??? our activity on the dunes keeps them sandy and still theres a few of these weeds that grow towards the bottom....when we tend to our garden we pull all the weeds out cuz it kills everything around it. and the CO2 from our emissions keeps these plants living thats y the plants are always greener on the open side of glamis and all the plants on the closed side are a little paler. sure some of us run these plants over but u come back next week and theyre regrown now theres a concern over a lizard living in dumont dunes have any of u ever seen anything lving besides those bugs crawling around there is no possible way a lizard can make a home in the sand because its always caving in ive seen a couple up in the rocks and how many of us wanna trash our paddles there?? and wouldnt these lizards have migrated somewhere else if they didnt like what was going on around them?? bottom line is that we preserve the dunes with our riding we keep them from being overrun with weeds sure we put tracks in em but the wind blows at least once a week to smoothen em out y have dunes if they are just gonna be looked at from a distance?? the environmentalists close them down and NEVER visit em...they say they want to see these animals in their natural habitat but none of em have ever even seen the dunes or even know what they are talkin about they close it and leave this kinda stuff grinds my gears
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