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Everything posted by motoxman30
sounds like all of u are gettin a better deal than me 2004 chevy silverado single cab shortbed stripped $1800 a year :ah: im payin out the but the gas prices are kinda makin up for it almost below $2 a gallon WOOOO
ill second that my bro just went to a crf 450 never ridden a two wheeler b4...rode decent bmx tho was followin the buggies by the end of the weekend :kitty: + u can learn so much more on a bike i switched from a quad to bike and ill never go back...especially with the dunes gettin rutted out on the 1st day i rode a 500...psshh...lighter than the 450s but they vibrate like crazy there aint no holdin onto them when u get goin 250f is the way to go dude thatll take u anywhere :black:
move a lil further right and ull hit em i think its three now but if u hit em goin fast enuf u kinda skip over em...sometimes
wut do ya expect...it was made in the us yeah we had the same problem...tried starting it up at the beginning of the season started for a lil bit then turned off. too much old gas in the tank...just put 25 new gallons in and it ran like a champ just a suggestion
no one on here should be for obama protect ur interests look at his website environmentalists for obama naughty naughty hes a talker 2 strokes are already out the door wuts next?
it really depends on the quad...on a yfz450 yeah u might wanna go with a twist cuz its harsh on the thumb the trx 450s however are a lil easier i got a twist throttle on my bike of course pretty much every bike has one yeah wut they say about hangin on and accidentally twistin it can happen once u get used to the feel u dont even notice it and the burst of throttle usually never happens its a lil easier on the thumb but its really ur preference on whether u like usin ur wrist or thumb
i got a 450 too yeah the 10 is too much i got the 8 of course it came with the bike so i cant complain there is one tire that was born to be put on the 450 its pretty expensive but worth it its the 9 paddle from skat trac my buddys got it on his bike....every paddle that touches will grab good for roostin too and grippin on the side of the dune but if u just wanna spend a simple $40 to just have a good time then the 8 is ur best bet
yeah my 450 does that too especially when im goin down comp in a low gear i remember someone tellin me wut it was said it was nothin to worry about especially with the aftermarket pipe but idk wut kind of popping urs is makin so i cant make an assessment good luck with it tho
or dont put any oil in ur two stroked engine and watch the metal weld itself
theres one in California at a junior college in san fernando valley the teacher was so chill he'd teach a little in the class for like 15 minutes then the next two hours we went out and practiced welding and for the tests...it was all open note so any worksheets he gave us were on the test so its %100 every time...he even gave us the answers to the final also he encourages us to bring in our own stuff to work on some dude brought in a chopper and fixed it up everyone gets their own station too so u dont have to wait on other people usin ur torch
yeah but the more the gas prices go up the fewer people that will go ridin then they will sell their stuff and we lose fellow duners who would no longer care about our cause....cause and effect i always thought that the people bought up all the oil and to keep the demand down the companies raised the prices....when the prices were raised the speculators sold the oil back and made a profit thats just wut i heard makes me sick to know that these people are gettin free money for sittin on their @$$ stealin from us
im not an enviro but i think that every living thing deserves a chance at life how many of us ride in the vegitation?? how many of us have seen the lizard?? there is no way that this lizard can only be at dumont dunes if thats the case theyre done for with all the desert surrounding dumont wouldnt there be lizards out there? we ride wut like 1/10,000 of the desert...so y out of all the desert would these lizards make their home on the outskirts of the dunes with all the noise when they can make a nice home 2 miles out under a nice plant i think the reason is because they like the rumble of us ridin through wut would give them reason to stay? if a nuclear bombs gonna fall on the US u bet ur @$$ im gettin the FU$K out so these lizards see giant people ridin through wouldnt they leave as well? just thinkin out loud id go to the meeting but i got too much $H!+ goin on now
why did helen keller fire her maid?? BECAUSE SHE LEFT THE PLUNGER IN THE TOILET!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :chug: :black: NICE
o yeah!!!! i think they do too much talkin tho...need more ridin and less talkin cant wait for it to come out
yeah bush was in there to run a country but when we got attacked hes like wtf??!?! y did they just do that?? and everyone wanted to fight back...and now everyones sayin hes an @$$hole he just did wut we wanted...and now...we cant pull out until we get the job done the RIGHT way its like goin to work...if u take the lazy way out and half a$$ a job...u get the customer comin back and bitchin u out...well...the bitchin from iraq is gonna be pretty big otherwise...like u said...we will get attacked again obama has no military experience...he says he wants to end the war by pulling our troops out of iraq and moving them to afganistan...end the war or start a new one?? john mccain says he wants to stay there and get the job done....he has the most experience in military cuz he as well as alot of his ancesters fought for our country...had to watch a biography on him as well for my government class lol...i donno if this is true but he says that ever since they switched to his plan in the war...theyve been making advancements
i just watched a video on the cause of 911 in my government class it appears we were friends with osama...we gave him supplies to help stop the uprising in his country because there were massive outbreaks....we even sold their government nuclear weapons..why?? idk...i fell asleep after that part but then we screwed osama over with somethin...he got pissed and then some other sh*t happened and bam i dont know the whole story...that documentary had the whole class sleepin but i got a few parts but it was the previous presidents who got us attacked and it is bushs fault for screwin us over in this war...he sends us in not knowin wut to do....moves us around john mccain gives him an idea on how to move forward and finish it....and from wut i heard...this plan is workin...i havent really heard much about the war in the news lately so im guessin its kinda settlin down correct me if im wrong cuz i mightve missed something and been completely wrong
ha if ur nice yeah my truck could get 400 if im nice but every now and then i like to feel that power and the sound of that engine pur wut is this dude? that thing should be posted up as suzukis advertisement its so nice...good photography. because of this pic...i think i want one now...lol
awww man wut kind of bike u got how often do u fill it up and how many mpgs i gotta get me one hybrids aint got no balls
i drive ten miles to work and ten miles back if i drive on the street i get about 350 miles to one tank which lasts me like 3 weeks i recently took a trip up to a lake about 270 miles away on the freeway it took about 550 miles to one tank i filled it up before the light went on $117 it couldve easily gotten to $130 this is crazy im for gettin a street bike but no one wants to take care of me if i become a vegetable
theres only one solution tell the enviros theres a big convention out in the middle of the desert set up a tent out there...when they get there...drop a bomb on em bill gets passed that 72% wooooo -----> %10 or less plus we get more ridin areas and to power house 8--------> o: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA JKJKJK :argue: just messin wit ya
he died doin wut he loves it sucks to see someone go so early :argue: especially someone with a family friends, fans thoughts go out to the family
u could make ur own rules and think of how many hits this site would get if u became president WOOOOO!!!
u could make ur own rules and think of how many hits this site would get if u became president WOOOOO!!!
DUNEFREAK!!! start workin in politics id vote for u all the way keeps ddr goin always the peacekeeper :chev_bowtie: and of course...ur a FELLOW RIDER!!! are there any riders in politics?? theres a SH!+ load of enviros cuz they got nothin better to do but wut about people who go to the lake or ride desert?? anyone?