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Everything posted by motoxman30
hey its possible in the dream i had last night lol
"Our dependence on foreign oil strains family budgets and it saps our economy. Oil money pays for the bombs going off from Baghdad to Beirut, and the bombast of dictators from Caracas to Tehran," Obama said. "Our nation will not be secure unless we take that leverage away, and our planet will not be safe unless we move decisively toward a clean energy future." WHAT A f*ckin DUMBASS!!!!! we will always be dependent on them for oil unless we drill for ourselves not everyone is gonn wanna go out and get clean cars hes sayin lets not drilll for oil...instead lets keep payin them for oil so that they blow themselves up until we find a cleaner energy source which will be....when?? this dude is a total dip sh*t
yeah dude i love gettin political i hear everyone cheerin for obama round here...y would they want him?? its cuz theyre all a bunch of dumb $H!+$....nobody looks at the facts i believe he will do wut he says close down the lakes to factorys and soon boats says he expects gas prices to get up to 7 or 8 dollars make healthcare available to EVERYONE!!!! and im sure that u are all smart enuf to know that that money is comin out of our paycheck to pay for some illegals medical i been watchin mccain tho hes really pissin the republicans off because hes not doin wut they say and the democrats hate him too so we got ourselves an independent right down the middle if he wins and follows through on his words...well....that will be a first we've got to look out for our own interests we can probably produce as much or more oil than the camel jockeys every piece of land has a little oil under it....its just sittin there...not servin much of a purpose underground even if it does take some time...would u rather have it keep goin up pretty soon the amount of people goin to dumont will slow down to a trickle enviros will say to the curts...well not enough people go there to make a profit so lets close it down chain of events the speculators are total A$$HOLES!!! they buy up all of the oil so that theres only a little left in the gulf when theres little oil to sell...they raise their prices then the speculators take action and sell the oil back for the price it went up to
i agree with u a world full of empty promises but id rather vote for someone who says hes gonna do something for us rather than say hes gonna shut down the dunes. he can sign a bill but then its gotta go throughn all those liberal POS justices to get approved everyone needs this...we need this oil like in previous posts...60% is speculation....if the camel jockies start pumpin out more...speculations gonna go up. and i think it would take about a year to see changes takes a while to set up the oil rigs but who would u vote for a guy who says hes gonna get the ban on drills lifted or a guy who says hes gonna reform the lakes....starting with lake michigan to get all of the factories out of there. whether they do it or not...theyre ideas could lead to better ones
AY MAN TO THAT BRO!!!! :beer_bang:
just watchin CNN john mccain wants to lift the drilling ban to allow us to become more independent and drill for oil obamas pissed...the enviros are pissed...but hey...if they want to shut down our riding areas and raise the price of gas so that we cant ride...fk THEM!!! lower gas prices...better economy and riding for cheap thats all i care about lets hope it gets done the only obstacle is global warming...and all the liberal democrats pssshhh...we dont care about that...as long as the gas is cheaper than the beer its all good :beer_bang:
o $H!+ i was wonderin how that happened yeah friday the 13th was a little wierd i left for the lake at 5 in the morning im haulin @$$ up towards fresno there were a few things that happened to me on the freeway...they were doin a little roadwork and had the road all scraped up so i get to that point and theres someone in front of me they fling up a lose rock at my windshield and now theres a little mark/circular crack where it hit i had my ice chest...my clothes bag...and my gas in the back of my truck...snug top over it i get to the area where the road winds along the lake i love just takin those turns as fast as i can...feels like im ridin it starts gettin a lil hot in my truck so i open the window i smell gas and im like AWWWW FU*K!!!! my gas can tipped over...hopefully my icechest didnt i get to the lake...park...and run to the back of my truck...and sure enough...the gas spilled along with my ice chest...so its a good mix there....but i washed the stuff off....no ice anymore tho....but the frigerator kinda helped keep it cool i get down to the houseboat...its an older lakepowell rental that we bought im like YES...i get the boat to myself this weekend....PARRTAAAYY!!! as i said that the army core came down the dock sayin everyone needs to get off the docks because they are deemed hazardous...i thought they were in good shape but apparently the core didnt but friends of mine took me in...fed me...overrall it was a good weekend. the last problem on friday was that my wakeboard binding broke...still useable but u have to tighten it after every two jumps wierd how that turns out
that bike was at the anaheim supercross along with a bunch of other oldy but goodies all were in unbelieveable shape there was one guy who had 4 of the older ones which progressed in year theyll be worth some $$$ someday i saw a 1905 little motor bicycle go for over 100Gs...good shape but i wouldnt pay that much
that bike was at the anaheim supercross along with a bunch of other oldy but goodies all were in unbelieveable shape there was one guy who had 4 of the older ones which progressed in year theyll be worth some $$$ someday i saw a 1905 little motor bicycle go for over 100Gs...good shape but i wouldnt pay that much
HOLY $H!+ DUDE!!!!!! wut r u doin....gettin ready just in case robots take over lol jkjk good collection there ive never seen so many in one place except for in the movies RIGHT ON
yeah last weekend at the lake went up to the high water mark...set up a bunch of cans shot at em with a 9mm went through about 200 rounds next trip up...takin a bunch more up
aint that wierd i had a dream last night about gas gettin down to $80 a barrel...in one day
WHY!!?!?!?!?!?! u put honda colors on a yamaha... jkjk love both of em yeah itll definately be easier to spot u i havent seen anyone with a red # plate so ull be easy to point out
well hopefully u dont have to work on this one as much its all about ridin :argue:
sorry...kinda zoned out are u gonna rebuild it after every trip?? i normally just run mine until somethin breaks then it gets replaced i dont make much money so i keep my spending to a minimum let us know how it runs tho and how many peope come up to u sayin DAYUMN!!!
keep it in my room so that no bugs land on it lol :gayboy: is always good to clean the bike up after every trip i made that mistake and now ive got black marks from my boot that are engraved in the side if i had washed it off after the trip it woulda come off negatives to white plastic do u still rebuild it after every trip today?
dayumn dude....that sucks at least its not totaled i know where u can get ur lights from harbor freight has got a special on em...the sale is normally sunday good luck with it good to hear he got out ok
whats the best chain for the price
motoxman30 replied to lakecitydan's topic in ATV / Motorcycle Talk
dayumn dude well if it works for u then awesome knowin me...id probably try that...screw up...and the whole set up would be done ill let u know how well my chain and sprocket are doin at the end of next season i donno wuts gonna happen but we'll see...if it breaks down ill go to steel a buddy of mine knows jim holly and he said he could get me some for cheap we'll see how long this one lasts -
wut are u doin? settin it up for a ride or for the sand show lol thats the cleanest one ive seen it looks like u put armorall on the tires that thing shines VERY BEAUTIFUL neons would be a good addition wut else are u gonna put on it i think it looks BAD A$$ as it is and i thought mine was cool its just been topped
Rhino McCain or Obama
we argue alot but hey we're all duners i wouldnt mind ridin with u anyday :beer_bang:
whats the best chain for the price
motoxman30 replied to lakecitydan's topic in ATV / Motorcycle Talk
i guess its the luck of the draw sometimes ull get good ones and sometimes ull get crap ones if u only change the sprocket out and nothing else then yeah it will wear away my last renthall sprocket was aluminum and it went out like crazy cuz the chain and front sprocket wasnt changed either i think it was the 4th trip out on my old one but on the last ride of new years i tightened the chain up a bunch to keep it from draggin the teeth were all still on the sprocket...i thought it would last another couple rides that last ride just did it in....the final product is the picture u see above i need someone to explain this to me alot of the sprockets ive looked at say light weight how would the weight on a sprocket matter on a 300-500 lb bike i wouldnt mind a heavy one as long as it held up but wuts the difference? -
whats the best chain for the price
motoxman30 replied to lakecitydan's topic in ATV / Motorcycle Talk
no it isnt cuz i havent had much experience with different chains i do know this the last guy who had the bike before me...changed the rear sprocket out only the chain stretched out after every ride....and the sprocket was done by new years but i gave my review on the renthal chain and sprockets been good so far...only had it out for like 4-5 trips with no stretch or wear in the sprocket there are other ones as well which will do the job just as good this chain and sprocket set is not the best and it isnt the worst there...no one can argue with that right?? cheers and peace -
whats the best chain for the price
motoxman30 replied to lakecitydan's topic in ATV / Motorcycle Talk
look at that somethin we can agree on :mischevious: -
whats the best chain for the price
motoxman30 replied to lakecitydan's topic in ATV / Motorcycle Talk
sorry bout that i actually bought the renthal r1 520 gold chain and i got the aluminum renthal back sprocket wut isbb said may be true about aluminum sprockets i donno yet cuz ive only been out a few times on it...no wear yet...not even on the paint but we'll see next season ive also heard good things about the o-ring chains not much stretch on em which is what u want just wut ive heard dont own one...just read about em and heard about em from other people