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Dune Food
Everything posted by motoxman30
i think they been doin this for a while but only in the europe area...i guess it just caught up with the us i saw a video of one guy crashin his in the water :swim: on worlds most crazy sports or something like that video was dated a while back and the dude was doing exactly that. my info might be a lil sketchy but if it interests u check it out...ill watch if u make it into one of those wuts next...racing spaceships?? lol looks tight tho
Dune Pic of the Month- we have a winner
motoxman30 replied to Dumont Dune Riders's topic in General Chat
ive seen ur buggy out there a bunch of times arent u friends with the guy that owns the shrek buggy im gonna have to give my vote to the big air dirtbiker u dont see much of that out there most of the double jumps are out at glamis and thats pretty impressive right there especially at dumont -
maybe we shouldnt have put that banana peel or rocks on there oops :shocked2:
yes they are doing that its been all over the news ur probably right on the strike but if they dont do it now we're screwed in the end higher fuel prices cause higher food proces...its simple economics...if the price of an important item goes up...inflation will occur....with the gas prices going up the cost of food will go up along with everything else prices will be raised on products so that the producers are able to pay for gas...its a circular motion of money except when it comes to gas alot of it goes in and only a little gets back into recirculation its not only the camel jockeys that are raisin the prices...u can thank the holes at the newyork stock exchange...they raise the price of the gas stock...they speculate...betrayed by our own fellow americans also...around .40$ of it goes towards taxes...i donno if uve got taxes in nevada on gas heres another part where the environmentalists :poop_hittin_the_fan: are FU%^ING everyone over there a $h!+ load of oil in alaska...also theres just as much off the coast of texas...the environmentalists are keeping us from drilling....we get obama or hillary in there...they will keep the drilling stalled or make an amendment to stop it the failure of our economy is due to the rising gas prices...if we can neutralize that then we're in business right now the value of our dollar is lower than most of the world research where else in the US we can get some oil and why we aint gettin it it should be easy to find and most of u may already know this someones gotta find a way to get these prices down im paying $100 a tank i drop a tear everytime
ban atcs??? there is somethin wrong with ur info either they did and dont enforce it or they did and repealed it
running first tank of biodiesel
motoxman30 replied to Richard Cheese's topic in Truck, Jeep, & Car talk
speaking of biodiesel i saw a car that was on biodiesel...how i know...because it said biodiesel test cor on the side now they say its good for the environment but it didnt look tat way to me the light turns green the guy steps on the gas and a puff of black smoke comes out of the exhaust hahahahaha...nice -
New California law for kids on OHVs
motoxman30 replied to SailAway's topic in Dumont Regulations, Safety & BLM
there is no way they can enforce this one thing leads to another most of the people out there are under the age limit anyways it says the age on the fender most of the time as guidelines alot of the poeple out there dont follow this this will lead to people not riding if they enforce it in the end the environmentalists win and we can say hello to obama or hillary without any problem -
thnx bro for the info . .i ask for ur opinion because u seem pretty neutral on most topics meaning ur response would be more valuable in my opinion.
Google Environmental Activism!
motoxman30 replied to SandBlasted's topic in Dumont Regulations, Safety & BLM
i know this is but a friend of mine was gonna work for google itd be nice to have a man on the inside hed be the one setting up the google site but he still works for health net -
i doubt that cuz the people who have season passes are the ones who go out there on the off weekends i went out there on an off weekend...it was only a small fraction of how many people were there on a holiday weekend and not even all of them had season passes. id like to get a lil input from dunefreak and if u have any of the numbers send em over
hahaha yeah ill do it for free if u want a beginner in there especially with the gas tank HAHAHAHAHAHA
take it easy bro...im not tryin to start anything im just trying to get ur opinion on it but if we look at how many people come in on a holiday weekend we can assume its probably around 5-10K rigs...about 5 percent of em have season passes leaving the rest to buy a weekend pass...there are around 5 big weekends in a year...so theresa pretty large sum of money coming in dont u agree?? it should be sufficient enough to keep the place running i mean afterall...its a desert. with the grant money we could buy more emergency vehicles i got u on that but dont we have enough emergency vehicles out there on a given weekend?? i havent counted but i always see their trailer out there but i suppose a little grant money could help with the fees for transportation into baker do u know what the income is and the price it is to maintain the place??...that would determine whether we need the grants or not...thats how i see the grants and entrance fees are connected but by adding more emergency vehicles its gonna cost more to maintain right??
wait dude im takin business and i know there is no way in hell they are using all that money it doesnt cost a million dollars a year to pump out a toilet or grade the road or even pay leos and emergency personel for workin 10 percent of the year and they dont clean up our trash...WE DO!!! WE PICK UP FOR THE ONES NOT RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH TO DO IT thats why theres clean up weekend now that i think of it money is always good and yeah they did spend it in an irresponsible way but what can we do?? and id like to get a personal opinion from dunefreak on how we could improve dumont besides keeping it clean and maintained...what can be added?? just outta curiosity...what do u have in mind??
but there were no grants comin in back in the 90s and there wasnt a fee to get in...so what is the correlation?? so today when we get a little grant money we get fees and when the grant money drops a little we pay higher fees how much does it cost to run and operate this place and the patrol and emergency crew have a bunch of vehicles. they got two ranger quads and a new yfz 450...along with an emergency buggy for injured people in the dunes...they also have tahoes. seems like enough for a place 7 miles in diameter + on most of the injurys ive seen...its the fellow duners that help the person out not the emergency crew...i know ive come up on a buggy roled and a banshee trashed and it was us who helped em out there was no emergency unit to take them to the hospital. its us duners who take the injured to the medical trailer the only time ive seen a cop at a crash was when two people died on the rolldown in their buggy 2 years ago so if its us who handles alot of this then what is the use of all the vehicles?? + they hand out a bunch of tickets on a busy weekend but that probably goes to the county do u think the grants wouldve kept the price of the entrance fee lower?? put urself in their situation...they can give the grant to a bunch of different places that will satisfy their own interests or they can give it to a place they probably have never been before
what would we need the grants for?? doesnt dumont have everything it needs?? they never needed bathrooms or a graded road...if people could get there in the 80s with the small engine blocks they had then so could we with the bigger engines and better suspension if we keep adding things more and more people will come out and ur afternoon ride will be reduced to 5 mph pretty soon its gonna be all futuristic where the dunes have lights on em for night time and the laws and regulations will restrict ur access and how many people are allowed in there is a ski resort that after a few years everyone started hearing about it...it became too overpopulated so they had to turn people away...wut happens t dumont if it gets overpopulated...thats 5 hours back to my house. im just speculating here but if u here about this again think what might happen in the future...like unfold the playing field a bit...im not trying to start anything or be mean but its crazy the kind of stuff u come up with when u speculate do we want a futuristic and easy access dumont with possible unfair regulations Or do we want a simple place where in 20 years when everyones riding hover bikes we are still reppin the bikes on wheels. i know some of u are gonna say :shocked2: but think about it
i saw u guys in the back dunes haulin :shocked2: on saturday we had a couple buggys on a dune and we watched with a bunch of buggys behind u were movin up until u hit a sideways drop off and all of us were like HEEEY WOOOAAAHHH YEEESSSS AWWW...1 by 1 u each hit it...we thought u guys were goin over that was awesome and u had i think a VW buggy and a dirtbike laggin behind if im not mistaken
u must understand that only a small percent of this money goes towards dumont otherwise we woulda seen massive improvements...the road would be completed for one + for all the people who dont pay the ambulance for takin them into baker....some of the money goes there it can get up to $1000 for a ride into baker and some dont pay for it there are also major taxes for everything...thats probably where the BLM sends all the money...to the state as if the state didnt have enough money i heard $1.50 of the price per gallon of gas is taxes :shocked2: if we owned the land...it would be $10 for a day and $50 for a season do u know how much money they rack in on a big weekend at these prices around $100,000...annually its like$1,000,000 then theres the ranger fee and medical where does it go??
hahaha dude its all good fightin over the internet never solves anything both guys get really pissed off :shocked2: and go to sleep at night sayin wut an hole ill show him then u would meet up and be like hey...wut r we doin?? good to see it was resolved
1700?? WOAH!!! then by all means bro u made a good choice :shocked2: u got a nice lookin bike too bad bout the valve tho thats the way it was with my bike first bought it...had a few problems..fixed em..havent had problems since....u just gotta work out the kinks in it
how much u pay for it?? very nice bike and it looks like the guy was really anal bout it...not that thats a bad thing ive ridden a 426 decided to go with the 450 its amazing the difference maybe its because i was such a big guy that the 426 was strugglin i donno have fun wit it
got in there wednesday afternoon didnt do much ridin cuz we were the only ones there dunes were perfect thursday did a bunch of ridin new sprocket and chain are holdin up good on friday we took a trip down armagosa....went alll the way past the white stuff mines probably like 30 miles....everyone stops at the last river crossing but we went far...u could see a town off in the distance some of the mines there are crazy...they had like train tracks goin down one of em and they were deep there was a motor that would pull the cart out of the mine there were also a bunch of older trashed cars down in a canyon dont have pics cuz i didnt think id see that much but it was unbelieveable sow the capn out there...followed by some blue buggy...followed u guys fer like a half a mile on my bike also had some newcomers come down to dumont all the way from canada they were over the hill from us and i donno how it got started but we just started talkin good people tho no broken parts...all in all best weekend of the season didnt get any pics tho havin too much fun
im sure alot of u have posted an add in cycle trader we were lookin to sell two quads and place em in as many papers as we could we go to cycle trader...its like 60$ how do they sleep at night countin all that money skipped that put em on craigs list and recycler 1 sold and the other one has a guy lookin at it today i guess if ur lookin for a speedy sale cycletrader would be the way to go the price for a 2 inchX1in picture and short description is insane can i get an amen for those that agree
TOTALLY DUDE when i fall off my stand up i think back to waterworld when that creature comes up and eats costner WOOOAAHHH GET ME BACK ON!! and id have to agree with the fact that the buggy business is goin down how bout maybe buggy repair. i took autoshop last semester the teacher sucked so i didnt really get into it but there was something about the motor that caught my eye ive worked on my dads buggy pullin the cylinders all out and then when i open up the hood of my chevy its like how do i get to the spark plugs with all this $h!+ in my way buggys are more open makin it easier to get to stuff thats what opened me up to the mechanic field but with all this new garbage theyre puttin in the cars like wiper sensers and refirgerators and all that bs...its just not the same anymore
how bout this buggy fabricating...forget fixing cars...u get people comin in there tellin u wats wrong and u know they are 100% wrong...y deal with the customer?? u create the car and u get to test it at the place u love a little far off but if u work on it itll come into being
thats wut im talkin bout bro i got my divers certification too so i know wuts up next time i take a class like that but i heard its really dangerous and thats another one of my fears goin diving and not seeing the bottom $H!+ goes down underwater even when im playin supermario and he goes under im like WOOOAAAHHH GET ME OUTTA HERE!!! but the outside welding is all taken up by alot of the illegals which is why the pay is really low