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Everything posted by motoxman30
DUDE CAREER DEVELOPMENT!!!! im takin that class and that was last weeks assignment for me i chose mechanical engineer cause its a wide variety of stuff i was given a couple websites to find the total salary i chose welding at first and it was like 50 Gs tops im all about the 6 digits
DUDE CAREER DEVELOPMENT!!!! im takin that class and that was last weeks assignment for me i chose mechanical engineer cause its a wide variety of stuff
1 more trip on the weekend of the 20th goin from wednesday to sunday then pickin up a dog on the way back in victorville didnt really go out much this year but i cant wait to get back on my stand up
its probably just from my experience that i think its easier to go over a ridge on a bike it may not be for some others like urself but heres how it went a few years ago my dad got me a ttr 125...first bike rode it around and tried to keep up with the group but it just didnt have the power and i was too heavy sold it and we were gonna get another bike but that never happened 2 years later i get a job and after a year i bought my crf 450 did a few practice turns out on the flats went on a ride with the experienced riders and i just followed them the ridges were the least of my worrys it was turning and sliding out that had me to date i have only fallen on one ridge and thats cuz i was just beginning and it kinda switched back and forth maybe its confidence that kept me goin i have no idea and now im the one leadin and i like to take as many ridges as i can
i donno...i mean when ur riden a quad u have to put ur on whatever side the top of the ridge is and then to flip over the bottom can sometimes catch on a dirtbike when ur on the side of the hill u can just cruise and but if u wanna go back up u have a little more work to do than on a quad i dont know what u do but whenever im ridin on the side of the hill it practically takes no work.. and then n a quad u need to shift the weight
im gonna add my 2 cents in here because ive ridden both u dont know wut ur talkin about unless uve ridden both they both have their positives and negatives it takes more experience on quads to flip over a ridge, stay on a ridge, and jump u need to shift ur weight alot and by turning too tight u might go over they are also alot more bumpy and if u can ride one of those psshh...ur aight in my book dirtbikes....require alot more balance but when ur along a ridge u can just cruise it...u dont have to lean or anything the tire catches along the dune and its like ridin the flats flippin over the ridge...stick ur front tire over and the back follows jumping...get some air and its easy to maneuver in the air but u gotta give it gas when u land unlike quads and dirtbikes are WAAAYYY smoother ...+ u can do alot more and turn alot better on em u fall on a dune on a dirtbike it stops where u fall u fall on a quad...its comin after u quads and dirtbike its not which is a girly bike because ive seen girls who can ride both unbelieveably well its who knows how to ride better no matter what u still have to have skill to ride em
i asked the same question bro its hard to find people with bikes these days almost all my camp converted to bikes i got a tricked out 450 but ive never ridden track...so i wouldnt go there with a pro like urself im aight in the dunes im puttin on my new sprocket and chain tommorow ill be out there in 2 weeks
i donno if prayers could make them feel better its a terrible feeling :freakin_nuts: theres nothin really i can say that will help ease the tension but know that when a fellow duner goes down...we all think about it think of the family and the friends just know we are there for ya
we were wondering how u got that flame so high :freakin_nuts: it like shot up over ur trailer i dig ur buggy too...lightning mcqueen KA CHOW do u know how much damage is on the funco?? it didnt seem that bad after bein rolled a couple times informative minds wanna know $$$??
being trapped under water with no way out or losin a brother or family member the same way at the lake worst feeling..walk around the whole day lookin for them and u dont know what happened :rainbow1: happened to some guy out at the lake we go to right before his wedding jumped off a speeding boat didnt find his body till the next time the water went down my friends got a picture of his body on the trees still gives me nightmares to know that he coulda had a family and kids and then his life was cut short after one party night if u think about it its the worst feeling
heres the breakdown buggy- bad weld...didnt weld all the way around the arm...went down the little step down before comp and it broke right there...no speed...just cruisin...imagine blastin across the flats out to the north pole and that happened the barneys a good addition to a purple buggy...he used to be up on the flag so u could see him walkin on the dune when we were down in a bowl :surrender: sprocket-the guy that had the bike before me changed the sprocket but not the chain so it wore away...had to keep on movin the tire back and i got it all the way back to the last notch...teeth were still there but the last ride of the trip pretty much rounded it and screwed up the rub plate...$160...small price to pay for a good time piston- radiator hose broke off...piston got too hot and started breakin away....still ran the rest of the weekend. take a guess on the rod because i dont even know wut happened there....its bent if u couldnt already tell
we have a tradition of puttin up all the broken parts on our bar the wall of shame heres some pics of some trashed parts some of u may not know wuts wrong but trust me theres something wrong with each of em just for a little entertainment purpose
that quad is a beast my relatives own one its rolled over on 3 people broke my aunts ribs screwed up some dudes back and some other dude walked away they are really heavy and its gonna hurt if it falls on u it is a very clean bike and i have ridden one before can make it up anything at dumont just a little unstable on the ridges congratulations tho im sure u wont have problems with it considering uve used a bigger quad b4 but for us little quad people we're panzys when it comes to the kawi 700
thats wut causes all this hostility bro
thanks for being so cool about this and sharin ur experience its people like you who make the dunes a better place to go to u shoulda had a little track goin in there :eatdrink021:
i know u asked me to tell the leos but think of it this way leos= possible money outta ur pocket end of the weekend...u got everything back no money out but like everyone was saying i thought it was for the kids protection? but u told ur kids to get down off the dune when u have it roped off kinda defeats the purpose it used to be cones up on top of the hill no tape just to notify the people on the other side there were campers...but from wut i hear u didnt even ride on that part of the dune so y rope it off if ur not gonna use it? just curious not tryin to fight or anything
wheres the jump i dont see the take off do u have like wings under it that just let u take off the flats i gotta get me some of those
we'll be a little more considerate and consciencious of the situation next time
rocky mtn is always cheaper...i get my 2 stroke oil for my jet ski there for $6 less but rocky mtn atv only has one type of chain and sprocket set should i just buy each one seperate?
yeah no problem our contribution to the dunes and duners even pickin up a cig but can help had a half bag by the time we left and we only picked up for about 10 minutes crazy how much garbage is out there
DONT FU#$&IN insult me and dont call me a kid u ignorant hole im young ...im proud ...i have owned my own jet ski and dirtbike at age 16...i have been taking care of myself since age 17...i am a taxpayer and i dont deserve to be treated like a piece of $H!+...i am just like u except i got a little better education and a little more common sense not to with other people stop exagerating :skeet: i didnt tear there property up i kept it for the night and returned it the next day i have been goin there for 20 years...as for u...probably less....back then there were no ropes on the dunes then we get a bunch of new people comin into this place and markin off their territory like a dog pissin on a tire...u come in...u respect the place...u think of other people....and if that means a little extra work in movin out a lil then so be it its a concern. about 75% of the people on here will agree the other 25% like u go on about ur business ignoring the fact that ur blocking off dunes so
i was thinkin of just switchin back to stock my buddys still got the stock chain sprocket and rub plate after 2 years and he rides in the sand all the time and the quads have still got stock sprockets on em where can i get this stuff???
i wish we lived in a world like that there are some people who will show u respect by the way u present urself and then theres others who think respect only comes when u get older in our camp theres a few people of an older age that come up to me and go hey chadd ur an awesome rider in that tone of equalness and then ill get the ur in ur twenties and u think ur always right speech :whacky101: when in doubt i dont say anything
this is the picture of the buggys the day we went out and picked up the trash at the north pole we all had blue sticks that picked up the trash and one guy had a bag our way of keepin the dunes in shape informative minds wanna know who was it??
already tried rocky mountain atv and i read in the manual that it said u can use HP4 on both sides if uve got it could u read it and let me know if im misunderstanding it