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About 86fc3s

  • Birthday 02/06/1984

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    97 Banshee
  • Location
    Las Vegas
  • Gender
  • Hobbies
    Drifting, Off Roading, Dirt bikes, quads
  1. my roommate has a Teryx, with over 50 hrs, still runs like new, no problems at all
  2. cant make this trip. gotta love working in a casino
  3. very fun weekend. damn banshee had a mind of its own lol
  4. one of my paddles on the rear of my quad is leaking around the bead.
  5. im just gonna run it off a 9volt, and besides leds dont use much power at all
  6. nice, i want a lighted whip for the banshee.
  7. I been counting down the days since last month. That must by why this month is going by so slow But we got everything ready to go.
  8. What the fk? is this a joke? my facebook showed up
  9. oh cool, thats over where im gonna be camped by. this is my first halloween trip, and my second trip to dumont. cant wait. counting down the days
  10. the new update 2.2 lets you do auto updates
  11. looking for a 10 inch for my banshee. i have one already, just need one more to put on some paddles for the rear
  12. i was reading something on Las Vegas Sport bike, in the dirt section, not sure if your talking about the same weekend. but when i read it, i remebered this post you made. well anyway getting to the point, i guess 2 guys were racing and one guy crashed and was knocked out, and couldnt remeber his name or anything. here is the link. http://www.702sportbikes.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=22441
  13. sounds like a sweet project. i drive a 89 gmc s15 jimmy 4x4 i wanna fix up a bit. post pics of the build. i would like to see the progress
  14. there is pleanty room a little pass nellis dunes. last time i was out there i went exploring and found a bunch of hills and flat areas, one hill had old tires to mark a track layout.
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