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Everything posted by Doghouse

  1. See it run and buy it @ Doghouse Repair in Pahrump, Nv 10.3:1 compression running on 91 octane TEXT us @ 7757279344 to get videos & many more pictures sent to you TEXT us for more detailed information or questions you have $6000 plus tax and core (no core, add $500)
  2. Text us for internal specs & more pictures See the build & more on our Instagram page Doghouse Repair $2200 plus plus
  3. Want it as a long block? $4300 plus tax plus like core. Want it as turnkey $5800 plus tax plus like core. Carb tops are now gloss black See it run and buy it @ Doghouse Repair in Pahrump, Nv 9.8:1 compression running on 89 octane TEXT us @ 7757279344 to get videos & many more pictures sent to you TEXT us for more detailed information or questions you have $5800 plus tax and core (no core, add $500)
  4. See it @ Doghouse Repair in Pahrump, Nevada and THEN MAKE AN OFFER 1371 W Basin Ave - Mon-Fri 9 to 3 New 2275 engine rebuild w/ 9.4:1 CR Running on 91 octane Newly rebuilt 44 Weber carburetors (Rick Hunt Industries) New fuel lines & filter New oil lines, oil filter & breather hoses New battery New cv boots & grease New brake & clutch fluids 002 bus 3 rib trans turning brakes Jamar shift box I'll text you videos if you text us at our phone number. Pictures of the engine build are available Inquire for payment options See what we do @ Doghouse on Instagram & TikTok: doghouserepair Ask intelligent questions by text...not, is it available?
  5. see on my site doghouserepair.com : search 2018 KLX140L OR use this link: https://www.doghouserepair.com/store/item/15652/jkblxpb19jda22475-2018-kawasaki-klx140l-absolutely-like-new/ $3,300 more pictures there. Thanks
  6. Brand new rear tires will be going on it soon (they're already in hand) because ONE of the existing rear tires has a thick string plug in it that looses air every two weeks. You'll get the 96 hour old rear tires as spares!! WooHoo We're gangster like that!
  7. This property is neighborhood commercial. Doghouse has been here since 1995 and the business location is grandfathered. Move in with your car collection & family or your auto, vehicle or boat (we do all three here) related business. Specifics of the property: 1 acre, fenced 3 sides, 1850sq ft house (28x68), 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, formal dining, front room, family room, laundry room, large island kitchen, solar light tubes in bathrooms, laundry room & kitchen Commercial 5 ton A/C & Heat pump Covered back patio Attached 2 car garage w/ 2 full size garage doors Attached shop (9' vertical walls & raised roof) with front & rear entry garage doors & solar tube lighting and shop ceiling fluorescent lighting & A/C & Heat package 'Drive Around Drive' in back yard to side double gates Stand alone 18x20 canopy & 18x27 canopy In ground, drainable dog pond in backyard Lots of Flagstone walks Please Google earth the address to see it all: 1371 W. Basin Ave., Pahrump Nv 89060 Inquire of DeeDee Smith @ Lisa Bond Real Estate 775-419-7443
  8. Looks like new Runs and performs like new I won't accept less then $20,000 One senior owner Many options added Performance HMF exhaust kit included (not installed) See it in person @ Doghouse Repair 1371 W. Basin Ave., Pahrump, NV Mon-Fri 9 to 3 Text Doghouse 775-727-9344 NO CALLS ANSWERED We're happy to send you videos to your phone or more pictures, after you text us. Many pictures and several videos on our site doghouserepair.com - just search Talon to see them
  9. NO TITLE see our complete ad here https://www.doghouserepair.com/store/item/15629/2021s-2021-safari-buggy-built-out-in-2021-by-doghouse/ New 1776cc turnkey engine New brake hardware, shoes, cylinders, hoses & master New shocks New tires New gas tank & hoses New roll bar & seat supports New led lights New dash switch kit New axle boots & gear oil New wiring throughout New cables Rebuilt pedal assembly Adjustable position seats
  10. See my complete ad on my site Doghouserepair.com by going there and then search Dolphin, or use this link: https://www.doghouserepair.com/index.php/store/item/15613/3fcmf53sbyja06052-2000-national-dolphin-38-long-on-regular-drivers-license/ There, I have on 33 pictures of the almost 80 I took. I'm trying to load the rest, but will need my webmasters help to do so. Inquire for the rest and I'll see what can be done. 5371 W/ V10 Workhorse Chassis I bought this with 34,318 miles on it in July 2013 Now has 43,187 miles on it Love it, but now we're going to be traveling with two Great Danes, so there's a 5th Wheel travel trailer in our future Bedroom slide Kitchen / couch slide Queen bed 58" x 79" Modern water pump for coach Roof vent covers Two air conditioners (13 & 15) New ceramic 'tall' toilet New table & couch mini blinds New house & start batteries (10-16-21) Freshly detailed & sanitized inside New wash & wax outside & roof New drive & steer tires (@ 39,904 miles) Two flatscreen tv's DVD player connects to both Separate toilet room Awning 'anti-flap' clamps (4) Hydraulic leveling legs with large pads Phil @ Doghouse Repair in Pahrump
  11. Are you the original owner? Did you put a leveling kit on it (it looks level)? thanks, Phil
  12. I also used Ram Proline once. I had taken them a Harley exhaust to coat and I wanted to keep the chrome tips. I was told it was not possible to protect the chrome during the process and ended up getting the whole system coated. I'm disappointed to hear that protecting a part is a possibility. It makes me think I should have been more insistent.
  13. Amazing powder coat / Amazing iron works. 2600 Capella Ave., LV 702-430-9078. or call Hector @ 702-445-2528
  14. BLM delivered them around last Friday - NO, I am not selling them anymore.
  15. After buying online, they complained to BLM about my charges (they didn't have to buy from me online), also complained they didn't get them in time (should have bought sooner) they got in by showing their receipt I send them online. Now, everyone looses. BLM told me I can't sell them online unless I charge face value. Who's going to pay the merchant fee for processing the credit card I asked 'not our problem' I was told (cash from now on) Who's going to pay for the envelopes and tape and ink for processing orders I asked 'not our problem' again Who's going to pay for shipping I asked 'not our problem' again (in store pickup only from now on) so, there it is Cash in my store from now on
  16. Thanks to some cry babies (that bought their passes through our website) complaining to BLM at Dumont, Doghouse will NO LONGER sell any Dumont related passes online. We still sell them in our store FOR CASH ONLY Admin, please remove our site link on your page.
  17. Doghouse


    What the customer left off is: The sign in the window of our shop that he read when he went to the door: it says closed until Jan 5th I'll take a picture of it next for you disbelievers that are so quick to say how 'crazy that is'. Then after reading the sign the customer calls the Doghouse phone number, listens to the message that says "we're closed until Jan 5th', then calls back to hear it again. At that point, although I was inside eating breakfast (stuffing my face), I put my bathrobe and slippers on and went out the front door of my house to let the people know "I'm closed". Seeing their look of disbelief that I would be closed wasn't enough, I paused and said the bit about eating. THAT wasn't enough for this customer who then said they needed some rims and wanted to know if I had any. Then I explained that since I am closed and my computer is turned off, I have no idea what I might or might not have. Then I walked back around the corner and into my house. Now for those that think that's outrageous too damn bad. Call before you want to come over. Get the answering machine that says we're closed and DON'T COME, because we're closed. If you don't understand that then too damn bad. I am done having bad days, I stopped vending at dumont years ago. There too, people would come up and knock on my entirely closed up vending trlr and walk around it banging on all the sides to get me to come out (if I was even in there) and sell them what they needed. What about what I need? Maybe when I'm closed, I need a break. Maybe I need to carry on with MY private life and it's needs. Do you go to other businesses when they're closed and try to coerce them to come out and or open for you? If you do, I suggest that I am not the problem.
  18. ok, I'll bite. What post about someone needing rims?
  19. Where am I located? Really? Ok, I'll use it to get some free promotion: 1371 W. Basin Ave. Pahrump, NV The phone is 775-727-9344
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