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Everything posted by Doghouse

  1. I'm going to be on vendors row Saturday & leave Sunday morning. Will I be the only one there?
  2. CHILL OUT? That sounds like it could be the name of an Ice Cream business.
  3. BALONEY YOU DON'T DO IT WHEN IT'S UNSAFE! You do it while you're driving so much that I KNOW you're going to crash someday. You look at your phone screen more than you do your windshield. You must drive by THE FORCE because I don't see any other way you could drive and text as much as you do. You must be an alien or Jedi or something with special powers!
  4. 1320: where'd you get your windows, couch & dinette? I have found a customer of mine that'll do the work for me.
  5. nobody knows anyone that converts cargo trailers into living quarters trlrs?
  6. Does anyone know what companies in vegas can add several windows and screened doors to a cargo trlr? I also want to ad furniture like a fold up dinette and a fold up couch/bed. A grey water tank would be a good addition too. Yea, so I want to ad a bunch of stuff. Anyone have any ideas who can do this type of work
  7. Well I'm sorry it sounds retarded, but when you call the people that make the rules in Carson City @ the Motor Carrier Division, and they tell you what i said here, maybe you'll get it. They answer to Federal Motor Carrier and enforce the rules throughout Nevada. This has nothing to do with how easily you can or can't pull. I am not saying I like it I am only saying it like it is. Whether or not anyone, much less you, want to believe it is up to you all. Just make sure you don't ever hit me! Just so everyone understands that.
  8. here's more c...p to ad to the pile. Every vendor that goes to dumont that tows a trailer with inventory for sale inside of it, legally, has to have a cdl because they are considered a commercial vehicle. I have mine since I tow my trlr with obvious advertising showing I'm a business and I tow with a tractor. Most all of the other vendors have been told of my exploits regarding having to get a cdl and most are ignoring the issue, hoping they won't get caught. what no one here has addressed yet is the issue of the door sticker and weight. If you are towing a trlr with 3 axles that are 6,000 pound capacity and that equals 18,000 pounds folks, and your door sticker on your pulling vehicle says 14,550 for example, you will be viewed as overweight sitting still. I argued the point at the LV DMV Commercial license desk when attempting to get my cdl-a with my trlr and my dodge p/up. a supervisor was called in. A Sheriff was called in. A phone call was made to Carson City by the supervisor. I was sent away and politely told to go home before I got cited for the obvious overweight since I have 3 6,000 pound axles and my p/up is only stickered from the factory for just over 14 or 15,000 pounds. I honestly can't remember what it's sticker says. I mentioned the obvious to them all "you never looked inside, I don't have much weight in there, I planned for resale by having the trl built with 6's instead of 5's. They said they wouldn't care if it was filled with ping pong balls, they pay attention to the stickers. Regarding the stickers and how it may not be readable. That's the responsibility of the trlr owner to maintain the integrity of the sticker just as a license plate. If you or an officer can't read it, it can be misconstrued to read higher which as i said above, can be to your detriment (overloaded by vehicle capacity). Or, it could be read lower which will also be to your detriment (overloaded by weight in vehicle). It's all a pain in the a..s and it is not just there to generate revenue. Believe me, if someone out there clobbers me and hospitalizes me, my lawyer will want to know what freight train did this to me and I'll mumble thru my full body wrap "check it the hell out and own them when it's over". Let's face it, it's a litigious society and everyone would want a piece if they got hit by someone not legal. Avoid it and get legal. You'll be smarter and a better driver for it. Do you want some inexperienced driver hauling overloaded without proper equipment hitting your rear end or your wife's rear end while she sits at the stop sign at the bottom of a hill? get legal and quit bitchin. When you get a cdl, tell your insurance agent. it qualifies you for a policy wide discount on your vehicles. that's enough from me.
  9. Maybe the reason they don't want fireworks in the dunes is because some people don't bother to clean up the mess the fireworks leave on the 'launch site'. think outside the box.
  10. makes me want to hug my kids and tell 'em how much i love them when they say 'goodbye' just to go somewhere. You just never know, when it'll be the last time. Terribly sad. Our condolences to his loved ones.
  11. I loved the drive out. I think it's the first time in all my years going to Dumont, that I could actually do 25 mph and not be shaking my rig apart. The road was so smooth and watered down. No dust. it was great. visitors to vendors row actually seemed to do the speed limit there and they made very little dust. that was much appreciated by all the vendors!
  12. I'll have them on vendor row, but i charge $5 over face value there. I have them 74 of them in stock in my store now for $40 cash. $42 c card. You can also buy them on my site for more, due to shipping.
  13. i looked them up online and see that it is an unreliable source of information, but thanks. it gave me an idea to check with NHPatrol
  14. I heard that they were washed out, just like I said in the topic starter comment. I just don't know if it's true. I can't imagine that Caltrans would allow those 2 roads to 'stay' washed out for long.
  15. Has anyone traveled those roads towards Dumont to know if they are open or washed out like a rumor has them? I'd hate to drive the long way in for Pres Day weekend. thanks
  16. i hope everyone had a great weekend every weekend they went out! starters, voltage regulators, switches pull start rope, condoms ketchep, mustard & mayonnaise chocolate bars, graham crackers & marshmallows head socks, gloves & goggles carb cleaner, brake cleaner & starting fluid brake fluid, JB Weld & alumaseal Doghouse Repair Thanks for the support Phil & Wrinkles i normally would not do this but I was somehow compelled
  17. Doghouse will be there Saturday am through Sunday Noon
  18. Yea, I looked at this one and it has steel rims (chromed) and I think the owner told me he has G rated tires on it. I am a bit apprehensive, but I'll get the trlr by just taking over payments so I'm going to go visit my banker tomorrow.
  19. I'm in the process of getting an 06 ww and the only issue I have is the small rims & tires. Should I be concerned?
  20. the heavier the p-plate the bigger your master cyl should be that will feed the clutch slave, so you have less pedal pressure. If you friends with 'practical application' knowledge have had 'continued' success with thier setup go with their setup. if they're set up is fairly new and thus not something you want to gamble on liking, go with what kennedy suggests.
  21. that's part of the problem of me vending alone like i do, when i have 'to go', i close my vending window so as to have some peace. Same with when I am eating or sleeping. I always open at 8 am and always close around 8pm to 9:30pm depending on traffic up to my window. Sorry you missed me.
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