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Everything posted by Doghouse

  1. The new ones are good until the end of September 2010 - the passes are always good until the end of September.
  2. Yes and the annuals with holiday are $10 off until the end of September
  3. I met a guy that said he did that and that he kept several trlr's busy. When I asked him for a card he shut down and took off as quick as he could without being rude. The next time I saw him (both times at Dumont while I was on vendors row) he still didn't want to give me his contact information. That's the closest I ever came to finding someone that rents out living quarters trlrs at Dumont.
  4. When I die, I want everyone that ever knew me, thought they knew me, loved me, heard of me, saw me, wrote to me, wrote of me or thought of me to be able to attend my memorial. SO, I'm going to set up a list, sign up now, and we'll save you a spot in line so you can see my coffin made out of something shiny like aluminum valve spring retainers mixed in with some titanium ones for texture and the grab handles will be from sandrails....anyway it'll be a great time with singing and dancing and carrying on. Oh yea, when it's all over, my sponsors will be asking for donations at the back of the room as you leave to help cover the expenses. Real people, not actors, sign up here, in this forum, the peoples sport.
  5. take a head off measure the bore of the cylinder bring the piston to tdc make a scribe mark bring the piston to btc measure from the top of the piston to the scribe mark That's your stroke e-mail Phil @ Doghouse the stroke & the bore I'll tell you the size 69 stroke x 85.5 is a 1600 69 x 87 is 1641 many other sizes are possible Don't concern yourself with the engine manufacturing number so much as the engine build number found just below the oil fill stand. If it starts with an A for example, it is a very buildable block. www.doghouserepair.com & www.doghouseengines.com Phil
  6. option 2: www.doghouserepair.com & of course www.doghouseengines.com option 1: call Phil @ doghouse & I'll tell you where you can get a mid engine rail that rolls that has a siezed 2275cc engine in it for only $1500. Although it is rough, it is worlds ahead of what you have.
  7. Doghouse & Adrenaline will both be there
  8. You can always drive in and tell the rangers that you'll get one from Doghouse also. You don't need the pass to get in, you do need it to get out. I'll be there Friday the 13th at sundown until Monday. Phil
  9. I drove in this morning (sat 20th) and it was a ghost town with 25 camps and about the same for a temperature. Although the sun was up it felt like I mentally picture Siberia would feel this time of year. I weenied out and went home. Sorry.
  10. I bought the generator since I couldn't get it anywhere else for less. The vending area around Doghouse will be much quieter come Christmas/New Years week!
  11. I'm going out Saturday at sun up. I'll be there til Sunday around noon.
  12. Thanks for the suggestion, but as I said I want an Onan 12.5 KW Quiet Diesel generator for less than $8700. Someone somewhere sells generators and right now is thinking to themselves "where can I find someone to buy this big a... generator I have sitting here on the showroom floor". I think that someone out there sells these generators and may be willing to reduce their markup to get rid of one. Phil
  13. $8700 is too much to spend so I can get a better nights sleep and power more than I do right now. Does anyone out there have an "uncle" in the business that can help me get a better price on an Onan quiet DIESEL 12.5 kw generator? I have spent many hours researching this gen and it's prices from Vegas to San Diego to Colorado to Dallas. Most stores in the Vegas area want $9910 Because of my relationship with Findlay VW I can get the gen locally from Findlay RV for $8700 but even that's a bunch of money. Several of the vendors have complained to me that my generator I currently use drives them nuts on a quiet night. I'd like to reduce the noise but I also intend to power another trlr as well as mine so a smaller gen isn't an option. In order for me to provide a better service to Dumont visitors I have a plan to expand my presence there. That means I have to buy another trlr and man it with the same compliments I have in my trlr. Since I already have the means to carry a big gen (my Freightliner) and the means to fuel the diesel gen (my twin hundreds) I don't want to buy and maintain 2 gens by using one for each trlr. Does anyone know anyone that wants to see me get the 12.5 quiet diesel onan at a better price? Any help is appreciated.
  14. Dang it, sorry to hear that Steve & Ernie aren't coming down.
  15. When I pulled my 48'er with my Dodge: Dodge alone was 7920#, Dodge with trlr hanging on it but off the scale was 12,780#s and Trk & trlr both on scale with all axles was 27,480#s. That's a Dodge Ram 3500 4x4 with 4:10's, chip in 1st position for tow, 5" exhaust from turbo back with blow through muffler and then split into 2 4" pipes, Air box, deep trans pan & both diff pans, oh yea and suspension snubbers on the rear. Now it should be clear why I bought my Freightliner!
  16. That's not a bike. It's a long travel car.
  17. Babies..I have a 2005 Passat turbo diesel a 2004 Dodge Ram 4x4 dually - both for $148 a month with full coverage. The semi and trlr cost me another $145 a month. There's an advantage to having a diesel and to having it in Pahrump. I have low deductibles and high coverages. Geico doesn't offer high med coverage in Nevada so I won't use them. Phil
  18. Thanks for explaining that I show people the book to demonstrate the new cost of $30 is legit. As a vendor operating 'out of store' when I am at Dumont, I am allowed to charge a minimal extra charge, so I charge $2. So everyone knows, here's what happens to vendors selling the stickers: California OHV sends the stickers to us free. We have to sign for them and when each book is empty, send the OHV the money for all 20 sold. At the OHV's direction, we must send back the unsold stickers, such as at the end of the year. This year I had the misfortune of having to send back several thousand dollars worth of those stickers. It's misfortune because if you don't send them back insured for full value and they get lost, I would have to pay out of my pocket for every last one. I spent more insuring the damn things then I made from selling the ones I sold! Dang it. Then, after I had sent them all back and the OHV had cashed my check for the ones I paid for, they sent me a bill for ALL OF THE UNSOLD ONES I had sent back. Fortunately I had insured them and could prove I sent them back. The bill was then wiped clean. Best damn money I EVER spent! So now you know: it's a b*tch selling those stickers and all the vendors should make more than we do selling them. Phil
  19. Vendors are not allowed to sell tobacco products of any kind - same goes for fuel of any kind. Sorry. Phil
  20. Thanks to Mikey at Dumont, Doghouse will be bringing 3 different radiator caps with me from now on. I have already bought them and put them into inventory. I have also decided to bring into inventory personal items that I have been asked for: condoms, chap stick, sunblock, lantern mantels, roof vent lids for when yours gets ripped off in the wind, double a & triple a batteries. I have also just decided to bring dry snack foods that I've been asked for. Mikey was also trying to charge a guy $20 to open a jet - fortunately the guy came to me and I charged him my customary $5 per jet to open. Doghouse
  21. Doghouse is now wholesale with a GM parts supplier. I am intending to bring into inventory LS1 parts. Since I don't have an LS1, I have no REAL idea what to bring to Dumont. I know alternators, fuel pumps, water pumps and 'electronic modules', but I really don't know what that elec module is for, in order to get it. I also don't know which fuel pumps, which water pumps or alternators. I am sure there are several of each available. I am looking for input. Please e-mail me at feedback@doghouserepair.com with your input. Spark plugs would be good too. I am already carrying 2 different plugs, but am open to ALL input. If you think there's something else I should also carry for an LS1, let me know. So the Honda & Subaru people aren't left out, I am also going to carry the same items for them. I am already capable of ordering some of those parts, but MUST have your input to bring the RIGHT parts to Dumont. At this time, ALL I am interested in, is bringing ENGINE components. I am adding additional shelving to my Store On Wheels for these parts. This combination of parts & shelving adds a lot of extra weight to my rig. That being the case, I have already bought a new truck in anticipation of the additional weight. So you see I am serious. Hope I get some input. Thanks, Phil
  22. I'll be out Friday night - I'm intending to leave here at 3pm Phil
  23. As a vendor, I can say a few things about the new area: it doesn't bother me except that I'm not used to being so close to the other vendors. Being that close subjects me to dust that I had not previously experienced (all the non customers coming & going). Being that close does afford me to mingle with the other vendors, which for the most part are pretty nice people that have interesting stories to tell. The water isn't going to be happening, since it needs to be trucked in from off-site. Tree huggers claimed BLM was killing fishy creatures that live in the creek crossing water and made them stop taking water from there. I can tell that the new area is quieter than where I used to park, especially at bedtime. Many vendors didn't realize they could park on the 'other' side as I do, so you can expect to see the row get shorter in the future but 2 sided. Personally, I'd like to see it become 'horseshoed' so there wouldn't be people zooming through like idiots thinking we vendors are impressed by their speed. Instead, it would be a cruising zone with a dead end. You'd drive in one way and leave one way, with parking in the middle and in front of the individual vendors. That way, all vendors need not worry about what the best spot for parking is. The central parking spot is for those that can park and walk or park and hang out. Just an idea I have. Someone mentioned the ICE guy: the previous owner of Cook's Ice is back in control of Cook's Ice. Welcome back Al! From now on, Cook's Ice will park near Doghouse for consistency. A note not pertaining to vendors row: Doghouse is now selling the entrance passes and the Non Resident stickers.
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