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Everything posted by Doghouse

  1. I want to address the issue of Doghouse being for sale. It is true I am attempting to 'retire'. I want to fund my sons plumbing business in Pahrump, double the size of his business overnight, manage his inventory and sit back and live on mail box money. I have planned that it might take 3 years to find the right person to absorb Doghouse. Until then, I intend to continue to grow inventory, expand our customer base, extend our market and continue building engines with all the passion I have. I don't want to give anyone the impression that our pending sale is a sign of some weakness or lack of interest. Far from it. Put quite simply, who would want to continue working once they no longer have to?
  2. I and all of the vendors will be forced to move. I just spoke with BLM and the plan is to put all the vendors immediately south of the command center (at the top of the hill when you come up the twisty road). I'm told the ground there should be sufficient enough to keep us vendors from getting stuck. Doghouse will be selling the entrance passes at our Store On Wheels at Dumont, on our site doghouserepair.com and at our store in Pahrump. I'll put a posting here to let everyone know when we have them in our hands. I will also have NGK TR55 & NGK TR6 plugs in stock on the 4th. Since I have only been asked once for LS1 plugs, I am starting off with only 8 of each for inventory for now. If other LS1 owners would like to see Doghouse stock parts for their cars, I will entertain the thought. Keep in mind I must have a number of people interested in the same parts for it to be worthwhile and in the budget.
  3. I may be forced to move. I am waiting for a call from Larry Blaine with BLM. I will hate to be stuck with one side of my trlr up agaist a mountain where no one will be able to see the huge 21' long 6' tall decals I just paid a small fortune for.
  4. Tomorrow I am investigating bringing in the NGK TR55 & the NGK TR6 LS1 spark plugs to my inventory.
  5. Doghouse sells all the cv's and all the boots common to sand rails. I stock them all in the trlr. If you don't come by to ask what I have, how can you say in all fairness I don't have it? To see all that Doghouse sells go to our website doghouserepair.com I carry over $50,000 in inventory in our Store On Wheels. Naturally I can't carry everything everybody needs, but if I'm asked for something a few times, I usually acquire it for the next trip out.
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