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Everything posted by rushjunkie

  1. This thing is pretty amazing, I've been letting it do most the work and getting a feel for different settings. Gonna dive deep into the owner's manual tonight and figure out all the buttons (it's my first day using it). Been on B&H all day... this is gonna get expensive....look for alot of newbie questions here soon.
  2. Been wanting to jump in and buy one of these for a while, and finally got my new toy in the mail. Really wanted a canon, but got a deal on a Nikon D60 i couldn't pass up. Been reading this thread and it's starting to make some sense, but I guess i have to play with the camera some more to really start getting it. :bert: One question: When looking at bigger lenses, how crucial is VR? Not looking to go huge, maybe 200mm for now, but VR makes a difference to pricing...
  3. Not bad! 12oz, :poop: , = Best way to spend a day off!!!
  4. Congratulations! Good name too!
  5. :beer_bang: Good luck to you and your wife Cheese!
  6. <----- Humbly requests being on distribution list...
  7. I worked at a GMC store for a lot of years. Bought that truck while I was there. My opinion of Ford is waaayyy different now than it was before I worked there. On engine and tranny's, the truth is that all three brands build a good truck. Some are going to say that certain things are better, but none of them are "bad". I looked at all of them before buying my diesel and the truth is I bought GMC because the fit and finish was a little nicer, not because of anything else. I will ask around the shop today and see if there are any specific issues lately but the last time I checked, it didnt seem like there was a common theme. BTW, pm me if you want me to price one out for you ( I'm a sales manager there), I always try to hook up fellow duners.
  8. I work at a Ford dealer. What do you need to know?
  9. Last couple of trips have included cruisin around with the wife while she gets the hang of it. Got to see Dumont in a different light. Still love the boys' trips, and the 5th gear runs
  10. DAMNIT!! I couldn't resist coming in here and reading the inevitable train wreck of a thread.. Like Pete said, the only real way to upgrade is to sell and buy something with better suspension and power. I looked for all of 1/2 hour before realizing that my wife's 250ex will be better off replaced when she is ready. And just my , but this time, do your research BEFORE posting an ad with price. And be ready to justify your price when you are either higher or lower than everybody else. Good luck, I have a feeling you may need it...
  11. Pedro is like a sand Preacher! Well said sir. Can't wait either, I will actually have vacation time this year, the summer projects on the bikes are coming along smoothly... C'mon October!
  12. Whenever you guys are in LA, check this spot out: Roscoe's It aint half bad :B
  13. Wanted to stay out of this thread because honestly, I was quite comfortable down here in So Cal. But eff this! It's like 89* today!! WTF!! What is this?!? The surface of the sun?!?!? Sorry Vegas people At least you're like an hour closer to Dumont than me... :dumbass:
  14. Gary Busey. He is about as high-mileage as they come...
  15. Son of a b!tch! No way. Cole called it though.
  16. Just gotta be careful where he parks. Some will have that strapped to the back of their bike in no time... Bet it's the coldest cab in town tho...
  17. I just became a husband a few years back and a dad about 19 months ago and I had never had anything boil my blood like the thought of somebody daring to hurt my family. Im upset just hearing about your very unfortunate story. Im sorry your family has to go through this. That sorry son of a b!tch will pay, one way or another.
  18. Not necessarily a rule... and i'm sure some of us exaggerate a little about our wives... mine is great. Just sayin that sometimes it's a little easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission...
  19. Well Sir, sounds like Anna is the exception rather than the rule. I wish Mrs Rushjunkie thought that way. Instead I have to waste my money on diapers, electricity, grooming... you know, non-essentials. And I still don't have a rail... You should see my pathetic a$$... secretely doing my summer projects in the garage
  20. She's beautiful! AND looks good in a DDR beanie! Congratulations!
  21. Wait, let me check my schedule..... :worthless_without_pics: oh yeah.... I'M WORKING!!! :beer_bang:
  22. Yet another example of smart loading. That minivan probably only has a tongue weight capacity of 72lbs, so he carefully placed that quad toward the REAR axle on the trailer. I wish my set up was this thought out...
  23. Sorry. I hate that you can't believe anything you read on the net... BTW, there is no shame in pulling your post...
  24. Hate to do this to you Jodi, but that's an outdated email that keeps getting circulated every year. Mars DID come closer than ever, but it was back in 03. And it only seemed as large as the moon when viewed through a 75x telescope. My little sister gave me chit about this same thing when I called her all excited last year...
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