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Everything posted by DuneJNKY

  1. Looking for a group to camp with over here :xmas1: I am the last one left in the usual group still going.....Sooooooo. If no takers just look for the Grich.......... Alone, that will be me
  2. No need to bring the MoHo into this! Hasn't it suffered enough??
  3. So Pete's house this weekend Ok pete I have Me plus 10
  4. Things I have learned from DDR DDR Kicks I am a horrible person to all over 25 because i am a Flatbiller I now call people by Screen Names Smileys are now a way of completing all sentences WT :porn: ??? I am not the only one who HATES Wal-Mart :2gunsfiring: Cole has WAY to much time on his hands! I know theres more but i am at work........ Oh forgot one...... Gives me something to do at work
  5. I thought i saw Cole driving that third one down the other day??? :afro: I think he was listening to Kevin Federline to!
  6. :xmas7: So true!!! I dont know if he is ready for that yet
  7. Ive got about 100 Lambo whips if you need some Darrel I heard they make your bike go faster.......Or your truck. Ask Dunefreak
  8. What were the name of the little guys in Fraggle Rock that built the Glass houses that the Fraggles ate??
  9. I like the Craig's list Moho personally We rented from DKRV a few years ago, they had some really good prices.
  11. My Humps by Fergie :porn:
  12. Whats up with the Creapy Asian at the end of that one?? :beer_bang:
  13. Last time i went to a Chuck e Cheese out here.......about two years ago They were checking ID's. You have to be 18 or with a parent to get into the sh$t hole! Dont pride yourself Chuk, that is not where 21 year olds go to drink beer! Half the Sh$t is broken anyway! The only good game there is the half pint SkeeBall and usually there is only two out of 10 working and the ones that do work have three kids sliding down them. Oh and the Pizza Sucks now to. That Pizza used to be DANK! "Here is your Pitcher of Beer and slab of Cardboard, That will be $32.50" WTF???
  14. I think anybody that read your post.........well the first part would know it wasnt me. That "I read the Mist" part.... I think all that know me know I DONT READ!!!! :beer_bang:
  15. i have been going to the movies alot latley, but there are some others that i cant wait to see. the next movie that i want to see is "Iam legend" with Will Smith. Just read the book "The Mist" and then went and saw the movie, what a difference. the book was great, but the endings were totally different. I liked the ending to the movie more than the book. some of my favorite movies have been Fear and Loathing Boondock Saints Way of the Gun and of course...Super Troopers EDIT: dammit Brett.... log off my computer....
  16. I wonder if they would be willing to sell those SWEET shock covers? I need to get Cole something for X-Mas :chug: :chug:
  17. Target guy here to! I will pay whatever extra I have to pay there just to not have to step foot in that Sh$t Hole they call Wal-Mart! That place is like the Outdoor Swap Meet........... Actually I would rather shop at the Swap than Wal-Mart
  18. Closed course is great but doing it with a Camera in your face and panning down to your spedo at 219........ Not so smart!!!
  19. http://www.firebox.com/video/660 i had one of these and the lunch box too! lol...dammit...Bret signed on my computer again!!!......Cole
  20. what a tool...Typical Lambo Customer. WOW http://www.autoblog.com/2007/11/27/idiot-d...-road/#comments
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