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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. Welcome home neighbor.....Hope your trip was good. talk to you on the phone about my week!
  2. Good Luck Neal.......I can't count on any of the good luck anymore!
  3. I"m in the same boat. got the new turbonetics turbo this morning and wouldln't youknow it.........It's the wrong model. I'm screwed. I sent them pictures of mine and talked tothem for over an hour to be sure it would be correct..I ordered it from their salesmanager too.......
  4. Calssic Hendertucky statement!! :-)
  5. I hope to see you out there Neal. I'm still waiting for the turbo I'm having rebuilt here locally and the new Turbonetics I ordered last Friday. With all the problems I am having with parts I can't even get excited to go like I usually do. I do think that that will change soon if I can get some damn parts!! I took my old turbo to J and S diesel since they sponsored the Clean Up but what they tell me just isn't hapening and the POS that built my origional turbo sent a part that was unusable so more time and more money down the drain. For Gawd sakes don't anybody use VWturbo.com in Orange Calif, AKA known as AJ Simms or LOWBUGGET.com for anything VW or Turbo. The Turbo he sold me is a Chinese Knock off as well as the waste gate. He is a poor businessman and a true flake. The first time I dealt with him was Gawds fault and the second time I got screwed was my fault. Nice guys do finish last, at least in my case.
  6. He's in Hawaii....on his honeymoon.........and he's still posting on DDR?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  7. YOu old crybaby.......YOu have the coach with AC and a rail with AC so what's your problem?
  8. Only took me a week from the time I submitted the paperwork. As far as the location........Might consider a hanging frame with the sticker on the back bar like flavfan is talking about. Other than that if on the fender it will cover most of it! They sant it on the rear of left side visable!
  9. My Rhino is now legally registered in Nevada. Got the sticker yesterday. Now to get my Rail done.It just needs to be taken to get the Vin inspected,. It doesn't have one so now they will assign one and away we go!
  10. Put in a water bed and you'll always have extra water for emergencies! Besides when no extra people consider the added fun!!!!!!!
  11. [quote name=sandslayer' timestamp='13 49793102' post='233759] Where can i get the California sticker here in town? http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=17855
  12. "Well if you did not your parts then we are not going till you do, We will wait for you. SHAKEDOWN CANCELLED!" " Like I believe that you would cancell because of me not able to go"....... Busted Dude ! !! !
  13. Don't wait for me Jim, I was just a tag along with you guys. Like I believe that you would cancell because of me not able to go.......
  14. If I lived on your side of twon Steve I'd go there more often. Great place to relax once your into the area by the Dune.
  15. No frikin parts today so I'm out for the shake down run this weekeend!
  16. If my turbo rebuild kit comes in tomorrow I'm in Bert. I need a shake down too!
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